items to
for inclusion here next month.
The Treasure Chest is a place to put those cool sailing,
cruising, motoring, boatbuilding or boating tips you have. Send
us your ideas... We just need a photo and a short description.
This time we have...
What I did with the rudder was to cut 2-1/2" holes, put a thin layer of epoxy in and let it harden and put washers in more epoxy flush with the wood. To get the weight right I filled a kiddie pool and put washers on until the rudder went down on the bottom end. With the rudder being a inch thick and the rudder laying flat in the water & vertical, it will work when it's on the boat. I know its not what you would call the right way BUT. The last picture is a the Fishermans Skiff I just finished.

Don |
Tiller Extension with Rope Grip
A little while back Brian wrote about his tiller extension.
I like it. I was having trouble gauging how long to make my tiller on my Catbox. This to me is a great idea, solves my problem, the length is adjustable, is simple to do and makes The Treasure Chest a worth while column. Your ideas can make a difference for someone else.
I could not find eyebolts locally to take the 1" dowel I am using but I found an eye nut that worked. I attached mine to the side of the rudder stock using 1/2" threaded rod - galvanised was the best I could get. A rope in one end and a rope grip on the other was the go I decided. The rope should stay. If not I will rough up the dowel and glue the rope to it. I used fishing rod runner binding techniques. There is a description of the tying here. It works well and you can even push the tiller back to pass behind your back on a tack and then pull it forward again.
Rope handle - I must dig out that weed later |
The holes were a little big so I turned the eyes slightly to create so friction. |
She looks at home on the Lake's edge. |
The other boats do seem bigger though. |
Thank you Brian,
Mike John |
Kayaks on the Wall
Following the article of Mario Stoltz, I would like to share with the Duckworks readers how I store our kayak fleet on the garage wall. I had to resolve my storage problem before stating the building of my Michalak AF4. The pictures are self-explanatory.

Fred, Canada |