Palmer Johnson Yacht
I've added some rigging and car topping info to my album documenting my Lakesailer (facebook) build. Its been tuned quite a bit. So far, I've logged over 60 hours and 200km with winds from 0 to 30+ knots. Its been a mostly enjoyable experience.

Picture is on a beach on the Saint Mary's river looking out onto Lake Superior. |
Polish Quick Canoe
Polish Quick Canoe build by Artur in Poland.
It is called Szara Sowa or Grey Owl. I think he did the panel duct taping twice. Started at one end before realising he should have started in the middle.
But the finished boat looks just great.
MIK Storer

Well she floats, doesn’t leak, isn’t too tippy and is very easy to propel at a normal walking pace with a double bladed paddle. She doesn’t have enough directional stability to use a single blade paddle (Or perhaps my J stroke technique needs improving.) If I use the double paddle with no feathering in a Greenland style stroke, keeping the blades low there isn’t the problem with water dribbling into the boat. The backrest needs some padding but overall I’m very happy with the result. My thanks go to Skip Johnson for providing such lovely hull lines for us amateur boat builders.
ECO 55 Power Cat Splash in Alaska
"RED RAVEN" an ECO 55 power cat was launched in Alaska in August. The owner/builder send me these photos. The circumstances to build your own boat in Alaska are a bit different there. Because of his job, he could only build in the Winter time. We have had some private correspondence as the boat was under construction and he encountered some difficulties. I admire greatly what he has done and here she is.
On the trailer:
At last in her element:

Anchor maneuvers can be done in safety from the hatch:

Port view:
Part of the cockpit. See the second anchor. As I know the owner, I am sure he will have many interesting stories to tell. I wish him "alltijd behouden vaard." I have to do this in Dutch, we can be romantic at times.
Bernd Kohler
Mud Peep

Here's a few photos of my build of a Sam Devlin Mud Peep. The sails and rigging fittings are from Duckworks, and as you can see they look and perform great. It is built to the plans, except that I went for a dagger board rather than the lee boards, and I made the rudder a kick up design, rather than fixed, as I sometimes sail off the beach. I have been using the boat as a row boat since last year, and this year as a row and sail boat. As you can see, it is still not painted (I seem to find lots of reasons to put off painting it - like using it and working on my next project - a stretched George Buehler Pogo). I enjoyed the build, though it took me far longer than it should have, and I now also enjoy using the boat. It fits in my 8' truck bed, and can be launched and retrieved single handed, though it is at the upper limit (without giving myself a hernia!).
Ontario Canada
Redwing 23

Launching day at river Lielupe. Motor cruiser ANITA - Project Redwing 23 by Chesapeake Marine Design. Backyard builder from Jurmala Igor Slesarev. Launching was August 16. Now Igors is working on the propeller to get it right (also self made).
Iain Oughtred Shearwater
Paint is low sheen water-based acrylic paint left over from recent exterior painting of our home.
Thought you might enjoy a couple of pics.
Will try to get motivated & pen a short article after I have launched & sailed her.
Iain certainly draws a pretty boat!

Pics taken just before & during passage of a thunderstorm, hence the varied depth of colour as my little Ricoh auto camera struggles with exposure. The interior is really a very pale grey, not nearly as dark as pics suggest.
Had a sail with some of the Caloundra Queensland Tuesday sailors in June & sailed with Paul Hernes in his Ross Lillistone Phoenix3. What a delightful boat. Ross tried to get over for the day but had more pressing things to attend to which was a bit disappointing.
Al Burke

Got her finished on lake Hardy today.

I just have started on the rudder. Its one of those weird boats with two pointed ends. It is a custom design but basically is a No Mans Land boat and a peapod so, having no transom it presents some problems finding suitable rudder hardware. Also, the rudder itself is quite heavy-duty. It is made of 1 1/2" white oak and weighs, and this is an approximation but Id say a close one, 35-40 pounds and is 48" along its leading edge. Since it has to mount to a stern post and not a transom I will have to use a vertically oriented gudgeon.
Bill chose the Weekender rudder set supplied by Duckworks.
Latest launching - a First Mate

Photos taken in the evening before trailer retrieval, and after a 25 kt - 30 kt afternoon trial. Boat is right up to expectations - same internal layout as Phoenix III - but stitch-and-glue construction. Planed right up to a close reach with just the 76 sq.ft balance lug option. I'm going to build one for myself, and my middle son, David, is going to build one too (he built his first glued-lapstrake sailing dinghy at age fourteen!). Note the thousands of Cormorants and Pelicans in the background of the last photo - a veritable evening feeding frenzy.
Living happily in our southern hemisphere haven,
Ross Lillistone