items to
for inclusion here next month.
The Treasure Chest
The Treasure Chest is a place in Reports
to put those cool sailing, cruising, motoring and boating ideas
you have. Send us your ideas... We just need a photo and a short
This time we have...
Flower Pot Heater |
Flowerpot heater needs a clamp of some sort for
This idea came up while discussing with friends the use of a
propane cooking stove as a source of heat on boats that lack a
cabin heater. Simply firing up the stove produced little change
in heat and only increased the condensation buildup (water vapor
is a natural by-product of propane combustion). So how do you
convert an open stove flame into a more efficient heat source?
What is needed is a way to create radiant heat with minimal equipment
that can be easily stowed away when not in use. My suggestion
was to invert an unfired red clay flowerpot over a stove burner.
This will capture the heat and radiate it into the surrounding
spaces. I have successfully used this trick in a small travel
trailer, managing to take the morning chill off while making coffee
on the other burner. The addition of spring clamps or rails could
hold the flower pot in place against the boat's motion - don't
try this until you have a way to secure the pot in place as it
will get quite hot.
For materials, all you'll need is a clay pot of larger diameter
than the burner and a length of wire. A coat hanger will do the
job, but it quickly rusts. A better choice is brass brazing rod,
2mm (3/32") in diameter, available from a welder's supply
house or some hardware stores. Refer to Figure 1 for directions
on bending the wire. Note that the section marked, "Bend
up," will exert a down force on the rim of the pot, keeping
it in place, while allowing it to be easily removed when cool.
The most important thing to remember is that you must provide
adequate ventilation - the open flame will quickly deplete the
oxygen supply. To really make this safer, install a smoke head,
such as a Charley Noble, and rig a length of flex conduit as a
temporary smoke stack. This will carry the moisture and combustion
by-products outside. Conduit fittings will connect the pot and
flex pipe together. Most, if not all, vented propane stoves and
heaters use 2.54cm- (1"-) diameter stainless-steel pipe,
so the deck fitting should be compatible with your flowerpot heater.
Adding a couple of small battery-operated fans will help circulate
the heated air around the cabin.
By Ryc Rienks
A former musician, custom knife maker and teacher, Ryc Rienks
lives with his wife aboard Mai Tardis II, a Cascade 36 in Seattle,
From DIY Boat Owner
On Board electrical power tools |
On Board electrical power tools are a necessity
for boat owners on moorings and cruisers. These boaters must be
more self sufficient!
Take an old rechargeable hand drill whose permanently mounted
battery will no longer hold a charge and modify it. Often a new
battery will cost more than the whole drill did when new.
1. Remove the old battery.
2. Wire the battery terminals to a cord with a 12 volt utility
plug that will reach anywhere on your boat- or make an extension
cord. Be sure that this wiring is not compatible with 110 volt
wiring to prevent problems should someone else use it.
3. Don't worry if the drill was originally intended for less
than 12 Volt, it will work just fine and in most cases give better
service for intermittent use. If your old drill was not a reversing
motor, it can be now with the addition of a reversing switch or
This same modification can be used on any of the popular 9.6
volt or 12 volt rechargeable battery tools where it is not convenient
to recharge the battery on a 110 volt charger.

Mug Shot
This was done by Tom Pamperin - by the way, it is
a gag. Here is where you can put your own picture on the cover.

February 16, 2010
Navy puts first of new tug series to work
The YT 802 Valiant, first of the new series of Z-Tech 4500 Class
tugs for U.S. Navy pilots operating in Puget Sound, was placed
in active service earlier this month.
The new series tugs are being built in Tacoma, Wash., by J. M.
Martinac Shipbuilding Ltd., a sub-contractor to Pacific Tugboat
Services of Long Beach, CA, the prime contractor.
The design was developed by Robert Allan Ltd. of Vancouver, Canada,
and adapted to the Navy's needs based on the Z-Tech 6000 hullform
originally developed for the Port of Singapore.
Based in Bremerton and Bangor, Washington, the tugs will perform
ship-handling duties for the full range of Navy surface warships
and submarines. They are equipped with an extensive array of underwater
fendering, as well as the typical resilient style fenders for
handling surface ships.

The Z-Tech 4500 class tugs have the following particulars,:
Length Overall, 27.42 m
Beam, Molded,11.65 m
Depth, Molded, 5.00 m
Load Draft, max, 4.88 m
Propulsion machinery comprises a pair of CAT 3512C, main engines,
each rated 1,350 kW (1,810 bhp) at 1,600 rpm, each driving a Schottel
Model SRP 1012 steering/propulsion Z-Drive units, with 2,100 mm
diameter fixed pitch propellers. This combination delivered in
excess of the predicted performance, providing 42 t (92,500 lb)
bollard pull ahead, 45 t (99,205 lb) astern, and a free-running
speed of 12.4 knots on trials.
Electrical power is delivered by a pair of R.A. Mitchell Co.
diesel gensets with a John Deere 6068SFM75 prime mover, each rated
130 ekW at 1,800 rpm.

Deck machinery fitted includes a ship-handling hawser winch forward;
JonRie Series 210 Assist winch, fitted with 180 m of 175 mm line.
This winch has a brake capacity of 136 t (300,000 lb), and a line
pull/speed rating of 9 t (20,000 lb) at 53 m/min (175 ft/min).
The fendering is all rated "non-marking" for dealing
with the gray hulls of warships, and was supplied by Shibata through
Schuyler Fenders.
The tugs are configured as "day-boats" but also provide
accommodations for a crew of up to six persons. One of the unique
features of the layout is the complete separation of the accommodation
deckhouse from the machinery casing, a configuration designed
to both provide a reasonably dry access to the accommodation spaces
in the notoriously damp northwest climate, as well as to provide
a significant degree of noise attenuation in the crew spaces.
Dear Chuck,
Hope all is well. It was an exciting weekend at the Miami Boat
Show and just wanted to follow up in regards to Al Copeland’s
‘Phenomenon,’ the fastest boat in the world.
As you may know, ‘Phenomenon,’ 56 feet
long, 13’ and 6”, with 4 turbine engine that produce
12,000 horsepower, was built to break the world’s propelled
speedboat record of 220.5 mph.
It was created by engineers from Boeing, former US Naval architects,
& world class professional power boat builders.
The magic of this prototypical vessel lies behind the story of
famed restaurateur, Al Copeland Sr. who founded Popeyes Famous
Fried Chicken & Biscuits Restaurants and Copeland’s
Restaurants and was the former driver of the Popeyes Offshore
race team. He was a six-time National Champion who popularized
the sport of off-shore racing with actor Chuck Norris in their
Popeyes/Diet Coke race boat.
Unfortunately, about two years into building ‘Phenomenon,’
Al Copeland Sr. was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer known
as Merkel Cell Carcinoma (MCC). Just eight months after the diagnosis,
he passed away. At the time of his death, Al Copeland Sr. had
two goals he wanted to accomplish: One to find a cure for MCC,
and two to finish the boat in order to break the world record.
A southern icon, Al Copeland’s memory lives
on through his 52 restaurants, hotels, and comedy clubs throughout
the US and his Foundation,
which is dedicated to the eradication of Merkel Cell Carcinoma
Please let me know if you can run this information – really
appreciate your help!
Thank you again.
Alex and Tanya
MWW Group
Here's some small watercolor
sketches from last year's season.

Stacy D. Smith
Kayak by Vic
Here is my kayak so far. Had to borrow ALL the
both of Nick's books....looked at tons of YouTube thingies....and
...for the first time...tried woodworking stuff. This is my Kayak
wet down after 60 grit sanding. I guess I can go up to 80...then...when
warmer weather hits...fiberglass. Totally scared about that, but...then
again, I was terrified about starting this project that was so
far out of my comfort zone....and it...ended far...being
a blast. Got a bunch of exotic woods (didn't even know they existed
before)...for the deck.
G ot bad knees...don't plan on getting in it...but 5 grandsons
should have a hoot....right?
notbadforfirsttimer, Vic Druten

Good morning, Chuck,
Planning to launch my GIS next Saturday. I'm coating the hull
with epoxy today and may wait until after the launch to primer
and paint the hull. Charlie Jones and Mik both said three coats
of epoxy will protect the hull for the launch. (I have a good
reason for launching next weekend even though the boat will not
be "finished.") Skipping the primer coats this week
would free up some time for other tasks.
Pics are from yesterday afternoon.

Sea Fever to the Bahamas
Hi Chuck and Sandra
We're planning on leaving February 14 to trailer the boat to
Miami and
sail across to the Bahamas. I've started keeping a blog about
preparations, and once we're sailing we hope to update it every
day or
two with a little bit of news, and maybe photos if the satellite
(very slow) can manage it. Anyway, you can use this site to check
in now and then to see our progress.

All best,
James Chen's Photo After a Storm
James Chen photo of boat's a'beach after the big storm......some
folks anchor offshore to avoid Santa Barbara's slip fees......we
had 13 on the beach this last weekend.

Bruce Armstrong
Stop by a Museum
Helen and I stopped by the museum today to check on the guys.
There's a lot going on, boats everywhere, sawdust in the air,
funny looking old sailors in abundance, a perfect setting. This
is what the place is all about, volunteers doing boat stuff and
having a good time. If you're tired of golf and TV go on down
and sign on. Bob showed us the cool buggy they acquired, I need
one of these. They are almost finished the huge dory they're building
for the park service. Maybe Bill Burger and the crew of Spanish
soldiers can make it across the river without the thrill of sinking
dressed in full armor when they use this one. There is an old
Star boat out front. Stars have always been a favorite with me
but this one is pretty far gone. Bob says that it all iron fastened
and every frame is cracked in at least one place. The big spritsail
skiff "Sally Adams" is getting a face lift along with
a new centerboard trunk and board. One of the benefits of working
on these boats is that you get to sail on them if you have the
nerve. Sally takes a lot of nerve when it's blowing and she's
screaming along like a freight train and Bob says " ready
about". The big Cortez fishing boat is taking a lot of work,
Smiley will be a good addition when it's finished. The second
surf boat for the Jacksonville life guards is about finished.
When you go out to see all this make sure that you check out both
shops and the museum and all of the grounds.
David Lucas
Lucas Boatworks and Happy Hour Club
Dugout Canoe
I am building a dugout canoe in Honduras. The
hull is 22 feet long and is hand carved from a Guanacaste tree.
The stern stems are made of Caoba which is mahogany. I am attaching
a couple pictures I thought you might be interested in seeing.
I was wondering which pintle and gudgeon set you would recommend.
I am thinking about using your rudder hardware for weekenders
because they can be mounted vertically on a narrow stem.
Greg Long
Mickey at Macy’s in Fairoaks Mall
This is a late Christmas picture of a boat I sold Jim Schafer
in November, his girlfriend happened to be the decorator at
Macy’s in Fairoaks Mall in northern Virginia. This month
St.Mary’s Children’s Home will have an auction as
part of a large fund raising gala,two of my models will be auctioned.
Bob has some other models in January
Bob Guess
I’ve been busy building boats. More specifically I have
been building the Bolger Micro Trawler I wrote about last time
we corresponded. This from the guy who wrote the Duckworks 2008
article “Need
for Speed”. I blame it on my wife because
she’s the one who won’t hang her posterior over
the side of the world famous “Chuggerboat”.
That caused me to have to build a boat large enough to have
indoor accommodations. Anyway, as I continue to try to finish
her up I thought I’d send an update for your upcoming
“March Reports”. Hopefully I can send a more complete
and detailed article in the near future on the completed project.
I haven’t come along much further than the attached November
picture due to the unusually (relatively) cold weather here
in Pensacola Florida this winter. I hope to finish her up this
spring though and will report again at that time.

Pat Johnson
Pensacola, Florida
Trailer Sailer Powerboat
Just got this Dennis TS 500 its 19 ft by 7 foot beam thinking
of making it into one of those power cruising boats out of it.
It was made in Melbourne probably 20 years ago. I hasn't been
in the water for ten years and I don't know what the sails are

Cheers Stewart
Fishing Boats on the Clarence
I am amazed by the number of old style sharpies professional
fisherman use on the Clarence River, NSW, Australia, so I took
a picture of one.
This is a fairly typical design with quite a
raised bow. |
This is a punt made of aluminum planks edge welded. No need for
internal frames it seems and the hollow planks give some buoyancy.
While we are on professional fisherman, this photo was taken
at Iluka, NSW. It's not faked. He was up on that ladder looking
for fish. The picture doesn't show it was blowing 40 knots with
rain showers.
Mike John
NorseBoat 21.5 Cruiser Press Release
NorseBoat 21.5 Cruiser Hull #1 Underway
NorseBoat Limited Prepares For Spring 2010 Production
January 29, 2010, Belfast, Prince Edward Island, Canada - NorseBoat
Limited has begun construction of their much anticipated NorseBoat
21.5 Cruiser. Hull number one is currently being built at their
Lunenburg, Nova Scotia shop using modern wood/epoxy construction.
Subsequent production NorseBoat 21.5 Cruisers will be constructed
using a high quality glass/wood/epoxy composite. Optional all-wood
construction will also be available.
The NorseBoat 21.5 Cruiser is the largest in NorseBoat’s
line of high performance sailing and rowing craft. Her sisterships
include the popular NorseBoat 17.5 Cruiser and the recently launched
NorseBoat 12.5 Cruiser/Tender. These versatile, trailerable daysailers
and camp cruisers have earned the reputation of “the Swiss
army knife of boats.”
NorseBoat founder and president Kevin Jeffrey developed the design
for the NorseBoat 21.5 Cruiser in cooperation with Mark Fitzgerald
of Fitzgerald Marine Architecture, Camden, Maine. Mark drew the
lines of the NorseBoat 17.5 Sailing & Rowing Cruiser while
working at Chuck Paine Yacht Design.
Production of the NorseBoat 21.5 Cruiser is proceeding on the
strength of five initial orders and strong consumer interest in
a NorseBoat of this size.
The NorseBoat 21.5 Cruiser has distinctly NorseBoat lines and
features, plus interior accommodations for two adults and two
children, a self-draining cockpit, and innovations unique to this
The sail plan is a high performance, easy to handle cutter rig
with fully battened mainsail, signature curved gaff yard, pivoting
carbon mast, self-tacking jib, and optional furling drifter/reacher
Customers can choose the standard ballasted centerboard or optional
low-profile fixed keel. The fixed keel option can temporarily
replace the centerboard when sailing in deeper waters or keeping
the boat at a dock or mooring. The NorseBoat 21.5 Cruiser is strong
yet lightweight, has a seaworthy hull shape, shallow draft, some
rowing capability, and is trailerable and able to be towed with
a normal vehicle.
The pre-production price is CN$29,995 plus trailer and options
for the NorseBoat 21.5 Cabin version, and CN$24,995 plus trailer
and options for the NorseBoat 21.5 Open version (no cabin).

NorseBoat 21.5 Specifications
LOA (on deck) 21’-8”, 6.60m
LWL 19’-7”, 5.97m
Beam 7’-1”, 2.16m
Draft (board up) 0’-9”, 0.23m
Draft (board down) 3’-10”, 1.17m
Draft (fixed keel) 3’-0”, 0.91m
Mainsail area 143sf, 13.28sm
Jib area 54sf, 5.02sm
Drifter/reacher area 120sf, 11.15sm
Mast height off water 22’-0”, 6.71m
Lightship displacement 1280lbs, 580kg
Rowing stations 1
Berths (1) V-berth, (2) quarter-berths
Propulsion electric or gas/petrol outboard
MARIETTE and the Herreshoff Schooners
Dear friends, colleagues and sailing enthusiasts,
Here is a short mail to inform you of a new book, soon to be
published, by Jacques Taglang and myself, in collaboration with
Luigi Lang.
Also attached is an order form offering the opportunity to acquire
this, our latest work, at a special pre-publication price.
With my best wishes to everyone for a happy and healthy 2010,
yours sincerely,

Nigel Pert
BASE : 00 33(0)233640591
MOBILE : 00 33(0)614906779
SKYPE : nigelpert
