Timely reports of interesting goings on from
around the boat building world. If you have pictures of anything of
interest please send them in for posting. Don't be shy. Send to:
July, 2002
Attached is the reply from the Commodore to my request to host a Messabout
at Lake Charles (Louisiana) Yacht Club. The club will welcome all the
Messabouters. Date suggested is August 10.
We brought up your suggestion on a messabout with Conroe and we like the
idea. It will fit perfectly with the Mayors request for sails on the
lake Aug 8th, 9th, 10th. See if they are available to come that Saturday
the 10th and we will put it in the newsletter and have a cook out etc.
Wayne Bonney will provide the social amenities and we can call it the
Lake Charles mess about. Maybe a few races etc. So please let them know
it’s a go.
usual planned activities of a Messabout are none, however we may have a
fun race for the sailboats and the Club will provide eats and drinks.
I suggest we meet in midmorning and stay as long as you like. Camp on the
grounds is you want to. Hotels and Casinos nearby. Probably need
reservations at the Hotels. Bring sunscreen, it will be hot. We do have
some trees and a sitting area with shade. Upstairs has air conditioning.
Plenty of beach and a good launch.
Here is the website: www.saillc.org
Ken Abrahams, Lake Charles, Many Boats
Here is the official
July, 2002
The Daily Telegraph Adventure Travel & Sports Show 2003 Olympia,
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Next year's show will occupy 3 floors of Olympia, an area in excess of
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Please let me know if you require any further information on +44 (0)1795
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For further information please call:
Martin Anslow
July, 2002
it going? I wanted to let folks know about my decision to sell my
Chebacco. I really love this Catboat but I love my girlfriend more and
want to pursue that a while. The boat is built exactly to Phil's Specs.
The trailer was purchased new for $1,300 a couple of years ago and the
1997 Force five hp. Outboard was purchased new for $800 as well (it sat on
the showroom a long time I guess). The sails were purchased as a kit from
sail-rite, the mainsail being sewn by a professional, and the mizzen sewn
by me since it was small and manageable. I launched this boat for the
first time in April of this year and have taken one two week trip and
several small day trips so far. There are a few normal scratches on the
hull and the spars but nothing out of the ordinary. The hull is planked in
Douglas Fir Marine plywood and the floors and roof framing are Douglas
Fir. There are a couple of floors made of Southern Yellow Pine and the
trim is all White and Red Oak. The sliding hatch was cold molded and then
veneered on the inside and out with White Oak as were the drop boards - no
sign of wear on any of these components. All trim and spar varnish was
Epifanes WoodFinish Gloss and it shows.
Bill Samson listed his for 4,500 lbs. Sterling which is approximately
$6,500 I think. I would like to ask $6,500 to start and see what happens.
Pete Respess
Hopewell, VA
July, 2002
From Richard Spelling:
We have a new issue of Chebacco
This issue:
Trailering the CLC - Richard Spelling
The cruising season is OPEN! - Jamie Orr
Chebacco Sailrite - Fraser Howell
I get my kicks from Champlain - Phil Mead
Take one homemade boat - Pat Spelling
FOR SALE, sheet ply Chebacco
July, 2002
From Gavin Atkin
The Dogsbody was designed to be a strong, jack-of-all trades little
outboard boat useful for many purposes but with few pretensions to good
looks. And so it seems to have turned out with the first example to be
built. This boat was built from a kit from a local supplier in Denmark,
Plans files for the Dogsbody can be downloaded from the
Duckworks Design section and from my
site Free Boat Design
PS This is what Claus, the proprietor of Dan-Am says:
'Hi Gav!
'If I were you I would be very proud of this brilliant little cartopable
SKIBOAT, I am proud of the kit and very pleased with the result!!! I hope
it will open some doors.
'Best regards
July, 2002
Hey Chuck,
Been an interesting time since my last update. I was just about to
install the new (1992) Kawasaki 650cc engine in Jetfish when I decided to
pull the head and check out the cylinders. Good thing I did - the engine
was trashed inside! I was so disappointed, yet grateful that I hadn't
completed the project before discovering this bad news.
this was an opportunity to improve, I set out to find another engine. Soon
I brought home a 1995 Seadoo GTS with reverse and a 580.7cc Rotax engine
(55hp). Now we're talking. Unfortunately, it would require extensive
modification to Jetfish so there wasn't time to make Jim's messabout at
Rend Lake - hope they had fun.
But that's not all - before I could even make plans on using the GTS
engine I came across a wrecked 2000 Seadoo GS with a 781cc engine! Gavin
is going to faint - that's a 85hp powerplant!
Stay tuned - there will be tears from jetski riders as I cut up a great
looking Seadoo GS to give Jetfish a strong heart. By the way - I'll have
to cut out at least a portion of my brand new bottom as well! Here's a
photo of the ski.
Larry Pullon
July, 2002
I've gotten Fisher10 finished enough to try her on the water. I was
at Guard camp, in Mitchell, SD. and was able to finish sealing it and get
into Lake Mitchell. She still needs some finish work and paint, but the
launch was very much a success. I will be balancing finishing it with
working on Chugger. I will also be starting an Apartment boat and one of
Gavin's Mouses (meeces?), sometime in the near future. I am also
considering putting together a Mini-Max Punt, my submission for the OSS
boat on the Yahoo group Boatdesign, and currently residing on David
Beede's Simplicity pages. New plans are being done up for the LilJon
series of boats, so that many sizes can be built from just one plan. So
far, 1 other LilJon8 has been built, and 4 more are in the process. I'm
really excited over the response to the LilJon8.
Fisher10 ("Spirit of Freedom:) build and launch pictures are here:
and the LilJon8 built by Kris is here:
with the plans available here:
I have designed a 15.5 ft. Jon-boat called BigJon155 for someone and
the plans are now available, just email me. I am also in the process of
designing a larger version of CubCanu, called (appropriately) ScoutCanu.
Good for 2 young teens, it is a longer version of Cubcanu MKII, which is
also in the works. this a lower and wider version of the original Cubcanu
(seems the sides were a little on the high side).
Steven Lewis
Martin Connelly (opposabletoes@yahoo.com)
spotted You-know-who sailing Ray Gallagher's
Mixer2, a Jim
Michalak design.
Thanks for the report, Martin.
July, 2002
Dear Sir/Madam,
Please forgive me for sending this unsolicited email to you. I did a
search for boat broker and your name came up. I am the owner of
www.boatfinder.com and
www.boatfinders.com .
I have been using these domains to sell boats, but I am now ready to sell
the domains.
Please let me know if you are interested in purchasing these great domain
names for your business. I am selling
www.boatfinder.com and will throw in
www.boatfinders.com for
Thank you,
David Kaplan dave@dkaplan.com
July, 2002
Hello ! Just a quick note to say that due to overwhelming request, tickets
have been reduced to $20 !!!
I am writing you with a special 'heads up' on a charitable raffle that is
getting ready for it's official launch. You are receiving this as an early
courtesy notice because of your interest in boating.
The Gift Of Love Foundation is raffling off Wm. F. Buckley's 1963 Schooner
(See his book 'Airborne!") as soon as all the tickets are sold.
The Cyrano is exceptionally roomy and makes a perfect live-aboard. It has
a full galley with 4 burner shipmate stove and oven, full sized fridge,
walk in closet, deep soaking bath tub, washer/dryer, and large cabin
topside. Cyrano was built in 1963 is 80' long, has a beam of 18 feet and a
draft of 6= feet. She is all wood, and powered by a 6 cylinder Perkins
that gives her 10= knots under power
There are photos and more specifics about the schooner Cyrano at
Net proceeds of our raffles are distributed to organizations dedicated
towards making the world a better place. Please check back frequently for
updates and new drawings, as the content is subject to change.
This classic Schooner doesn't need much to be ready to go cruising again,
and the winning ticket not only wins the Cyrano, but $20,000 as well!!!
Imagine owning your own yacht right on San Francisco Bay! Perfect for a
home, vacation getaway, or even an office !!!
This beautiful yacht is going to go fast... Don't miss out on the
opportunity to win your piece of history!!
The Cyrano is being raffled off where-is/As-is
Perhaps you don't need a home, imagine yourself renting the Cyrano out as
an office space, or even a live aboard...
Earn great income, with the Bay Area's high rent rates, this yacht might
rent out for $1,500 to $2,500 per month!!!
We will be having the official launch of our Raffle site on July 31, so
get your tickets TODAY!!!
Please go to www.myrafflesite.com
for all the details.
Thank you and Good Luck!
T.P. O'Halloran
Director, Marketing and IT
Gift Of Love Foundation
San Francisco, Ca
