Swing Stove
This is a neat example of a homemade swing stove, which could be adapted to fit many camp stoves and many different sizes of pots, depending on the size of rings used. Very clever and with some scrounging, not much cash.
Buying Tools
Don't spend a lot of money on electric tools - despite your lust for them, they aren't really needed for boats in the 8-16ft range. Much of the time, cutting your material with a good sharp hand saw produces a more accurate result with less waste, not least because it's slower. The only exception I would make is the electric sander; power planes are also handy, but aren't really unnecessary.
Try to do a little each evening or day, as it's good for your psychology. In general, elephants should always be eaten in small convenient pieces so that they don\'t over-face you but I think also that it helps to break a project down into little bits and sleep on each one.
Gavin Atkin
Attaching Sides

When building a boat, a common technique is to build the sides of the boat, flex them around bulkheads and temporary forms, and then attach chine logs along the bottom, after which the bottom of the hull can be attached. Often you can put the chine log along the bottom edge of the sides before you flex them around the frames. You can also attach the gunwale before flexing, and even apply fiberglass to the plywood before flexing. Much simpler to work with flat sheets then to apply when curved.
David (Shorty) Routh