Gone fishing
Here's a video with more pictures of my Goat with the new RSS. The weather here continues to be completely unstable. Two days ago I wanted to sail again from the port, but the weather service advised an "orange" alert. So we went to a lake to sail the Eureka canoe. Two days ago we got back to Montevideo, holidays over. I hope to sail in Montevideo in my free work days.

So the Ladybug ended up to the mountain lake where I have my fishing camp with a furnished tee-pee. The lake is not very big, some 6-7 km long, but it´s really peaceful and we used to meet hardly any other people there. The boat proofed to too heavy to be turned upside down alone so I decided to cover it with tarpaulin over the winter. I have a lighter cover against the rain for the time we leave the boat there in the summer. I will take the mast, spars, sail and motor there later.
The Bad Elf GPS for Lightning™ Connector

The Bad Elf GPS for Lightning™ Connector is a plug-in dongle licensed by Apple that quickly acquires a satellite lock anywhere in the world – without cell tower assistance - to instantly add location support for iPhone 5, iPad Mini and iPod touch (5th generation). No Internet connection or monthly subscription is required.
Features a high performance, 66 channel WAAS enabled GPS that delivers latitude, longitude, altitude, speed, GPS track and time. The receiver is accurate to within 9 feet (2.5 meters) and performs up to 60,000 feet and up to 1000 MPH. The core GPS module contains support for the Russian GLONASS satellite constellation, allowing for simultaneous capture of position data from up to 33 GPS and GLONASS satellites for improved satellite coverage and position accuracy. MSRP US $129.99.
More info: www.bad-elf.com or email sales@bad-elf.com
Revolutionary War Gunboat
Watching Chris Wallace this morning, I learned that Smithsonian Institute has a new project online that involves 3d hand scanning of their exhibits and display online for us to see. The project has just recently come online and the hand scanning process is slow but one interesting one to us is of this Revolutionary War gunboat used on Lake Champlain - rowed and sailed. Pretty amazing little boat. The legend will give info if you click on the document icon. There are several objects on this page so scroll down to the boat. You can zoom in, roll it, totally manipulate the 3D image with your mouse and Ctl Alt keys - fantastic with more to come as they scan things. Seems like two guys are doing this project, an artist and a sculptor. Good gig if you can get it - https://3d.si.edu/browser
George C.
Rio de la Plata

I swear that the Rio de la Plata in front of Montevideo is larger than this puddle, installed in front of my house after February big storms to the great joy of frogs and toads. The town hall don't know how to repair so many shattered streets.
So, the picture is returning home after sailing for the first time in Montevideo. Alone, 10 to 18 knots, one rig, and discovering the typical waves of Rio de la Plata with southwest wind: wave period 3, 4 seconds, 1 meter high, very awkward to navigate. Wind bow, "inclined" boat, but blows to the hull were violent. I noticed that the mast "jumped" hitting hard on the bottom. My halyard is tied to the hull, an not the mast, but the mast jump as a mechanical hammer.
Daniel Caselli

Chris Robinson has never built a boat or even sailed, and he admits that a tidal wave is unlikely to hit Silicon Valley. But in his Palo Alto backyard, Robinson has spent the past two years building a defense against one: a 22-foot-long, 10-foot-wide, 8.5-foot-high tsunami-proof capsule made of plywood and epoxy.

I hope you remember us, My name is Wayne and my wife is Juanita, we have always been adventure prone, and our latest is the square rigger "Sweetie". We are in the final stages of outfitting and supply, for our trip to Cabo San Lukas Mexico and then the isIands of the pacific. After a bought with cancer, we launched Sweetie in June of 2011, in Olympia, WA. She is home ported in Bremerton, WA. We have made it a habit of taking her out every week, in every kind of weather, to shake the bugs off before the big left turn south. Sense we are a little on the aged side we have a very nice couple that are going to meet us in Mexico for the first 6 month of the trip. We have access to the Internet for keeping people updated on our adventure.
Wayne and Juanita
A Previous Article on Sweetie

Secret Norm

Secret Norm is officially underway. This is only dry fit so far but at least I can see some progress now. It isn't looking as big as I thought it would, maybe once it's turned over and the cabin roof is on.
Classic Craft Festival


It looks like the festival is on for sure and it sounds like it'll be better than ever this year. You see the dates below and there's a facebook page for lots more information. There's a big sand beach and a couple of good launch ramps and docks at the squad and even food and such. Camping on site, great bathrooms with showers, full service clubhouse, wild women and beer, what else could you want? So file your taxes and drag it on down to Sarasota, bring the wife and turn her loose to shop just down the road. Lets see if we can get 200 boats there this time. Some of you EC guys come also and show us the little boats you go out in the ocean in. I know that the Trailer Sailors will be here.
David Lucas
Here is a Facebook page we made for the upcoming Classic Craft Festival at the Sarasota Sailing Squadron. You'll find lots of pictures from last year. Details are below, too.
Florida Gulf Coast Small Craft Festival -18-20 April, 2014 Sarasota Sailing Squadron Sarasota, FL
The Annual Florida Gulf Coast Small Craft Festival will once again be held at the Sarasota Sailing Squadron. Please note, this year there are no other major events scheduled on Squadron grounds during this weekend. While many participants enjoyed the vibrancy of our little club last year there were some parking issues. We took this in to account when putting together our 2014 calendar.
Come for a casual dinner Friday night as participants arrive. Food may be potluck (kitchen available) or from the Sarasota Sailing Squadron Grill. This will be a cash grill with hamburgers, hot dogs, sausage, etc.
Saturday will be the mess-about on Sarasota Bay, our protected "lagoon" and the mooring field adjacent to the Squadron. Please anticipate speakers and some music. A Squadron provided dinner will be available for a nominal ticket price. Amenities available at the Squadron include camping, limited RV options, clubhouse, bar with snack foods, large porches and meeting pavilions. There are plenty of launching options including beaches, ramps and a hoist.
Registration is free but required so Squadron management can designate a location for your craft.
The Sarasota Sailing Squadron is in Ken Thompson Park on City Island - near the north end of Lido Key. For more information on our facility, go to www.sarasotasailingsquadron.org.
David Jennings
3D-Printed Kayak
You Don't See This Everyday
Mike John