items to
for inclusion here next month.
The Treasure Chest is a place to put those cool sailing,
cruising, motoring, boatbuilding or boating tips you have. Send
us your ideas... We just need a photo and a short description.
This time we have...
Gasket for Mounting a Compass
... I have had good results by getting a tube of the right gook
silicone, polysulfide, sixaflex etc, laying a neat bead a little
thicker than you need, and letting it skin over and partially
cure. Then you assemble the parts, tightening down evenly part
way, clean up a bit if need be, and letting it cure completely.
This forms a removable and normally re-useable gasket custom fitted
to the mating parts and an extra turn of the mounting screws forms
a good seal.
Cheers, Brian
And another use for my multi tool!
About the multy tool, a couple of months ago I purchase a pneumatic
one from Harbor Freight. It is a workhorse and superior to any
electric tool on the market. Is also lighter and smaller. (If
you have a good size compressor pneumatic is the way to go). F.
Y. I , Industrial Abrasives tel 1-800-428-2222 (Not affiliated
with them, just a good supplier of my business for many years).They
sale to anyone and no quantity or minimum limits.
How to Mix Epoxy Without Bubbles
I'll have to add this to my bag of tricks (click
here). I've always had trouble with tiny bubbles
in the epoxy.

Another Re-entry Idea
Found this in one of my old magazines from way back in 1969.

They were talking sbout the same things then as now.
Allen in Oz
Rope Grommets
Years ago I read in Hervey Garrett Smith´s book "The
Marlinspike Sailor" how to make rope grommets. As I was rigging
a small boat I had built with Jim Michalaks Mayfly
14 rig I decided to use Miks (Michael
Storer) idea and mount the blocks using rope and
decided to make grommets instead of knots for asthetic reasons,
which is why this is also to you Mik. Jim suggests a piece of
plastic pipe to keep the yard from flying away in the wind, but
I thought a grommet again would be at least more asthetically
pleasing, so I took some pictures. If you want to put this in
the magazine, heres how to make a grommet -
Determine the circumference of the grommet you want to make and
cut a piece of rope three times the circumference plus six times
the rope diameter (its a good idea to cut a bit more, just in
case) and unlay the three strands. Mark the circumference from
one end and make a circle with the strand and begin to re-lay
the rope. If you are making a grommet to mount a block you will
need to pass the strand through the bail (?) and make the grommet
integral with the block. Be careful with becket-blocks. I started
my grommet in the becket, not the bail on my first one. When the
two ends meet up take the grommet in both hands and pull it apart
(stretch it). The traditional way of finishing is to separate
each end into two parts and tie an overhand knot with one half
of each end and tuck the rest in like a splice and tuck in the
other two parts, also like a splice, which probably works with
hemp, but polypropylene is way too stiff, so I cut the ends to
meet nicely and glued them with hotmelt silicon. It has held so
far. Michael Storer uses rope to mount his blocks on the spars.
The spars are one and one half to one and three quarters of an
inch in diameter and I found that a 16 inch (40cm.) circle works
very well, so I cut my rope to 50 inches (130cm.) and had some
to cut off afterwards. There are lots of other uses for grommets,
too, but I cant think of any at this time.
Straight 14
Ahoy there fellow boat builders (and lurkers) - I've been a bit
too absorbed in what I'm doing to take a lot of pics, no helpers
around as the rest of the family is still away on holidays. However
there's an upside to that as you can see I'm working in the large,
open plan kitchen/family/dining room. In airconditioned comfort:
of course I won't be doing any sanding in here but at least I
can glass the boat away from the high humidity outside. And yes
I've measured up the doorway to make sure I can get it outside

Cheers Sam
Designed by Mark Bowdidge
Bowdidge Marine Designs
Mark's Plans are available at Duckworks.
Propeller with the Cumulative Effect

I bring to your attention the principle of a propeller
with a
cumulative effect. This design is based on an international application
the invention. Details on the website