
Just came onto my tablet screen, new Scamp launched by Stacy Smith.
Strike 18
In the water at last, from framed bulkheads to leaving my small workshop, onto it's trailer for the first time. On to raising mast and sail at Stockton lake Missouri and very lite wind sail to beach camp site.
2nd days sail somewhat different, much higher/gusty winds. Lessons learned, the optional dagger board when using Prindle asymmetrical hull is not an option, couldn't sail to windward. Using Dyneema for standing rigging, easy to work with (splicing) but noticeable stretch/creep, pre- stretching apparently helps with this. Trolling live bait is not advisable (inside joke). Hit 10.2 mph on beam reach with 4 souls aboard (pretty decent). Having cell phone and willing rescue crew, makes for a happy ending.
John Farrell

Finished the Gentry C-15 yesterday, today was warm, so why wait for spring? Mississinewa Lake, Indiana. Incredible, warm day, so out to Mississinewa for the big test. Some water in the boat, but not sure if it was paddle drips or slow leakage. What do you think, Dave Gentry?
SOF Melonseed

Had her out a couple of times now, and I'm thoroughly pleased by her performance. Winds 10kts day 1, and a dying breeze this afternoon. She is sweet indeed.
Dave Gentry