Geodesic Airolite

Thank you Duckworks for providing boat builders with great products at a reasonable price. Here are pictures of my newly completed Geodesic Airolite Boat. It was built with all the hardware that I purchased from you store. It currently has a Polytarp sail to save money. I will be ordering a custom Dacron sail from you in the future.
Pathfinder "Vanessa"
Two years after I received the drawings for John Welsford's Pathfinder, "Vanessa" has tasted her first salt. She sails beautifully under soft and hard winds. We have not raised the main yet since the trade winds and squally rains have enough to blow into with the mizzen and jib. Building her was a joy because of the way she is designed. Without much workmanship we (my daughter and I) managed to get her together with a lot of locally available materials. But Duckworks was a main supplier for most hardware.
Here are some pics of the first day on the water:
Sailing off during the sunset...
Second day with 25+ knot winds:
Guess where the furling drum came from...
A messy boat after a very active sailing trip.
Another nice sunset... AND BOAT!
Thank you for providing many important materials with which I could build her.
If you would like to see the entire build process checkout the blog:
Dutch Caribbean
In November I launched MRS MUMBLES my Stitch n Glue Duck Punt designed by FLO-MO who drew it off John Milgate's West Mersea Duck Punt. She took one month to build, outside, with low temps, and a full work schedule. She sails as wonderfully or as terribly as you can imagine, it all comes down to the sailor. No board, no rudder, check out YouTube.
As always fun posts and more pictures on my blog.

I have been sailing with Dan Noyes of Beachcomber-Alpha Dory fame in his highly modified 12' duck punt with dipping lug! We sail across the marshes, down irrigation ditches, dig for clams, have picnics, and wax poetic about New England Life (which is amazing for you non-New England types). Attached are some pictures of MRS MUMBLES.
In other news, my Sea Pearl 21 SCOUT was featured on, with Duckworks Burgee flying proudly. If you are a subscriber, search for "Virtues of a Small Boat, Gunkholing in a Sea Pearl 21."
Forest & Stream

I'm not fully finished but I gave her a quick test on the weekend just to check she floats! I'm a novice builder & it's been a nice way to stay busy through the New Zealand winter!

The new dinghy gets its sail-free propulsion test. It zipped right along under sail, and went 12 mph with a 3.5 Merc. But would oars move it OK? Turns out, it was a delight to row. Plans are coming to Duckworks.
Frank Smoot
1/2 Fast Cruiser - Own Design

Float Test today. Success! I loaded 35 gallons of water in the very back to simulate the weight of the outboard (250lbs) and batteries. I also found out my trailer configuration will allow a floating/off launch/recovery.
Here's a little more about the build.

A Jim Michalak Piragua called "Wombat" after the Newfoundland on the bow. Splashed at Lake Hume, New South Wales, Australia. Modified extended foredeck with flush deckplates under. A little tippy with her up on the bow but no capsizes yet after three outings.
Thanks for a great mag and terrific shop service.