Editors note: When John asked Green
Mountain Traiders for a flashlight to review,
he got not only the flashlight, but a discount code for
Duckworks readers only! The code is ledmania
and it works for anything they have for sale, even if it
is already discounted. Thanks John! Be sure to read John's
column below too; this led flashlight sounds incredible. |
Dear Duckworkers,
I hope this finds all of you in good health and
fair winds. I am now doing reviews on several very fine tools
but I come to you with a tool, a life saving device, a guardian
of the dark. In May, my wife gave me a present for my birthday.
The gift I received was to prove as fine a gift as any given
in my whole life. My wife had given me a ten LED flashlight
that uses three D cell batteries. I have used this light since
then and I just changed the batteries on the 11th of November.
I decided to write an article about this light but when I went
back to the website they no longer carried the 10 LED light
but had replaced it with a better 12 LED unit. I can say better
because I wrote Green Mountain Traders and wanted an explanation.
They sent me the new model plus several other excellent models
that could prove very handy.
The new 12 LED unit is called the Novigear
SF-12 LED light. They also have a brushed aluminum
ST-12 that uses D batteries but they where out
of stock at the time of this writing. At the time of my birthday
I had a single LED flashlight that was very handy and could
stay lit for months on two AA batteries. This new SF-12 flashlight
was incredibly bright and waterproof. It is a much better light
than the original 10 LED light my wife purchased as a gift.
That is a very hard statement to make because the ten LED light
was near perfect. The new weatherproof 12 LED light is a perfect
boat light. It is also small enough to fit on any type of boat.

Now I want you to know that the package claims
that the light will stay lit for seven days or more. But using
my favorite EverReady C cell batteries my flashlight stayed
lit for much, much longer. I will not disclose the time because
people will not believe what I will write. The company that
I speak of and that sold these units is Green
Mountain Traders and they sell many other things
and of special attention is their solar panels.
Many catalog companies sell lights similar to
these for two to three times what these sells for at Green Mountain
Traders. I liked it because it didn‘t cost much but the
safety it provides is priceless. I can attest to how sobering
it is to be clinging to the bottom of a hull and having the
flashlight you pull from the salty water work for maybe two
minutes then give up the ghost. In 1960 as an eight year old
my father, my uncle from Pennsylvania and I were in the ocean
fishing early in the morning. It was my uncle’s first
trip ocean fishing in our 14’ open boat. Unexpectedly
a very large wave swamped our boat and then the next unusually
large wave in that set capsized it. It was five AM on a Thursday
when it happened.
We were in the water just outside the breakwater
at Princeton Harbor at Halfmoon Bay, California for a little
more than an hour. The north arm of the breakwater was being
extended and the workers could not hear us over the noise of
the mammoth crane picking up the giant granite boulders from
the barge. A good flashlight would have been hard to miss even
when the whistles of two men and an eight year old boy all wearing
PFD's could not be heard. I was pulled from the water by a fisherman
and his wife and they informed the Coast Guard of our peril.
I felt my legs tredding water and when in the boat I thought
they were moving but hypothermia had set in and for all the
movement was in my minds eye. My legs were two very useless
A light, a light, my kingdom for a light! A light
impervious to salt water and bright enough to be seen for miles.
That s what the new LED lights provide boaters and sportsmen
everywhere. The price for white LED’s is dropping fast
and I hope that all who will read this will heed the message
to pack at least one of these onto your boat. Green Mountain
Traders has offered a 20% discount for our readers. They also
have many other great LED lights including a very nice compact
stainless steel multi tool with an LED flashlight as a built
in tool! It is called the Novigear LT-1 and is just what some
of us need when we don’t want to pack a huge multi tool.

Carabiners are the big thing now so Green Mountain
Traders also carries carabiners with LED flashlights built into
them. I will try to tell you how handy these really are and
they come in a rainbow of bright colors. I use different key
sets and I know them by their different colors so these lighted
carabiners will make sure I can see the lock and key in the
dark. With Christmas coming very soon these will make excellent
stocking stuffers for kids, students, sportsman, sailors and
your favorite boat builder.

The Pacific Ocean north of Santa Barbara is an
extremely cold inhospitable place full of great danger. From
my experiences I carry a mirror, flashlight, rockets, flares
and a very loud whistle when I go out into the Pacific. At night
without a light you would not stand a chance. You may never
boat in the Pacific Ocean but any place you boat will be much
safer with a great flashlight at a phenomenally low price.
I guess what I am trying to say is have great
fun wherever you go boating but respect the water. So many people
who should know better drown each year. I love the water and
boating but I respect the water more and more each year. So
please be safe so we can swap tales in the years to come.
From My Tool Crib,
P.S. Use the special code when checking out
on their internet site. The code is ledmania
It will get you an extra 20% off for reading Duckworks, have