Lapstrake Canoe - IMP
Here are some progress pictures
of the four-strake lapstrake canoe I'm currently building in our
car port. It's the same boat I originally drew up for my friend
Jim, and I'm building it on his moulds and strongback.
It seems to be going ok or perhaps
better than that - but I must say that if you like to see wrestling
on TV, watching a grown man struggle with some well twisted garboards
can provide some high quality entertainment for free! I found
it useful to leave the strakes long - that way they're much easier
to clamp.
This boat will be called Imp after
a famouse gargoyle in Lincoln Cathedral (I grew up not far from
Lincoln), and Robin Hood fans will not be surprised to know that
she will be painted in Lincoln Green.
Whatever she's called, I think
she'll be a pretty little thing.
