on this page are free for the time being. If we get too many, we
may have to start charging, but for now, send me what you've got.
50 words or less, please. - Also, please let me know if you are unable to contact any of the advertisers here so I can remove their ad. |
Bolger peapod Sweet Pea within
4 hours of Detroit. Email Ikapper@aol.com
I am looking for a set of second
hand sails for a Mirror Class Dinghy. Anyone
having a set can contact me at usafr@optusnet.com.au
- Duncan F. Kirkley - Adelaide, South Australia |
WANTED: Free used sails
wanted for reuse as experimental material -
I have several ideas I'd like to try out, and
I think used sailcloth would be ideal. Will
pay for shipping and offer profound thanks!
- Mike Connelly - michael.connelly3@verizon.net
Wanted, amateur boat builders in the Puget Sound area that would like to buy and finish one or more of my prototype hulls! I have a backlog of boat designs that I want to loft and construct to full size for fit and finish; and to determine the type and location of interior components. You finish it off with designer input. -
The hulls are the: 10ft Nuthatch Pram, 12ft Huthatch Pram, 9ft Hudson Springs Pram, and 12ft Laura Bay. Contact Warren Messer at: Redbarnboats@Netscape.net
For sale: British Seagull Silver outboard $200.00 obo. Engine is too big to use as a kicker on the Lazi Dawg. Will ship at your expense.
Questions: call Paul "Graybeard" Paine at (918) 633-6350
Missionary in Thailand needs free set of Drawings for donated Enterprise sailboat, also any other info appreciated. E-mail revstephenb@hotmail.com
boatbuilder from Latvia with 15 y.experience is searching position in MA prefered. Referenses. Wonder about skills? Write: alnih@yahoo.com
I would be interested in buying a Bolger AS 29 Sharpie in the US or Canada…Any conditions ok. Luc.granger@umontreal.ca
MacGregor 26S - several sails - Yamaha 9.9 -
2 batteries - pop-top with tent - porta-potti
- Loran, VHF, and AM/FM cassette - new brake
actuator - tires less than a year old - Sacramento
- $9750 OBO - for more info - (916)747-0631
Christopher Harvey - chriseva@pacbell.net
BOAT - 15ftx4ft11" Ken Swan design
Winter Hawk. Boat 75% completed
needs paint, spars, seats and floor boards .Boat
left over when I closed up boat shop. Have pictures.
Metz - bduckbw@sbcglobal.net - 203
798-7833 - 837 0162 |
18ft Redwing Skiff - Oak,Mahogany,
and Marine Plywood, Navigational lights, combo
Speed, Depth and Trip log gauge. 9.9 HP 4 cycle
Honda engine (less then 50 hours) Galvanized
Trailer. Sleeps two adults plus. $12,000 (must
pickup or pay shipping) Ken Duda - Kbduda3D@netscape.net
Classic Seagull 3hp - For $180 obo, if you can
meet me within 100 miles of San Antonio, TX.
If not plus $60 shipping - For the last 6 years
good, reliable motivation for my boat, I just
got a bigger motor to get thar a bit quicker
when the wind is against me. More
Info - noel_nicholls@hotmail
24' Shantyboat
w or w/o trailer and or Motors.. lots of possibilities
trailer is excellent still under warranty, could
pull it anywhere - Need room, will sell reasonable,
pics and info: floridasurfcaster1@yahoo.com |
1980 Baylinner Buccaneer
US 180. multi color sails,cuddy cabin, self
bailing cockpit, fold up motor bracket. sails
and rigging in good shape as is trailor. includes
(all of the following are new) cabin fan, bilge
pump,battery,trickle solar charger. - $1500.00
- Jason Nabors - jasonnabors@sbcglobal.net
- Photo1
- Photo2
9’ 6” sailing
pram, John Gardner design. Nice tanbark
sail, mast, leeboard, rudder, all in good shape.
Ash frames with AC exterior ply, seams are glassed.
Well maintained over the years. Built in 1992
and Still hits the water on occasion. Will take
up to 3hp and rows well too. Good sailing training
for child. Located Toledo, Ohio area. Contact
No trailer. $800 takes all.
Foot Gloucester Light Dory.
Philip C. Bolger Design/Gloucester, Massachusetts.
Location: Duluth, MN. Handcrafted by local boatbuilder.
Includes custom oars with brass oarlocks. Spectacular
boat in excellent condition. Price: $4000 Firm.
wee rob - glued okoume lapstrake. just
finished - classic open rail, no decks, stout
breasthooks, backrest, brass rubrail. oiled
inside, system 3 wr-lpu out in whidby white.
- well built - double paddle - boat located
in WA, 4 hrs from seattle - $2000 - jan@fivenineclimber.com
- 509 429 2196
Blow out.Sawyer Recreational Tandem
Must sell 16'x 35" Like new. White
gelcoat, bucket seats. $555.00 or make a reasonable
offer. hoz49@hotmail.com
Glen-L Knight cabin cruiser
18.5' x 8' beam hand-laid fiberglass over 15/16"
mahogany. With new Mercury 115 hp four stroke
EFI w/hydraulic lift plate, and MinnKota Turbo
90 4WD trolling engine. Shoreland'r tandem axle
roller trailer. Milwaukee WI, asking $25,000,
$20.000 - will consider other
offers. Lisa McGraw: L3mcgraw@aol.com
or (414) 573-3451.
For Sale - Lightweight
canoe outfit consisting of: a 12-foot
aluminum canoe (Radisson) - 33 lbs, a "Cruise-n-Carry"
1.5 horsepower outboard - 12 lbs, paddles, a
one-gallon gasoline carrier, a folding anchor,
brand new life vest, one bow dolly, and rig
for easy car-top loading. Reason for sale: age.
Price: $395.00 obo. Contact at charles.river@rcn.com.
- Newton, MA. |
Force 10
Swing Stove with Pots and Bag using
Large Coleman Propane. $85.00 Plus Shipping
- Captain
Ron - rontp@bellsouth.net or 615-889-0385
hermitage, tn |

Origo Non Preasure Stove
with Pot Slide Holders - $115.00 Plus Shipping
- Captain
Ron - rontp@bellsouth.net or 615-889-0385
hermitage, tn |
Long Island Skipjack (36’
LOA) - Beam 8"1' - Draft 18" (board
up) Dsp 2600 lbs. - Built 1979 by Oyster Bay
Harbor Shipyard in MA. at a cost of $72,000
- Mahogany over Oak - Spruce spars - 5hp Mercury
OB - Dinghy & many extras - $18,500 - Call
Peter Tomlinson, Northport Long Island, 631-261-6113
or email santone@optonline.net
Lightweight canoe outfitf:
a 12-foot green aluminum canoe (Radisson) -
33 lbs; a "Cruise-n-Carry" 1.5 horsepower
outboard engine - 12 lbs; two paddles that double
as oars; two oars; a folding anchor; life jacket
and a brand new life vest; one bow dolly; manual
for engine; Price: $395.00 Contact at charles.river@rcn.com
Located in Newton, MA. |
available (many complete years) - variety of
US/UK mags from the 1940's forward, on boat
building, design, sailing etc. including: Small
Boat Journal, Messing About in Boats, Sail,
Cruising world, Yachting, Motor Boating, etc.
Most are in very good to near new condition-
reasonable prices for one or many. Will - mainesail113@yahoo.com |
John Henry Planer-Scarffer Attachment
used in conjunction with a Makita 1900B 3 1/4"
planer will produce an 8:1 scarf. Works on up
to 3/8" thick plywood. Like new condition.
$75 plus shipping. Paul at christie@psknet.com |
I have a new Sawyer GoldenGlass tandem canoe for sale. This boat has never
been in the water! approx 60# 16'x31" natural cane seats. Immaculate.
Retail $1350.00, asking $850.00 or make an offer. hoz49@hotmail.com
Home built 18' 4" O/B cuddy cruiser w/trailer & bimini. 15 hp Honda 4-stroke w/electric start &remote controls. 3/8 "glued lapstrake meranti ply w/bronze fastners. Navman 4150 fishfinder w/depth, temp. and speed. Selway-Fisher hull design, my topsides design. 7knots top, 5 knots cruise. $9,000.00-OBO - Paul Ellifrit - kellifrit@socket.net |
Whitehall style rowing/sailing skiff.
Built 2005, fiberglass foam core with varnished
mahogany. A beamier version of the classic whitehall.
Comes with 9' spruce spoon blade oars, sail,
mast, rudder, daggerboard. $1800 obo. Lying
San Diego. Matt
Johnson 619-890-9016
Whilly Boat - Iain Oughtred design, 14'6"x4'7",
balanced lug rig, built 2003 by Rob Barker,
all Mahogany, with Loadrite trailer. Dark green
with bright interior. $5,000 OBO. David Moreno,
Philadelphia Pa., (215) 483-7147 (evenings),
dmoreno@pobox.upenn.edu |
S.F. Pelican Sailboats -
We build the classic San Francisco Pelican, Great Pelican and also provide kits and parts. Contact Jeff at The Boatshop at Stillwater, Box 848 Veneta, Oregon. (541) 337-8248, or email: tritoncapt@yahoo.com |
Albin 25 for sale. located east central florida. needs engine, on trailer, hull good condition with aft cabin and hard top. $7,000 obo 772 979 4293
John Bartlett. |
1988 Classic New Haven Sharpie 18'x5' open day sailor w/round stern, 3 mast steps, ex. galv. trailer. Built to highest standards in marine ply, glass/epoxy, sassafras superstructure. Total refurb. this year. Brand new cypress floorboards. Original owner has sailed her a thousand miles and she is as sweet as they get...and ready to go! $5750. obo. Possible delivery in S.E. - photo david.thomasson@state.tn.us 865-481-3032 (daytime). |
Evinrude 4.5 Longshaft. Used. Very good condition---runs good. Don't know year model but I think in the 70's or 80's. have parts manual (original) for it. Has BOTH forward and reverse. Has been cranking on 1st pull when warm, and 2nd when cool. will NOT ship. located Rusk, Texas - Bill Tosh - photo1 - photo2 - photo3
S.F. Pelican Sailboats -
We build the classic San Francisco Pelican, Great Pelican and also provide kits and parts. Contact Jeff at The Boatshop at Stillwater, Box 848 Veneta, Oregon. (541) 337-8248, or email: tritoncapt@yahoo.com |
Apprentice wanted - a few hours a week or more - must be willing to work for knowledge as pay - I'll make sure that it is more than a fair exchange - David Nichols, designer, builder and WoodenBoat School instructor - Austin, Texas |
Classical Drascombe Longboat LOA 21' 9" with Seagull outboard and trailer, boat cover, anchor gear, kick up rudder, compass, sails and rigging in good condition. I am the original owner. Asking price $8500. Located in Vero Beach, Florida. Francisco San Miguel: home 772 231 8809, cell 772 559 8554 email: sammysanmi@aol.com |
1986 Mercury Sailpower outboard 2 stroke. Extra long shaft (25"). Original power head (9.8 hp) replaced with 1998 head (15hp) by master mercury mechanic in 2004. Run several times a week for the last year. A reliable and strong motor. Located in N.E. Florida. $600.00 firm. Call Stan for more info or demo. 904-333-7457 |
Wanted to purchase: Tolman Skiff.
Please reply with details to lowe_richard@hotmail.com |
West Wight Potter 19, 1987 in excellent shape. Roller furling genoa, slugged main (w/ 2 reef pts.), both are red, white, and blue striped, antifouling bottom paint, extra heavy duty galvanized trailer, telescopic SS swim ladder, 3hp Yamaha on hinged bracket, many extras, e-mail me for a list. $7,000 (half the new cost).
John Denison |
I have a Glen-L Carioca hull finished and would like to sell it with all the plans and extra lumber. I have enclosed a picture. I would appreciate and help in selling the hull it is for a high school Building Trades class fund raiser - Dennis Hom -
Oak Ridge High School -
27330 Oak Ridge School Rd -
Conroe TX 77385 -
281-298-3232 - picture1 - picture2 |
16’ lapstrake canoe (Tom Hill design). Glu-lap construction of 4mm okoume and mahogany. Cane seats. Lots of varnish. A real head-turner. Only 63 lbs. Located in Missoula, Montana. $1000. For more details contact mlhillis@msla.net
"MAKO" - This is a brand new, custom designed, one off hybrid wooden touring kayak.
Hand built, with care by amatuer builder with 30+ years of woodworking experience.
See photos for specs. In Newport, NH. $2300. contact garyndeb@interdial.net.
Photo1 - Photo2 - Photo3
Bolger Bobcat sailboat. Made
by professional woodworker. Good trailer, lots
of fun to sail. sound boat. In Door County,
Wisconsin. 920-459-7035. Dan at dwknoedler@pol.net
- $1,500 obo
Core cell foam, 23 sheets , 4X8, 3/4" - $90 each ( $145 at Noah's) Also new roll 22 oz. triax, 100 yards, best offer. josamontana@yahoo.com
Seattle - 16' Jim Michalak design Jonsboat - new custom trailer - s matching fold/swivel seats - new pole holders, bow light, removable helm light, Aux floor light,and a neat Chris Craft cleat on the bow - finished with marine paints. Includes DT-15 Suzuki motor - Trolling motor not included, but may be purchased seperatley - full flotation built into the seats and under the bow - asking $1200.00 - donaldjgraham@hotmail.com - photo1 - photo2
For sale reasonable:
Genuine and Authentic Florida Sharpie sailboat. 15' 9"
Fresh built,solid,and fast. Shallow draft and skinney water
trailer is in excellent condition,will sell with or w/o trailer.
poss delivery in 100 mile radius for consideration. For add'l info:
Unique Bolger 30-foot sailboat
for sale. Balanced/dipping lugger. Two mains plus storm sail.
One-of-a-kind wing pivoting keel. Two berths, weighs about 5,500
pounds, sail area 385. 6 hp. Johnson moves at about 6 mph. LED
interior lights, solar panel, autopilot, GPS, more. On Florida
Big Bend. Needs right owner. $6,000. Contact Gary
For Sale: Bolger Single-hander Schooner
- original boat, built by Tony Groves, who commissioned the design
- near-bristol condition, ready to sail - Featured in Boats
with an Open Mind - new 32 lb thrust electric motor - deep-cycle
marine batteries - New charger. Full-custom Sunbrella storage cover
- galvanized trailer - locatednDana Point, CA - E-mail
me for details and pictures. Price: $4450 obo - more info
Tosh Custom Boatworks - 30 years
experience building boats, looking for customers to build for. Can
do everything from small partial builds of dinghies all the way
up to schooners that are ready to set sail. Contact Bill Tosh at
903-743-5555 or email Bill@TCBoats.com
or see my website: www.TCBoats.com |