Forgotten Luxury Yacht

Interesting article on how the 49er Olympic class have packaged most of their racing for TV coverage.
MIK Storer
Sailing n Surfing
My son Ian, who few days ago was surfing in the French chilly waters of La Torche, Bretagne, "jump" to Piriápolis, Uruguay, to sail with me the "Mojiiito". Four to ten Southeast knots wind. Probably the last autumn out before spring.
Simple Sails

Making the first one.
First example of 3.5 sq metre canoe sail as stock by reallysimplesails.
Fits the storerboats drop-in canoe rig and other applications.
MIK Storer
Wing Masts

For the propeller heads, I filched something about C-class catamaran wing development on the first successful full wing masted catamaran. Miss Nylex of 1976 technical paper. See more.
MIK Storer

Just wanted to share my experimental build of a stand up paddleboard (SUP) using insulation foam.
I've dreamed of making a SUP for a few years now. After kicking around more than one plywood design in my mind, and actually sketching one out, and even getting my dad (the engineer) to help me come up with an internal structure that would be easy to make and light weight. However, the designs were all plywood, and still would be heavy. I don't see me shelling out hundreds for a "real" paddle board, so I'm making my own using foam!
Read more.
Depoe Bay

I finally got my photos of the recent Depoe Bay Wooden Boat Show online:
And here are some from Andrew Linn:
Is It a Boat or Is It a Plane

I had no idea this existed:
Polaris FIB - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Cricket gets a good spring cleaning, and some mast repair. She is happy this year, and ready to go sailing. We never sailed her last year, getting Mouse finished up and rigged. Mouse got a new little bunk at the aft end of the launching dolly. I'm hoping this will make it easier to launch and retrieve off the dock. Mouse has such a high deadrise, that she's real tippy coming up out of the water onto the dolly.
Jim Lutton
Great Day

We are exhausted with big smiles, great weekend, great boats, great people - even got in some scow time today. Read more...
Bill Whalen
Toledo High School Journalism
We hosted the Toledo High School Journalism class last week - here is the video they made:
Depot slough from Peter Vince.
Andrew Linn
Crystal River Boat Builders sailing the scow "Spirit"
The sailing scow " Spirit " of Crystal River after the 2014 Crystal River Boat Bash.
Experimental Boat

This its an experimental design, and that we're going to sail it for a while before I draw up plans. It has been designed to be really fast reaching and running, up to about 20 miles per hour in a strong quartering tailwind, and still be reasonable upwind. It's about as simple to build as a boat of this shape can be, and I'm part way through building a variation on it which is a couple of feet longer with some shape changes to see what the differences are.

A fellow in Brazil has started building a Delfini. He will be CNC cutting all of the panels. He's just made a 1 metre (3' 6") long prototype out of CNC cut panels.
Andrew Walters
New Crew

Here he is at 24 hours of age. First child of David and Natalie and first grandchild of Ross Lillistone.
Chuck Leinweber