Sondra and I went to Franklin, La. on Friday for the Bayou Teche Wooden Boat Show Franklin, Lak. It runs thru Sunday the 13th. Roger Stouff hosts the event and we had a great time. This is a laid back event along the Bayou with lots of shade. Everyone with boats is eager to visit with you. It is a smaller version of the Madisonville event but is just as entertaining. For information on how to get there.
The scene on Bayou Teche in Franklin, La. The first boat to arrive is a Caprice with Gordon and Kaye Barcomb. This boat was built by Chuck Leinweber a few years ago and still looks great.

Sondra and I arrived in Franklin in the late morning on Friday. We had time to go eat at the Forest Restaurant and return to the Festival area in time to see the first boat arrive. Other boats started arriving as the day progressed. By the time we left in mid afternoon, a dozen other boats had arrived. They expected a lot more boats after folks got off work.
Here is a nice dugout canoe with pictures showing information and construction. The nice skiff is a traditional South Louisiana wooden boat. It was presented by Julie Lambert and Keith Felder. I think it is a Ken Swan design, Nez Perce? The covered skiff belongs to Joe and Gloria Thibodeaux. This is the 18' skiff built at the Madisonville Wooden Boatworks. I didn't get to see it but Gloria says this boat usually places first at displays due to its great finish.

Here is a nicely done Uncle John 10 skiff by Archie Lovell from Morgan City. Hartley Rey presents his nicely finished Fly Catcher Canoe. Wilson Pete Mire presents his 14 Pirogue. It features stand-up rowing.

Some more motorboats.

I don’t have notes on these boats but they are very nice.

This is the last of the pictures. I really enjoyed the event and am planning to return next year and bring a boat or two. Thanks to the sponsors and participants in this year's show.
