
After much procrastination, I finally launched my Welsford Mollyhawk. I'm very happy with the results. Now I need to learn to row effectively....
Houdini launch

Luke has emailed a couple of times since this and tells me that he's very very pleased with the boat, is looking forward to some big adventures in her.
John Welsford
Hi John,
I just wanted to send you a quick email to let you know that after the better part of 2.5 years I've launched my Houdini in Melbourne, Australia.
I've named her Errantry - an old word meaning to journey about in search of adventure - I'm sure she'll live up to her name!
I've attached a couple of pics of the launch above. The brave lady up front is my girlfriend, who in a large and wonderful demonstration of faith, joined me for the maiden voyage. It all went very well - a small leak at the centreboard pin that will be easily fixed - otherwise perfect. There was very little wind on the day, but to be honest, I was happy with that!
The boat was a joy to build - there were some learning curve moments, but it all went together in the end. She was certainly popular in the boat shed where I built her. Over the course of the 2.5yrs I collected some 'regulars' who would pop by for a visit every couple of months to see how the build was progressing!
Thanks for the obvious effort you put into the plans and the design - that a complete novice like me can turn out such a lovely boat speaks volumes for the design!
All the best for the coming year, and a huge thanks again for what has been - and will continue to be I'm sure! - a wonderful project.

Launched my Duck Goolay Yarri Berala (Cooks River Musk Duck in the indigenous Dharug language) back in January. Here's a few pics, I'm still working on oars, rudder, leeboards, mast and sail. The capacity of the boat is amazing! The 2 HP Suzuki I bought off ebay is perfect for this kind of boat. Used it for Clean Up Australia Day and it works perfect as a barge/river sweeper.