Oughtred Registry |
Hi Chuck,
I'm hoping you'll publish this letter in the Duckworks Magazine. Earlier this year, I set up an online registry of boats designed by Iain Oughtred. The Oughtred Boat Registry is completely free and voluntary and I hope some of your readers will take the time to add their Oughtred boats. There is an easy-to-use form for submissions and a map so people can see the worldwide distribution of these beautiful boats at a glance. As of November 2013, more than fifty proud Oughtred owners have added their boats.
Thank you,
Christopher D. Cook |
New Design |
Hello Chuck,
I finally have a new design, and build, for you to include in the listing of my plans for sale. This is the EASY ONE, and it is the third generation of my wedge shaped hulls. Improvements for comfort, sea-worthyness and ease of use are it's primary benefits. The bow has a compound curve to it that provides good water penetration, with minimal splash. The hull sides are 15 inches high, producing great freeboard, and security. And there is an optional side positioned motor mount, that puts the motor controls within easy arms reach, without steering extensions or remote speed controls. The plans for the mount are free, and can be downloaded from my website, and are included for your listing. Also, for a second occupant, there is a 2 foot optional center module, that extends the hull length to almost 10 feet, and increases the load capacity by 125 pounds. The standard 2 module hull capacity is already 350 pounds. Finally, there will be a sailing version of the EASY ONE design, scheduled for water trials in early spring 2014. It will utilize a daggerboard, flip-up rudder, folding mast and a simple 35 square foot sail layout. The plans for the sail rig will be separate from the hull plans.
Although late in the year, I have been out in the boat several times this month (December) and found it to be very forgiving. Rough water is no problem, and the wake produced by the hull is minimal, which translates to smooth water flow around the hull, and better efficiency. Total empty hull weight is only 60 pounds, making the modules easy to lift, nest and transport. Although the hull is made from 5MM plywood, double thickness in some areas, it is robust, and should give many years of service to the builder. Of course the Tape & Glue Process is used in the construction, for edge sealing and structural strength, and the skids and chine rails will provide the necessary below water protection. This should make a good craft for the lone fisherman or hunter, as it can carry a good load without sacrificing safety or performance.
Thank you, and the entire Duckworks family, for being the number one place for small boat builders, and designers, to congregate. Yours is the first website I look at, and read, every day.
Best regards,
Ken Simpson
PortableBoatPlans.com |
Bibi new Website |
I got this letter from the folks at Bibi electronics.
We regret to inform our thousands of customers in over 76 countries, that we've very reluctantly have chosen to close Bebi Electronics down.
This has been a very difficult decision, after working for more than 10 years creating a viable business in a very obscure location, and in spite of all of the hurdles thrown at us by the current regime in Fiji.
The political situation within Fiji has degenerated so much following the military coup in 2006 that by 2012, the expatriate investor's in Fiji (Michael and Kendra), felt that our personal safety had been compromised by the regime. Thus, for our safety (and the safety of our child who was born in Fiji), we departed the country a year ago.
After the daughter of a high ranking official embezzeled a large amount of money, we tried our best to keep things going remotely, but without the cash cushion (and without continuing innovation in a rapidly evolving field), the business trend was downward, and this (shutting down) was the only viable decision.
We have very much enjoyed working with 99.99999999% of our customers, and consider many to be friends.
Farewell and much love from Michael, Kendra, and all of the staff in Bagasau.
Fortunately the main product of Bibi, an LED anchor light lives on at:
Charlie Jones |
An Interesting story |
The build of the ECOcruiser 7.5 in India must be an interesting story in and of itself. The pictures of the vessel outside and in look wonderful. I hope to hear more of the story of the issues surrounding the build and how the design is working out.
Rich Green
Bernd Kohler responds:
You are right and it is a bit different as you would expect. For me it was also a surprise to learn that behind Mr. Lionell Mallard was his company by the name of Ultramarine. Mr. Mallard is French but he lives for a long time in India.
In the course of the years the have built more of my designs. The only DUO 800 with parallel (biplane) rig till now was also built by them. At the moment the are building, as a sort of stop work, a KD 860. See also August Reports 2012. When you look at the log of wood and the machine to cut it (first picture) you will understand that the can build also other boats, what the have done and are doing.
I know this answer was going in a total different direction, but I hope it is satisfying anyway.
Coming back to the ECO 7.5. I hope I will hear more of the boat in the near future.
I wish you a happy and successful new year
Bernd |
Mystery Boat |
Chuck - Any help ID-ing this old row boat? Notice the crinkly pattern of the sides and stern. It has "DERRICK" on the short bow deck, but 50/50 that could be the old owner. I did an internet search ... but nothing on DERRICK ??? The ID plate is unreadable ... I may remove and sand it to see if it can be read at all (it was made of steel = rust)
Note #1 - No Rivets! (all TIG welded) Note #2 - It is only 80# (+ or -)
As you can see ... The junk yard forklift got to it before me ... ;( starboard side) And the stern is pulled out 1' or so ...
Thanks in advance
Randy Dickson |
Crossed the Bar |
Harold Balcom passed on Christmas Day late in the afternoon after dealing with it for too long.
He was 95 with a long history among the Florida sailing fraternity.
Charles E. (Charley) Morgan, Jr. |
Season's Greetings |

If you're into Hanukkah, then Happy Hanukkah! I'm good with either Christmas or Hannakuk, just remember as you travel the highways and byways of life, 1 Samuel 21.15--do I lack for madmen that you bring this one into my house? Paul Austin |
Moth Sailing |
Chuck, I saw the link to the Moth sailing video in the January Webwatch and wondered if you had seen this one already. Magic Carpet Ride:
Paul Cook |
New Boat |
Hi Chuck,
Julie and I are now the proud owners of the prototype Core Sound 20 MkII. Here is a brief writeup including our self-righting test where we pulled the boat on her side:
Also, our AF3 is for sale. (see classified section)
Thanks, Frank |
Help for Victims of Typhoon Yolanda |
Hello i've seem your website its nice . What we need is a locally maker of banca here in the Philippines that you may recommend for our group donation for makers of bancas locally can you recommend anybody? thanks. our budget at least is pp4000 per bancas for around 100 or more to be given away to yolanda victims then we have a separate budget for the motor. thank you and good day
Carl e.C. carlosemediator@gmail.com |
Free Plans: Small Boat Seat & Paddle |
Merry Christmas to you and all readers of Duckworks magazine!
Just added free plans with some photos for a universal small boat seat which comes apart for easy storage and transportation. I've been using it for a couple of years now on my fishing kayak. Included are also plans for a home made paddle.

Best wishes for the New Year!
Season Opener |
7 am, and the thermo reads out a nice round number, 0 degrees F, the low point in this week of Arctic air sittin' on the Inland Empire. Just enough to finally skim over the shallower lakes in my neighborhood. Wind predicted, maybe 15 out of the NNE. I still need to load up, and attend to a task or two on the boat trailer, slow work in these temps!
Frank and I roll up to Sprague Lake just before noon, under a cloudless sky, greeted by some of the sweetest ice we've ever seen in these few year of pursuing this bizarre hobby. The breeze is less than predicted, but that makes the low temps tolerable, and this slick surface promises easy gliding. We've picked up an assistant, a local pilot and skydiver who recognized the contraption atop Frank's Subaru as an iceboat, and pulled him over to inquire. He helps us rig the two craft, and we launch into light air and glorious sunshine!
For the first time, I've got the runner alignment spot on right out of the box, and with an ever increasing sensitivity to my machine, I can coax her up near 30 mph in the maybe 10 mph puffs, and by studying the telltales and steering lightly, I can keep rolling in the lulls. So rewarding to be able to see progress in my ability to keep her powered up when there's nearly no pressure.
We carefully expand our terrain, watching for thin ice, and even a couple of holes of open water. The surface finally froze over when the winds we've had all week finally subsided enough to let it solidify, so there are rough patches separating magnificent expanses of hard, hard plate so clear you can see bottom 10 feet down.
The precious sun allows us extended rides, with few breaks for adjustments, feeding, and warming up. The breeze diminshes as the sun seeks the horizon, but I stay for the show, and the ever optimistic hope the the wind might wind up for just one more ride, such is the addiction. I tear down in the afterglow, and motor home with that ever sought ofter inner smile. Season on!
Dave Farmer |
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