The BYYB Southeastern Fleet is going to have a messabout
on Saturday the 23rd of August at lake Norman, S.C. weather permitting.
We will post directions in a day or two on the BYYB
site We are inviting every one to come and have a
good time and meet new people and old friends. Bring your own
food and beverages. Some people will be spending the night.
Ed Jones
chuck: a very clever kyack carrier
spotted in the parking lot next to the marina in Port Hardy, British
Bruce Armstrong/Santa Barbara

I've finally found this site which actually sells bamboo stock,
and in the "poles" section, even specifies that they
have some for junk sail battens. just the thing for masts and
Andy Pucko |
It’s amazing what PR folks send you through the post –
I got the attached picture as part of an invitation to a function.
The words on the front of the cup are “American Power Boat
Association Unlimited Cup”

Beneath, the inscription reads ‘1949 Salton Sea Harry Baker
Does anybody know anything about this race? Or indeed the two
bruisers in the cup, neither of whom I would be happy to meet
on down a dark alley at night?
All best,
Chris Partridge
The Globe House
West Sussex
PO18 8AR
Finaly got the new issue of Chebacco up. Enjoy,
and think about what you want to submit for the next one!
In order to help defray some of the expense of maintaining
the Chebacco webzine, I'm going to have a calendar printed up,
to sell. Maybe a couple of other things as well.
Anyone who has hi resolution photos of their boats that they
want in the calendar, please send them.
If your boat is used in a calendar (or whatever), you can buy
it at my cost.i
Richard Spelling
The Formula 48 Multihull Class Owners
Association is pleased to announce that a second source of hulls
and cross beams are now available here in the U.S. The "short"
kits consist of the main hull, two floats, two cross beams, rudder,
daggerboard, all basic dimensions, and a small brochure of possible
suppliers where additional items to complete the boat can be purchased.
The design is based on the original "NIGHTMARE" design
by Ernst Zeamann and owned by Mark Baldacchino of Phoenix, Arizona.
Photo of completed boat can be seen on the AMYA Website under
the multihull section. The hulls meet the Mini40 Class specifications
as well.
The cost of the "short" kits are as follows:
Glass and polyester resin: $525 (US)
Glass and epoxy resin: $575 (US)
Carbon fabric and epoxy resin: $650 (US)
(sorry - carbon and polyester resin not available)
Plus cost of shipping.--email Ian (see below for email address)
Orders and construction are being done by
Mr. Ian Sammis
202 N. Rock Rd #701
Wichita, KS, 67206
Money order required. 50% down payment at time of order and remainder
due prior to shipping. Allow 1 month for completion from time
of order.
For questions, please contact Ian at isammis1@msn.com
or by telephone at 316-371-7809
The F-48 Association is pleased to welcome Ian as a builder and
supplier of F-48 Class hulls. Along with MicroSail, Ian can meet
your needs if you are interested in sailing these extremely fast
The F-48 Multihull Class Owners Association does not recommend
or endorse these builders, and this notice is not to be construed
as a recommendation. It is for information only, and like any
purchase, buyers should make their own decisions.
Chuck -
I just posted the info page for the next Conroe messabout:
Will be held Saturday Sep 20th.
We are having a $50 sailboat race. It is a downwind only race
of sailboats that have been made from a maximum of $50 worth of
materials. The info page about it is here:
Here is the flyer
for the upcoming TV segment on building the Bionic Log. It looks
like I'll be doing another 3 man design for a Belize race, the Ruta
Maya for some younger, lighter Texas paddlers.
Best Wishes,
Skip Johnson |
The 12th Annual Lake Monroe Messabout
September 19, 20, 21, 2003
Get in one last fling before
winter. The Lake Monroe Messabout brings together enthusiasts
who love to build, use, and discuss small boats (sail, paddle,
oar). Bring a boat, if you can. Otherwise, bring boat plans,
pictures, tales, and your interest in small boats. Note: Armchair
sailors are welcome. Those without boats are encouraged to attend.
There are enough boats so that everyone can get on the water.
The Messabout will be held on
the shores of Indiana’s beautiful Lake Monroe (10,000+
acres) at the Paynetown State Recreation Area, which has boat
ramps, a beach, and a campground. The campground has sites for
tents and RVs. No sites will be reserved; we will congregate
in the tent area (sites 1-10, 28-32) near the store that you
come to before you get to the campground control station. There
is a home I.U. football game that weekend, so hotel rooms will
be tight. But, here are some motel suggestions: Best Western,
4501 E. 3rd St., 812-332-2141; Century Suites Hotel, 300 St.
Rd. 446, 812-336-7777; Travel Lodge, 2615 E. 3rd St., 812-339-6191
(or consider staying in Indianapolis or Columbus).
There is no schedule for the
weekend. Typically, people arrive on Friday evening or Saturday
morning. The Messabout begins to dissolve Sunday afternoon.
We will have a pitch-in supper Saturday night. If your last
name begins with A-L, please contribute a salad, pasta, or hot
dish; if M-Z, please contribute a vegetable, fruit, or dessert.
Bring your own service, drink, and meat.
Bloomington is 50 miles south
of Indianapolis on SR 37. If coming from Indy, take the SR 46
Bypass around the northeast side of Bloomington (hopefully before
or after the football traffic), then east on SR 46 (E. Third
St.) to SR 446 south. Go south on 446 to Paynetown State Recreational
Bob Bringle, 141 E. 44th St.,
Indianapolis, IN 46205 (W) 317-274-6753 (H) 317-283-8321 Email:
Hi Chuck,
We went paddling yesterday as a family I took the Stealth, the
Yakette and the blue Skinboat. Called my buddy and tried to get
him to bring the gray skinboat down too, but he had to work a
double shift since some folks were vacationing. Kaye is pissed
off to the max because she found out this morning they scheduled
her doctor's appointments and tests on Thurday and Friday ...same
weekend as the messabout in Canada.

Here's a pic of me and Kaye yesterday. Me in my Yakette and
her in the blue skinboat. For a non-paddler she really liked the
stability, speed and ease of paddling and was surprised all the
way around with the skinboat. Hell I been tell'n her that for
a long time.....Years it seems like! But she won't admit to that!
Danny, my daughter's boyfriend had the Stealth across the lake
somewhere and when he got back as a tipical 17 year old idiot
would do...he stood up in the Stealth! WE got a picture of that!
Seventeen year old boys are nuts! I think I was one at one time!
No doubt in my mind I'd have done the same thing back then ..not
now! Been so long I can't remember! I figured he'd get dumped
and I'd have go drag his skinny ass out of the drink, but somehow
he managed to stay dry! He was lucky! and I told him so! But this
lake is shallow where he performed his majestic feat of balance!

His famous saying is "Tastes just like chicken!" The
new one since he proved he could stand up in the kayak..."It's
all in the hips!" He's a great kid and keeps us laughing
a lot....even me! Kinda reminds me of me. His antics bring back
many old memories......some ain't good!
It's hot as hell today and so humid I need gills to breath but
have to finish trimming the grass. Maybe I'll get to do some painting
on something sometime this week or everything I
bring to the messabout including the Teardrop will look as beat
up as it does now!
They're taking Kaye off pasta, rice, taters, and related foods
to help her get some weight off cause by the 2 of the cancer medicines.
Keeps her looking bloated and swollen a lot. Really shows to me
in the pics I take of her. They said that she needed to get the
weight down so they won't have to do a knee replacement at her
age. She's too young for that. Has arthritis bad in her knees
but never complains about anything......'cept me of course....like
when I do something stupid and go paddling in the middle of a
raging thunderstorm with high winds and extremely rough water
just to see what will happen! I look at it this way. I want to
know how that little boat is going to handle adverse conditions!
I've been caught several miles from land in open boats....did
a lot of bailing, cussing, and was always soaked to the bone,
and cold as a bitch too! I keep trying to 'splain to people as
Dezi Arnez would say to Lucy. I don't like bailing and/or get'n
my ass wet! I put on a poncho, drape it over the cockpit and "moi"
stays dry....so do the boat!
Later, Richard Frye

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