
I'd like to announce the launch of my 'Lakesailer' on June 23th. You can read about the build.
Vole Splash

Here's some pictures of the first day on the water with my favourite sailor in command. She rides a little high but will last him for a long time as he grows. I was pleased by the balance. The hull is a little deep for the sailor so I've made him a removable seat and bought him a stadium seat to get the right height for paddling. My own design. In the end it all came together well and the little lad, my grandson, is thrilled.

Launched the Sylvia Lee today, a Jim Michalak AF4.
From Duckworks Magazine facebook group.

I have uploaded the illustrated journal of the Fenn Camp sailboat build to my website. You can check it out.

Most recent A.L.F. II commissioned build is now complete. Illustrated story on my website if interested.
Two New Launches from Glacier Boats
Doug Palmer, AK, that owns the boat above, is not much of a talker, but he's happy with the boat and based on how often I see it on the highway going to/from water, I know he's using it a lot.
This boat is owned by Dave in Homer, AK, and he loves the boat. It gets good mileage, 3.1 nautical miles per gallon at 22 knots (about 3.56 mpg at 25 mph in lubber miles and speeds). That's with a 225 hp 4-stroke Honda and with the boat built fairly heavy (about 700# more than predicted - he went very heavy with glass, thicker wood, thicker windows, heavy fuel tanks, heavy motor and kicker and brackets etc). In spite of the 'heavy' build, the mileage is as good as predicted. A more lightly built day tripper would perhaps get as much as 4.5 mpg (lubber miles). The boat lifts right up on plane like an elevator, no bow-high 'hump' to get over, handles and maneuvers well, rides comfortably, and cuts through chop nicely ('like a knife through butter', Dave said).
Brian Dixon
Three Sheet Dinghy

A three sheet dingy I designed and built 15 yrs ago to row/sail/motor (electric with battery in the bunk). Here are a couple of pics of the rebuilt dingy. The first tests went very well. Ben Hockley (co-op student) helped build Dianne took the pictures. I do need Dacron line to tighten the sprit but she sailed well regardless. A kayaker saw us testing her, then passed us on his return as we (three large persons) motoring up stream. he commented that it does everything, asking for a contact number and touched base with me that evening wanting plans! They are not ready yet (life's happening) but I will get to it. As I'm further along I'll write it up for you.
A Splash of a Different Color

Everyone always sends in such nice Splash pictures of joyous first launchings, christenings with fair maids and a splash of the bubbly over the bow with nary a stray bubble. Well here is one of the real ones. I finished Fat Fly (a blending of a Michalak Mayfly12 and Skat) late last year and winter closed in before I could splash her. We just had a messabout at my local lake so what better time to do the first splash! I faired the trailing edge of the leeboard a bit much and while launching stepped on the back of it accidentally and broke part of it off. While sailing, the mast broke. Ok, I suppose technically it broke on the maiden sail but you got to admit its entertaining nonetheless (in my best Andy Linn voice) there shuda been a camera crew there to document the save. I made, it was nothing short of miraculous, it is the stuff legends are made of I tell’s ya.

I am finishing up construction of a homebuilt sailboat similar to the GIS, same length & beam, but weight is most likely closer to 200-250 lbs. It is flat-bottomed, built by bending 1/4" marine plywood around frames. I have built other small powered boats.
I am a novice sailor, very much so. Though I studied naval architecture, I took one basic ASA keelboat course. I am quite concerned about a knockdown due to my inexperience (I took the measure of adding flotation foam to the gunwale areas).
The balanced-lug seems perfect for me (I did make nice gaff jaws though, when I thought that I would go that route). The mast is un-stayed, and the sail will be attached only at tack and clew.
I was thinking of placing concrete blocks on the bottom to add more weight to prevent her from being blown over.
Manchester, Vermont