Captain Ron |
Ron Thweatt
- Hermitage Tennessee - USA
You Ain’t
Home ‘til the Anchor is Dropped in the
Harbor |
It’s the time
of year when I kind of get depressed. I start thinking
of all the past years with my Family, a Family which
has always been together at Christmas.
As most “Adults”
know and understand, IF you live long enough you find
your Family has grown larger and this usually means
your kids have become grown and possibly the person
you always dreamed they would become, or if you’re
really lucky a better person than you dreamed they
would become.
It also means with
kids growing up they seem to make more kids - that
means more In-Laws and Grandkids who have to be shared
with other Grandparents along with new Traditions.
This year MY Family
is no different. My Son is living in Illinois and
will soon be married to a Wonderful Woman. Along with
a new Daughter-In-Law I will also get the Gift of
a New Grand Daughter, Yep, Capt Ron is going to Be
a Grandpa again.
This Child will come
to me already made, nine years old and a bundle of
Joy to all she meets.
For the First Time
in My Life I will be away at Christmas. I will be
sharing in the Family Traditions of my Son’s
New-to-be Family and This I look forward to.
This does cause a
Small Problem - I have a Daughter and Son-in-Law along
with two grand daughters in Nashville that I will
not be able to see until our return on Christmas Day.
I also have 4 other
Grandchildren in another state I will not be able
to see, but that is another story.
My Mother has always
gone ALL OUT for Christmas, now in her 70’s
{and My Father in his 80’s - By the way, no
Man in the Thweatt Family has ever lived to be 80
before} finds Her Family is getting larger, With a
Granddaughter and Grandson-In-Law in Wisconsin, A
Grandson in Illinois, A Grandson in Nashville, who
will be spending Christmas with his Soon-to-Be wife
and her Family In Denver, Colorado, and A Grand daughter
in Nashville who Will probably have to work on Christmas
Eve and then go to her Husband’s Family Gathering
with My Two Nashville Grandkids. Then, there is my
Sister, who is the Mother of the Denver Kid and the
Wisconsin Kid who will be coming to Nashville to see
her Family who is going to other places.
So how does one come
to Grips with Such a Dilemma? Well, You Just Do! That’s
where Sailing Experience comes in.
Sometimes you get
Wind, sometimes you get Storms and sometimes you just
Sit There.
Those of us who have
had the great pleasure of being part of the Family
of Sailing understand and are able to handle the “Out
of Hand holiday we call Christmas.” We are used
to changes.
We strike up a friendship
with another sailor by helping them get off a sandbar,
by loaning out some gear we have no need of any longer,
watching a sunset together, seeing each others children
marry and in some cases even living through the sickness
and passing of a Spouse.
Change is Good, although it almost never seems so
at the time. I have found myself in a constant state
of change over the past 3 years.
With the Revisit of
an old friend from my childhood {The Continuation
of Polio} I have had to make changes, a Tack if you
will. A couple of times I have run aground just to
find a new friend or an old friend to pull me off
and then ask “Is everything ok”?
Sometimes I have been
fine, others I have been in need of a “Patch
Job.” My Sailing Friends have been there.
My Father can handle
this Change with the Family Gathering. He is a Marine
{Note: There are no ex-marines, only unenlisted ones.”}
He was taught by the best. My Mother is coming around.
However, in the Quiet Times I find myself at Anchor
in my home - you know, just when it’s you and
your thoughts. I Ponder on the years past and all
the Joy they have brought me. I also Dream of all
the Joy to be had in the Future as my Family continues
to Grow.
My Circle of Friends
continues to grow, to my amazement, through my Scribbling
published in Duckworks. I have found people all over
the world to spend a few minutes with even if it’s
only by e-mail.
I have found Writing
has helped me continue my need for a “Sailing
Fix.” My Friend, Stacy Smith, whom I met through
This Magazine by selling him a sail, has been a Great
Blessing and he will never know how much his e-mails,
sharing in the building of his boats, barn, and the
time we have spent paddling my kayaks has meant.
I look forward each
day to reading what my other “Brothers and Sisters”
in the Boat Building world are up to, and enjoy them
letting me peek into a little corner of their lives.
So, in this Season
of Joy, Confusion, Disappointment, Depression, Reflection
and Anticipation, I give Thanks To God for allowing
all of you who contribute to Duckworks, and especially
to Chuck and Sandra for their Wonderful Magazine.
- May the Next Year Find You at Peace with Yourself,
Your Family, and with the Rest of the World.
- May you always Find Pleasure in the Thought of
Past Sailing Days.
- May you Always Find Pleasure in the Memory of
all those who have gone on before us.
- May You Always Find Pleasure in the Task at hand.
- May You Always Find Time to Look at the Sunset
with someone you Love.
- May you Always Not Hold back tears of Joy or
- Most of all, May you Find THE Perfect Harbor
to Drop your anchor in.
Peace and Good Will From Capt Ron and Queen Priscilla.
The Queen and I Find ourselves, along with our little
craft Osa P III, at anchor in a small harbor called
Heart Harbor, located in Memory Island.
Fair Winds with just enough puffs to keep you on
your toes and may your varnish always dry before sunset.and
may all your cuts be as you intended.
Capt Ron

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