Hui Wharram, Islamorada, Fl (The Keys), 2015
This year, as in most past years the weather gods cooperated. Winds were perfect, sun shone and temperatures were ideal. You expect something else in the Fabulous Florida Keys????
Nearly 70 Wharramites and Wharramite wannabees attended over the weekend and more than 40 were at our Dutch-treat dinner on Saturday night. The Lorelei Cabana Bar in Islamorada (Florida Keys) again provided the perfect venue and great service to all who attended.
Five Wharrams were on the Lorelei beach for everyone to inspect. In attendance was a Hitia 17, Wayfarer 21, Tiki 21, Pahi 31, Tangaroa 36 and a nearby Narai 42. All the boats on the beach went out sailing with guests during the weekend and of course a little friendly competition developed. The smaller Wharrams skimmed across the flats with abandon and the larger boats ripped across Florida Bay to the astonishment of monohull sailors and even powerboaters. The larger boats had as many as 12 people on board at any one time and they still reached double digit speeds. Many of the attendees who were thinking about a Wharram but had never been on one or in some cases had never seen one were convinced that there will be one in their future.
Wharrams on Lorelei Beach - Shaun West |
Hitia 17 - Casey Kimberly |
Pahi 31 - Casey Kimberly |
Tangaroa 36 - Danielle Price |
Tiki 21 - Jonathan Van Vuren |
Wayfarer 21 - Casey Kimberly |
This year people came from as far away as Australia and Hawaii to join in the festivities and solidify their Wharram desires. Many stories were told of adventures around the globe and we also paid special tribute to the life of Gene Perry who was the reason these events occurred for the past decade or so. Gene kept us on our course and focused on our cause. In addition, some preparation was done for the Wharram flotilla that will head for the Bahamas sometime early in 2016 - some people will return to the USA and some will then head to parts unknown. Fair winds to all!
The Islamorada Chamber of Commerce provided welcome packages to all and the Free Press provided their paper. Included in the welcome package was a copy of both Southwinds and Cruising Outpost Magazines. Signed copies of the books of Cruising Is Contagious, Frank Papy, Scott B. Williams were provided as door prices. In addition the Lorelei Cabana Bar, BoatSmith Florida and Cruising Outpost provided additional door prize items.
Our very special and most coveted awards (the deteriorating laminated signs for the event that were lashed to Lorelei’s trees for months before the event – suitable for place mats, decoration or use as pooper scoopers) went to the following people (first names only to prevent embarrassment for some awards):
- Furthest distance from home without a boat – Steve and Madeline (Hawaii);
- Longest distance sailed in – Greg and Barbara (Pahi 31, Panama City, Fl – about 450+ miles);
- Longest distance traveled overall to get a boat to the Hui – Shaun and Casey – (from Australia and Mexico and then built and towed a 21’ Wayfarer in from New Mexico). They also got a secondary award for the best “Saws All” beachside modification of a Wharram at the event – a beam “adjustment”!;
- Best upgrading work being done – Brandon and Danielle (Tangaroa 36);
- And then…..the “Shame” awards given to people who say “don’t worry, next year my boat will be done and it WILL be here” – Thom, Ivan and Cindy, KC and Troy, Casey and Angie - with subtle acknowledgement also to David and Roger and Dixie.
And we also retired the last laminated Hui sign in honor of Gene Perry, our inspiration.