My daughter, son-in-law, and three-year-old granddaughter,
Lauren, are visiting Nana and Papa. My daughter is
a hematology – oncology pediatrician at Johns
Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, Md. We do not get to
see our granddaughter often so it is a thrill when
they come home.
My daughter,
son-in-law, and three-year-old granddaughter,
Lauren, are visiting Nana and Papa. |
Lauren saw my River Runner in the garage and wanted
to ride in the boat. Papa placed her in the front
seat and she asked for a life jacket and oars. Her
mother informed me that Lauren has watched children’s
safety programs and knows that a boater should wear
a life jacket.
Lauren saw my
River Runner in the garage and wanted to ride
in the boat. |
Captain Lauren then informed Mom’ee that she
needed to ride and must also have a life jacket and
oars. The Captain then informed the deckhand, Papa,
that we needed water for the boat. Needless to say
the deckhand failed in this assigned task.
Captain Lauren gave the orders to launch River Runner
from its secret harbor, the garage. A one horsepower
Papa powered River Runner on our great adventure.
We traveled back and forth on the driveway, sorry,
I mean the great river of our imagination. We sang
such favorite songs as “row, row, row your boat,
gently down the stream” and a great adventure
was had by all.
A one horsepower
Papa powered River Runner on our great adventure. |
Captain Lauren also likes to “Squirrel Fish”.
Lauren has a Barbie rod and reel. My son-in-law, Chuck,
feeds their yard squirrels corn year round. Chuck
buys peanuts still in the hull. He ties a peanut hull
to the line of the Barbie rod and reel. Chuck and
Lauren then place the rod out the kitchen window and
let the hull fall to the pavement. The garage is under
the kitchen. Squirrels will grab the peanut and run.
The line runs off the reel while Lauren is yelling
“I caught someping”, “I caught someping”.
Her father then shows her how to reel in her “catch”.
Would you believe her father likes to fish?
Captain Lauren
also likes to “Squirrel Fish”. |
The deckhand, Papa, has fiber glassed the bottom
of River Runner from bow to stern and is preparing
to fiber glass the sides and deck. I have also installed
four nylon
step-handles purchased from Duckworks.
I mounted the handles on the sides to assist with
loading and unloading.
I am anxious to finish River Runner. As I work, I
hear a sweet angle’s voice saying, “Faster
Papa, Faster”.
Ben Phillips

More about River Runner
