Pocket Yacht Palooza

We had another great Pocket Yacht Palooza in Port Townsend, WA with lots of interesting small boats and a record number of spectators from the general public. After offering the boat show on Saturday, we enjoyed listening to featured speaker Colin Angus, describing his row around Vancouver Island and earlier row across the Atlantic Ocean with his wife, Julie. Then, on Sunday, boats hit the water for a cruise across Port Townsend Bay for a picnic on the beach of Ratt Island.
Click the link to see photos of the Palooza.
Marty Loken
Port Townsend Pocket Yachters
Gorewood 14' Solo Canoe

Fantastic work by flo-mo.
After contemplating for a long time about this special building method (Plywood Canoe Concept - Birchbark Style), I actually started to build a canoe. This is my "tree".
I've Been Sailing

Sailed all weekend and Monday too. One day with Mouse and the GIS IazP, and the next with Chris' melonseed. A little video, too.

Back at it. Adding a cabin to The Big Lebowski.

Me and my sailing canoe BETH "YuanFen" on the Jamno Lake - Mielno, Poland, July 2014.

1/10-ish scale Bolger Zephyr coming along nicely. Perhaps I should have ditched the midships frame and put in two equally space instead. It looks a little hard right there on the starboard side.

Our two 100+ year old works of art and lots of bits on display at the refinery arts space.
Michalak JonJr

Michalak JonJr. Looks nicer right side up. Need to paint the interior, and varnish up some seats, but it's nearly there. It could be yours for $10.
SCA Helmsman of the Year Award
Magnolia Beach, TX
There are a number of ways one can win the annual SCA Helmsman of the Year award. Essentially all of them involve establishing oneself as a hero of the small-boat community, either through acts of extraordinary audacity at the actual helm of a small boat, or selfless acts of thoughtfulness and generosity at a virtual helm somewhere in the small-boat world.
This year we honor a man who's done as much as anyone to support small-boat sailing and building-both through his business and in tireless personal efforts-Chuck Leinweber.

Using his popular online blog and chandlery, Duckworks, as a platform, Chuck has sponsored or otherwise supported numerous small-boat events. In 2007 he personally founded the Texas 200, a popular group sailing event that continues to generate excitement and bring new people into sailing, and this year he's helping launch the first ever Ply-Wooden Boat Festival in Port Aransas, Texas. But Chuck's contributions are often less heralded and more personal, as with the many times we've seen him quietly setup and even contribute to impromptu online fund-raising efforts for sailors in distress.
In recognition of his exceptional contributions to the small-boat and sailing world, congratulations and the 2014 SCA Helmsman Award go to Chuck Leinweber - a genuine "nice guy" and a true friend and benefactor to our community.
Josh Colvin
Small Craft Advisor Magazine
Here's the link to our blog.
Earl's Court Boat Show, 1969

Just found this video on the net and thought you might like.
Paddling Trip
Short video from my paddling trip to Lake Sorsavesi.
Perttu Korhonen
Fat Fly

I finally got Fat Fly to the lake and capsized her. Boy is she hard to roll over, it was all I could do to dump her. She floats very high and not a drop got in the cabin. Winds were light so I didn't get to wring her out but it seems like she wants to sail very flat. Next big wind day I will knock off work in the boat shop and try her in some wind.
Freak Wave

80 boats capsized by giant wave at GP14 worlds.
MIK Storer
New Crew

A new crew, and a new design. Bigger, greater capacity. Nice group!
They did it! Eight more Fenn boats are finished!
Balch Boats
900th PDR

Got my hull number today 900.

My name is Sebastian. I'm from Germany and I currently try to build a PDR - even though I don't know how to label it properly. Due to its weight, it's more a Puddle Duck Cruiser than a PDR. Nevertheless, it's my first attempt.
Free "Veneer Installation Tips" Booklet Offered by Oakwood Veneer
Troy, MI - July 23, 2014 - Wood veneer installation is an ever-evolving skill, involving nuances for which even many experienced woodworkers remain unaware. So says Oakwood Veneer company president Peter Rodgers. The company has recently put together a "Veneer Applications Tips" booklet designed to guide woodworkers towards using the most successful veneer applications methods.
"With several decades of combined experience, we can say for certain that the methods outlined in this free guide will help all wood veneer installers to create an efficient and effective veneering environment," said Rodgers.
Woodworkers, designers, and all other veneer users are encouraged to request a free booklet by emailing Oakwood.
Contact: David Rodgers or Ezra Drissman drodgers@oakwoodveneer.com
David Rodgers |