For the past four months I have been scouting
and testing to bring you boat builders what I think you should
and should not buy. I deliberately skipped over most of the
ten-inch saws because their larger brothers can do more work
with only a little more cash. I do have one ten-inch saw you
should not buy though. I also had to break down and test a few
smaller cordless saws because they’re portable and easier
to take aboard a larger boat to finish the detail stuff while
you cruised. There are some very exciting tools that you should
look at in today’s miter saw world. Be warned, if the
saws found at cheapo discount tool stores sound too good to
be true, in the long run you’ll end up spending much more
than you would have on a good name brand saw.
Ten years ago miter saws were just beginning to
make inroads into boat building and carpentry. At that time
the radial arm saw was king of the miter world and nobody thought
that a strictly miter saw would be of great value. That has
changed largely because of super high capacity 12” miter
saws and 12” sliding miter saws that come with one inch
arbors and blade depth adjustments so you can even cut dados
with these saws. In years past I can remember trying to cut
compound angles with my worm drive saw while I held the lumber
at the same time. I had an eight out of ten ratio of good cuts
to bad so 20% of the boards I cut were not used for what I cut
them for. Everybody makes mistakes and I confess that I make
more than my share especially when I try to hurry things along
and use the very dangerous practice of holding a board while
cutting it.
Modern high capacity miter saws save much time
and trouble because you can use a miter gauge to set the angles
you need, then place the wood into the saw and you have a perfect
cut time after time. Now my waste wood that I miss cut comes
out under ten percent. If you must cut a lot of pieces to the
same measurement these saws can definitely speed up the process.
They cannot make cuts like a table saw but if you are looking
at a miter saw you probably own a table saw already.
In this article I will show you what a difference
a good blade makes and how you can install your own laser if
your saw didn’t come with one from the factory. I will
also show you what a difference a good miter saw stand makes
and where you can go to get plans for a very choice stand. Most
manufacturers make their own stands but there are stands out
there that can save you hundreds of dollars and still be nice
stands. I will also show you a new saw blade that stands ready
to change the way we look at saw blades for fast smooth cuts.
You’ll know what some of my professional carpenter friend’s
use for miter saws and what they won’t buy again.
So read along as I take you through the complex
and often confusing new crop of miter saws. You may not agree
with what my choices are but in the end I hope you can better
understand these new saws and their capabilities.
In this day and age you pay for what you get most
of the time and more features make a saw more expensive. A single
compound saw cuts a miter and bevel at the same time. But to
get a mirror image of the same board you must turn the piece
of wood over. To a lot of home boat builders this would be a
minor inconvenience but if you are building a big boat with
lots of mirror image cuts a dual compound miter saw would make
the work go faster. A dual compound miter saw cuts angles from
45 degrees to 60+ degrees either left or right and it bevel
cuts both left and right.
There are some very good saws that are single
compound miter saws. Almost any major tool company that sells
these saws will have a great single compound twelve-inch miter
saw. When you get into the dual compound saws the field starts
to narrow on what the best saws are. Again most of the major
tool companies make good double compound miter saws and personal
preference for a company’s products will make the difference
in what you buy. I always tell my friends who ask what they
should buy to go 12” because if they ever need the extra
cutting capacity they will have it. In today’s tool markets
the price difference between ten inch and twelve inch tools
is very close and blades for different saws are almost the same
when you compare the quality of each size. A no name 10”
combination blade will always be cheaper (and I do mean cheap)
than a name brand quality crosscut 12” blade. I just saw
a Diablo 96 tooth thin kerf crosscut blade at Home Depot on
sale for only $59.00. An excellent blade for any twelve-inch
miter saw.
A double compound saw saves time and energy but
also costs the buyer on average an extra $50 to $100 for this
option. But most of the high quality double compound 12”saws
will cut a 2’ X 8’ piece with no problem. There
is one brand new double compound saw that I tested that almost
matches the capacity of the 12” sliders. In fact it can
beat out most of the 10” sliding compound miter saws in
cut capacity. We will get to it a little later in this article
but it is the saw that I would have in my shop and the price
is hundreds less than the sliding 12” saws.
Sliding Double Compound 12” Miter
Now we come to the big saws. The 12” sliding
double compound miter saws. Saws that have taken on the radial
arm saws and relegated them to a very small portion of tools
sold in the United States. There are major saw makers that do
not have these saws in their tool line-ups. These are specialized
saws that can make cuts so large and precise that using them
for one hour of works in repeated cuts can out-cut a handsaws
production by one day or more!
They have stolen the crown from radial arm saws
and can cut your boat building time by leaps and bounds. They
can out cut their 10” brothers by huge amounts but not
all of them are built the same. In fact when I spoke with some
of my contractor friends they all gave one certain brand a failing
grade. They replaced this brand with what I call the top three
sliding saws. Again we’ll get to this a bit later in this
article. Some wood working magazine writers say that a 12”
sliding miter saw is too big for the home shop builder but they
don’t build boats. I think that you should buy the biggest
saw you can afford. With that said I think that the ultimate
boat shop should have a large capacity 12” sliding miter
saw or a dual compound miter saw with huge capacity. I will
continue to say you are much better off with a larger saw. All
of the 12” sliding miter saws and the special geometry
arm non-sliding miter saw have huge 15 amp motors that make
them exceptional powerhouses.

Yes my fellow boat builders I found a saw that
you should avoid. It is a very low cost saw that is offered
by a couple of budget tool companies. I picked up one for testing
at a chain store called Big Lots but I have seen this same saw
at a discount catalog Tool Company and a few others. It is the
10” compound miter saw and the one I acquired had a Bench
Pro label on it. They look very similar to the 10” Ryobi
saw but the quality is sub-par and that is where the resemblance
They cost from $60.00 to $85.00 and the injected plastic body
can come in many colors, the saw I used for testing was red.
The first problem I had was in setting all of the bevels and
miter angles to a zero point so that the saw would be accurate.
This saw would not become accurate no matter what I did. I could
set it and as soon as I moved any setting and went back to the
zero mark the saw would be off again. So as you can imagine
any price would be too much to pay. I could put a metal cutting
carbide blade on the thing and use it to cut steel rebar. The
buyers beware! A person could save up more money and buy a laser
single compound 12” miter saw and actually have a good
saw. I bought this to prove my theory but I was more successful
than I hoped and I wasted money that I could have used in a
better way to help my shop.

Okay, most of the major tool companies sell single
compound miter saws that are very good in quality. There are
a whole bunch of 10” saws that could work for most home
boat builders, but the 12” models are not that much more
expensive and deliver a huge jump in dimensional cutting size.
This is the saw I pick as the best priced saw you can get and
still have very high quality.

The Ryobi model #1551DXL (Editor's
note: You can win this saw in our latest design contest.
Thanks to John, the company donated it to Duckworks)
comes with a laser kerf sight system called Exactline, a clamp
and dust bag with a vacuum hookup. It also has sliding extensions
for longer boards with an adjustable stop included. The blade
was very surprising in the smoothness of cut it provided for
the small amount of teeth that the blade has. With the low cost
of this saw it would be perfect for someone who needed the capacity
but didn’t want to break the bank. Freud graciously provided
one of their 72-toothed 12” thin kerfed saw blades to
use as an aftermarket test blade to see what a good blade could
do for the saws I have for testing. With this blade mounted
on the Ryobi 1551DXL and with the saw in perfect alignment,
this saw could equal in exactness any cut of any non-sliding
saw in this test. Although it could not match the size pieces
that the other saw could cut, it was on the money as far as
miter angle and smoothness. If you can’t afford a dual
compound saw or a slider this saw is a perfect choice. For the
student or person on a fixed income like myself this is a great
saw. Even without an aftermarket blade I was amazed at the precise
angled smooth cuts it produced. I give this saw a very high
"must have" rating and with a great blade it is a
superior saw at a discount price. It comes with all the options
most high-end saws don't have included like material extensions
and a clamp. I also have to mention that most high-end saws
can also improve their blade quality to improve their cutting
ability. The laser on this saw is a great addition that helps
so much. You can never mistake where the blade will cut unless
you have your eyes closed and I would not recommend that unless
you want the nickname “Stubs”.
This is a wide-open category with many options.
Popular brand names that I like are Delta, DeWalt, Ridgid, Porter
Cable, Hitachi and Craftsman. Most of these saws have a very
fixed size for the amount the blade will cut. Most 12”
double compound saws will cut a 2” X 8” or a crown
molding laying flat at 90 degrees of 6 ¼”. That
is large but the 45 degree cut is only a 2” X 6”
to make the 12” saw good but not great. One top company
has listened to professional carpenters to get more cutting
capacity. Crown molding is a good example of a well-used interior
trim that must be mitered to fit properly. The first saw with
a large capacity and a double compound giant is the Delta model
36-412. DeWalt claims they have the largest capacity 12”
double compound saw but the numbers do not lie in favor of the

The Delta saw has a 90 degree capacity of 2”
X 10” while the DeWalt cuts only a 2” X 8”
piece of dimensional lumber. This 12” saw by Delta has
a better capacity than some 10” sliders and is much less
expensive than most sliding saws. In my shop the Delta 36-412
proved to be the best of the non-sliding saws with giant capacity
and many great features. Like the Bosch saws, the Delta puts
all of the controls on the front of the saw. This saw would
be perfect for a shop where you don’t have the room behind
the saw to put a sliding miter saw. I know one carpenter friend
who uses a DeWalt non-sliding saw for the same reason. He was
very surprised by the Delta saws capacity. If I didn’t
like the sliding saws so much I would have stopped my review
right here.
All of the saws I mentioned are good saws but
the Delta 36-412 is a standout in any shop. It is well made
and the finish is perfect in quality. The saw also has flip-up
stops for larger wood pieces such as crown molding or ship planks.
They can also be used as clamps for smaller size pieces. It
will actually cut a 2” thick by 10” full dimension
piece of wood. At 90 degrees you can flip the wood over and
essentially double the width of the cut. You can do this also
with compound cuts but be prepared to think backwards and whatever
you do don’t email me and complain. I will mention that
Hitachi does make a 15” miter saw but the sad fact is
that the Hitachi saw costs about $600but doesn’t even
cut as large a piece of wood as the Delta 36-412 miter saw.
I hate to go on about this saw but it has two blade guards.
The arm geometry of this wonderful saw is much different than
all of the other saws in its class. It requires a blade guard
behind the blade that rises when you cut through a large piece
of wood like the front guard.

The Delta 36-412 saw rear fences use a patented
squeeze release that makes changing settings very easy for anyone.
They are also very high and made so you can put a sacrificial
piece of wood on them to prevent tear out when making a cut.
The stock blade was good but I did put on the new RAZOR blade
by Porter-Cable and the results were spectacular. I then added
the Avenger Laser sight and it made an unbeatable combination!
This was the saw that is so new I had to put on hold the whole
review because this saw was on back order. I am glad I did because
it turned out to be top in its category and worth the wait.
Some of you must be wondering now why I have not
mentioned Makita and their line of miter saws. Since I am doing
a review of mainly 12” saws and the sliding saws are at
the top of the list I cannot in good conscience include their
products. I did try to get one for the test but was unsuccessful.
I have many friends who work as carpenters and some of them
manage groups of carpenters. To a man all of them have used
the Makita 12” sliding compound miter saws and they have
all changed from Makita to other brands.

The friend who manages at least four teams in
new construction told me that the Makita saws do not stand up
to the rigorous use that they put the saws through. He told
me that if the blade binds, the motor is ruined in a matter
of seconds. The Makita sliding 12” miter saw is the smallest
in size of all the saws and the most delicate. All of the other
sliding compound miter saws use belt drives. If by chance a
blade binds on the other saws, the belt drive will slip or break
with only the small cost of a belt to replace.
The Makita saw has a direct drive and when it
must cut product for seven carpenters at one time there will
be rough use. You or I may never have a problem but they are
prone to losing the motor from blade binding. When you place
a DeWalt saw along side the Makita you will notice that the
Makita is at least a third as small as the DeWalt. There is
a price to pay for a lighter, smaller saw. I have seen other
reviews of the Makita slider 12” saws and they always
place the Makita at the top of all the saws. I have a different
take and after hearing of this problem from more than one person
I have to place this saw on the “Do Not Buy” list
along with the Bench Pro 10” saw.
I do own other Makita tools that have provided
good service and I like to use them. I consider Makita tools
as one of the top line of imported tools sold in the USA. I
may never use my miter saw long enough to wear it out but after
hearing reports from more than one professional builder I will
opt to leave them out.

Now that the unpleasantness is out of the way,
we will get into the biggest and baddest of the miter saw kingdom.
I will start first with the DeWalt DW708 Sliding Dual Compound
Miter Saw. Because of a new product back order I have used this
saw in my shop for a few months already along with a few others.
The DeWalt saw has a very nice look and excellent range in both
miter and bevel scales. DeWalt did a lot of research before
building this excellent machine. I did find two small faults
with the machine I used. When I first received the saw the yellow
edge on the blade wiped off on every cut.
I called DeWalt and it was concluded that this
was an isolated incident. I then changed blades to the Freud
blade I mentioned earlier. It improved the smoothness of the
cut dramatically. I then acquired a new 96 tooth DeWalt blade
and the cuts remained super smooth. There was not a noticeable
difference between the Freud and the first DeWalt blade. The
cost was basically the same and under different circumstances
the DeWalt blade might have a slightly better cut because of
the tooth count. I also put the Avenger laser kerf sight on
this saw, what a difference because I can see the cut line before
I ruin anymore wood!

The second small problem was in my perception.
After using the Delta saw and the Bosch I became aware of how
easy front only controls made using the saws. My opinion is
not shared by some of my carpenter friends; two of them chose
this saw as the saw they depend on. It is a great saw but because
of preference it is not my first choice. My brother-in-law did
choose this saw. He liked it so much he bought one for himself
and he is an above average woodworker obsessed with the smallest
details. He has rebuilt a boat our family owned for years and
was a mad man about making everything better than it came from
the factory.
A redeeming plus with buying the DeWalt saw is
the certificate for a new Heavy-Duty 18 Gauge 2" Brad Nailer
Kit. They had this special running in the months before the
holidays that I thought the article would be ready before the
holidays. What a great gift for just buying this product but
you have to ask your local tool store to find out if the offer
is still in effect.
I didn’t like to reach behind the saw to
change the bevel adjustment and that is why I didn’t give
the DeWalt the top spot of the review.

The Ridgid Compound 12” Sliding Miter Saw
is the only one of my top three I didn’t have in my shop.
I had a mountain of saws and very little extra room but I do
know someone that has had one for some time. He was one of the
ones that traded up from the Makita 12” slider. His saw
is not the new one with the laser but they are almost identical
otherwise. He maintains that the Ridgid is the best performing
saw that he has used. It, like the DeWalt and Bosch units have
a belt drive and they act as a fuse that will keep your motor
going when the going gets rough. The Ridgid saw is huge and
built like a saw should be built to survive in the rough jobsite
environments. I may revisit this saw in the future as a single
tool review. There are no glaring faults with this saw and if
you were considering buying it I would say you are making a
good choice. The Ridgid also has the very largest cutting capacity
and a novel idea where the whole turntable becomes the place
where all of the wood sits. For a picture of what I mean go

Now we have come to the Bosch Sliding Dual Compound
Miter Saw. I must admit that I am very partial to this product
in particular. I have noticed that on Amazon the product reviews
have been very harsh on this saw. It seemed to stem from a perceived
large amount of slop in the arbor bearing. They claimed that
the blade would wander all over the piece being cut. NO-WAY!
As with all of the saws I placed my trusty dial
indicator against the blade and no side play at all! I found
the same thing on all of the saws except the Ryobi and it had
two-thousands of an inch play in the arbor bearing. The Bosch
saw came with an excellent clamp unlike most of the saws. The
built-in side extensions missing from most of the saws (with
the exception of the Ryobi) are another added bonus.

Bosch has all of the adjustments in the front
of the saw like all saws should have. All of the covers were
castings and just not stamped steel (like some of the other
saws). The finish on all of the saws was great but the Bosch
and the Delta were exceptional. Fit and finish on a tool is
indicative of the accuracy you will find when the cutting begins.
All of the saws were accurate and the Bosch saw was no exception.
The clamp for the Bosch saw is a simple and great clamp that
is very positive. Once it is engaged it would take a herd of
wild horses to remove the piece to be cut. From the front of
the saw I can set the bevel and make every other adjustment.
The handle is even adjustable! I set it with a slight cant so
it is more comfortable for myself but you can set it at any
angle. Also it has a left hand safety start button as well as
the right side one. The sliding fences have etched measuring
scales in inches that will not rub off. The sliding extending
supports have a stop so if you have more than one piece to cut
the same size set up for it takes just seconds.
For all these reasons of accuracy and up front
controls I give the Bosch saw my “must have” award.
These sliders all use the belt system for driving the saw blades.
If the majority of companies use this system on their saws there
must be a good reason. Only one of these sliding saws has a
factory-mounted laser for marking the cuts. If you want a laser
you can add it to your favorite saw. I added the Avenger laser
kerf sight to the Bosch and it works out great. Once you try
one you’ll wonder how you ever got along without it! The
stock blade on the Bosch is outstanding (the part number is
2610915721). I did use the other aftermarket blades on this
saw but the only way to make a smoother cut with this assortment
of high quality blades would be to cut the wood with a laser
and then the saws would be a moot point.
Yes! Each slider had a depth of cut lock and can
make multiple cuts across a board to make dado slots! I am going
to try and find a dado blade I can use to make these cuts with
the Bosch saw. It already comes with rulers on the sliding backboards.
Even a doublewide board could be done one side at a time. I
think this use will prove much safer than the table saw dados
because you see the cut being made. I will ask a few big saw
blade companies if they would consider a dado blade for this
purpose. Who knows this could become a trend since these saws
have some of the tightest tolerances.
(Disclaimer: the blade
pictured at left is a 10” blade because an image
of the 12” blade is not available )
During the test I had a chance to switch blades
on all of the 12” machines and to try out some unique
blades that are just showing up in stores now. The 96t DeWalt
DW7650 blade gave a nice finish but it wasn’t the stock
blade on the DeWalt 12” slider I tested. The Freud thin
kerf LU91R012 ATB 72t 12” miter blade gave the best overall
performance in all of the saws until a new blade arrived from
Oldham. The blade carried a Porter-Cable brand name but was
designed at Oldham just before the merger with the Pentair Group.
Can you imagine a variable tooth blade that has finish teeth
and rip teeth on the same blade? I can because I used it and
it’s called the RAZOR! It cuts butter smooth without much
noise and also cuts much faster. I received one 12”, one
10”, and one 7 ¼” blade to test. See it HERE.
The difference between the Freud 72t miter blade
and the 96t DeWalt blade is very small with the Freud blade
being just a tad smoother in most cuts. Glue would wipe out
any edge that any blade had in the upper end blades.
Now imagine me opening a box and looking at these
strange Porter-Cable Razor brand name blades! I couldn’t
imagine what in the world would possess anyone to build a blade
like that! That was until I mounted it on the Delta saw first.
What a difference, it was smooth, less noisy and cut very fast.
The fact is that saw mills have been using this technology for
generations and only now has it shown up in the consumer market
My big 220-volt Radial Arm saw is getting a new
blade! The main reason is that it cuts kickback to virtually
nothing. What a wild new blade and it cuts as smooth as any
of the top end blades when you consider that most cuts will
be covered with glue. One of the things that the new 12”
sliders will do is make Dado cuts. The Bosch comes into its
own because it has rulers etched into both sides of the sliding
fences. The Razor cut nice flat Dados that took very little
chisel work to make them perfect. Most blades I have used make
a little ridge in the center of the kerf. The Razor has a raker
tooth that cleans the bottom of the cut. What a nice feature
and the blade is affordable. I was very, very surprised and
the engineer who thought this one up was definitely thinking
outside the box.
Now you can use a stock blade like the great 80
tooth blade on the Bosch saw or four different premium blades
that also work very well. When the dust settles you can pick
blades by name or by cost but all of these blades I would use.
The Freud really did a fantastic job for having the number of
teeth it had. The DeWalt blade is from a new series of high
quality blades from the company that builds tools for professional
builders. The new Porter-Cable blade was the least noisy and
fastest smooth cutting blade in the test. This blade should
be standard on the Delta saw. Finally the Bosch blade was the
best standard blade on any of the saws in this test. It was
also on the top sliding saw in the test. The Bosch may have
the highest price but after you add all of the things that come
standard on the Bosch to all of the other saws they end up being
more expensive.

Avenger Products is the maker of great Dados and
many fine saw blades among other things. Their new Laser attachment
can be used on any of these saws as an after-market add on.
Installing this add on is even easier than changing saw blades.
I recommend that you place one of these great devices on all
of your saws that can use it. It simplifies cutting over curved
surfaces and compound miters. It will keep your scrap pile much
smaller and give your ego a boost at the same time. You can
see this mark even in bright sunlight and there is a reason
saw companies are adding this feature to their new saws all
the time.
Don’t worry about battery life because the
laser only operates when the blade spins and replacing the batteries
is a five-minute job. This is also on my “Must Have”
list of items you should always have ready to use. Retro fitting
this device on older models is a way to bring them into this
century. Here is the web page:

On this page it says that this laser will not
fit the Bosch saw, but I maintain that it does because I am
using it on that saw now. Get one of these devices and you’ll
never be sorry you did. You will find they also fit the DeWalt
DW 708 Miter Saw. These Laser sites are available at Hartville
Tools. Their site is at,
Update! I just received a new model of the laser
from Avenger and this one is perfect. It can be plainly seen
in bright sunlight. The laser kerf beam is perfect for outdoor
work that I for one do a lot in the summer time. It is item
#21365 and should be available now. Call Hartville Tools to
see. I hate mentioning stores by name but they always give me
the best price and I thought I should mention that.
Battery Operated Miter Saws

This is a fairly small market today but there
are two clear sources that you should look at. I have the Ryobi
model MS 181 that was part of their famous Six Pack 18 volt
tool set. I can say that I will be taking this saw with me when
I take my cruising boat to Mexico. That is after I build it,
but everybody has a dream and this is mine. The saw fits in
a compact space and is very powerful for it’s size. It
has an ultra thin kerf 8 ¼” saw blade that leaves
an outstanding finish. The saw probably is not meant for full
production work and has some limitations but it is a great saw
none the less.

The other great saw is the Bosch 3924-24 cordless
miter saw. This saw is the best 10” miter saw (cord or
cordless). I have seen this saw used in demonstrations and it
is as powerful with its 24-volt system as any other 10”
saw. It is very well made and in a situation where there is
no power this saw could do the job very well. So if you need
to do work in a space with no power this saw would be and is
the top choice. I have the Ryobi unit and you must do the setup
to the letter. After that, this saw gives very acceptable performance.
It is not a Bosch but it is a nice 18-volt saw and very useful.
The only problem I can see now is that the Ryobi saw only comes
in a kit with an 18-volt drill. Item number Ryobi MK218K2. This
is not so bad because the drill is a great tool also.

Ridgid Stand $199.00

Bosch Stand $270.00

DeWalt Stand $260.00
I am sorry for the lack of humor in this article
but I have stressed over this review. I have had holdups and
back orders and my wife wanting to skin me alive for stacking
large boxes in our living room. I even set up a portable miter
saw stand there. I can’t wait till spring when I can start
building my new shop. I guess it is either that or a divorce.
If you hear that I have died call the police! My wife may have
come through with her threats.
I have searched and looked at over twelve models
of miter saw stands. Among them I have seen first hand the DeWalt
but it has no wheels, the Bosch stand, it is very mobile but
expensive, the Ridgid stand was less expensive but after spending
nearly $700 on a saw, a discount would be nice. The factory
stands are very good but if you are like I am I want the least
expensive with the best features. I found one that has everything
I need and even more. The Port-A-Mate 4400 by HTC is as close
to perfect as any stand out there. It costs fewer than $100
but has the features of stands three times that price. It has
wheels to move it around and folds up for compact storage. In
the pictures of the miter saws together they are sitting on
that same stand.

Amazon $89.00
It can hold over two hundred pounds of wood on
it plus the saw! It doesn’t have roller ends but it works
great without them. One of the fellows at HTC told me they are
selling them faster than they can make them. When you order
one it may take a week or so to get it to you but when it arrives
it will be worth it. I can now take my saw right next to the
boat I’m building. This is another “must have”
item. All the major companies build models of their own but
the HTC stand does the same job with less money. HTC also makes
high-end models but I put my money on the Port-A-Mate 4400.
It is a great deal and I like finding great deals for my readers
and for myself.
How Can We Build A Better Boat Now?
I know that making compound cuts with any other
saw is a bigger pain with more waste than a miter saw. A large
capacity miter saw set up right can save more wood in my shop
situation and I’ll bet in yours too. Miter saws can save
wood in the long run and help make you a better boat builder.
With proper use and care a major expense like one of these saws
will last years. My big 12” radial arm saw was purchased
in 1966 and it is still able to cut lumber (but it could use
new bushings and bearings). If you plan on staying with your
boat building addiction then buy the tools you think will help
you. Please don’t buy one of these saws if the money should
buy shoes for your children or rent for your house. The purpose
is making better boats not just buying tools.
Your own situation will guide your purchase of
that new saw. I think the Ryobi 1551 DXL is a great bargain
and a good solid functioning saw. If you don’t have the
room for a slider, like some people I know, then the Delta 36-412
can handle extra large cuts and is an excellent saw that I would
not mind owning myself. It has a great price tag compared to
the sliding miter saws also. All of the 12” sliding saws
I mentioned are great saws but the Bosch (my favorite) has everything
I think a good saw should have. My brother-in-law disagrees
with me and bought the DeWalt. Another friend of mine thinks
the Ridgid is the best saw of the group. I still give the Bosch
the top slider spot.
The Bosch has more and better features that are
user friendly. Just like the handle that can change any position,
Bosch has made these things count. I will now have to beg and
plead so I can buy the Bosch saw. It is even worth tears as
long as I can get my wife to concede to the purchase. My second
choice is not a sliding saw but the Delta 36-412, half the money
but not half the features. This saw out classes its own class
of saws and nearly matches the sliders in cut capacity. The
only other saw that had the perfect finish was the Delta. If
Delta decides to build a sliding 12” saw the competition
better watch out! To get performance that is outstanding you
only have to buy the Ryobi saw. With its laser and pure performance
it doesn’t need a clamp and extensions. With the Port-A-Mate
stand the Ryobi could work next to a boat all day long and never
miss a beat.
Saw blades are another place where opinions differ
but if you need a new blade you can’t go wrong with the
Freud blade or the new Razor from Porter-Cable. All of the blades
that came with the saws are very adequate but perfection still
costs more money. The Avenger is also a great blade as is the
DeWalt so you can have a wide choice to make your boat a great
one. The laser guides and miter stands are icing on the cake
but it is better to know how great you can make the cake.
I hope that I have not made more confusion out
of an already large array of saw and accessory choices. These
are my choices and you might not agree with them but I have
given you some very good saws to choose from. I have based my
selections on mainly boat building and not just woodworking
so even if you do mainly woodwork these saw will still work
very well for you. I deliberately left out the specifications
of each saw and accessory. You can find them at their websites
very easily. I have spent more time on this review than expected
but I worked with some of the best saws and accessories on earth,
so I am pleased. I have already made many of you sleepy and
I didn’t want to make the perfect “before bed sleep
Have a great time shopping and if you have any
questions email me at my tool crib.
From my tool crib to yours
John Cupp
For more Miter Saw reviews, see: