January - February - March - April - May - June - July
August - September - October - November - December
If you know of something that would be of interest,
please send me a link - chuck.leinweber@gmail.com |
Finally! Some photos from last year's Wooden Boat Festival:
John Kohnen |
Hey Chuck:
Olivier got caught by a wind shift and unexpected gybe on Lake Hall, back in the warm months. He got it righted pretty easily. Here is the Video...
Gary Blankenship |
... By the way, here is a slideshow of building the Olivier Chamel's Goat Island Skiff and videos of sailing it. Videos are on Lake Hall in Tallahassee, except the last two are in St. Joe Bay.
Gary Blankenship |
Hi Chuck,
I've just set up a blog for DIY boaters. It's free and no registration
is required. the URL is:
Paul Esterle |
For those of you who might be following my son Sean's build of Jim
Michalak's "Piccup Squared" boat design, here is a link to the latest
Bill Moffitt
I don't know what the takeoff speed is but a light person on big skis
would be about 8-10 mph. If you started off of a dock it would not take
a very big boat? Another thing I have never thought about trying.
John Wright
I have been following Pete Goss' blog about the trip he is making from England to Australia. Lately some pretty cool shots from down in the Southern Ocean.
Murray Stevens |
Hi Chuck
I came upon this book while searching the web. It's really quite good and I believe of interest to your clients and friends on the Duckworks site. Give it a look ...it's old, but from an obviously experienced "old time" sailor. Especially good is his discussions of the various rigs. Some of the Texas200 guys should have read this.
Steve Hock |
Hey Chuck,
I was talking with Shawn Payment and he tipped me off to a great source for closed cell foam. Density of 2 pounds per cubic foot, easy to cut, and the cells are so small you can actually sand the stuff to desired shape, say if you wanted to make a padded seat for a kayak or canoe.
Mike Connelly |
Hi Chuck,
I came across your website by accident and found a broken link to my build of Phil Bolgers “Spartina”. Feel free to use it if you wish.
Byron Bennett |
Hi Chuck
we have the prototype build in progress of Michael Storer's new singlehanded cruising dinghy, the RAID41. We have a site to tell people more about the design and how she came about. Your readers might enjoy learning about my little boat called Trim.
Thanks, Brian
Video of Le Dulci-Mer, a Phil Bolger designed balance lugger in 5-8 mph of wind. |
Hey there Chuck!
Free plans for the beautiful lapstrake dinghy Blackfly have risen from
the ashes and are now available on TdeM.
Thanks, Thomas |
I was wondering if I could place a link on the Duckworks site links page. I am a small wooden boatbuilder in Tasmania, Australia specialising in modern and traditional construction. My website is www.denmanmarine.com.au
Andrew Denman |
I just came across this web site and thought you might be interested, but don't let browsing the web keep you from building or paddling/sailing!
Hi Chuck and Sandra - here's a small boat builder building his boat entirely by hand. He's resawing his garboard planks using a handsaw at the moment. This is a very interesting blog to follow!
Pete Leenhouts |
If you have not read this elsewhere, you can now get the NOAA charts in PDF format. The chart has the latest changes and does not need any special "viewer" software. Intererested? Take a look. Pick the "Gulf Coast". The charts are listed in order going around Florda. Click on the desired chart number and a PDF file will download.
Henry |
Here is a link to the Mac 26 promational video. Shows it surfing over 7 - 8 foot swells. Pretty impressive... 45 min long, it's about mid way through...
Tom Gale
I've created a larger, more powerful, 18' LOA version of the
previously introduced Montage Skiff/Tri and called it the Collage. The new boat, just like the initial Montage, is designed as a stitch and
glue build in marine plywood.... AND, there is also going to be a really
bitchin', smooth hulled, strip built version for those who prefer the more
organic look...
... I've just put up another article regarding a design study with which I have been
working for a high fuel efficiency power catamaran for a wide range of use
Chris Ostlind |
Hi Chuck,
here is what I,ve found in the net ;-) :
Wojtek |
I got the video of our trip into Mariscal Canyon condensed and posted on youtube....
We've added something new and it's quite different from a Pelican. Plans and full size patterns are now available for the Tridarka Raider, designed by Matt Layden.