items to
for inclusion here next month.
Flathead Lake

I've been having weekend after weekend of powered up sailing on Flathead Lake, the windiest summer I can recall. It doesn't hurt that I have 4 cats beached on different arms of the lake, so I can almost always find wind. And that all 4 are light air monsters. Will be heading for the Alvord Desert in either Sept or Oct for a week on the playa. It's hard for an addict to be satiated, but I approach that state more often lately.
Dave Farmer
The last frame went in this week. Everything (EVERYTHING) is 2x8. The keelson will be next - that will be a sistered 2x8!
We need more ideas on how to turn this baby over - using 1860's technology only! Gin-poles (big), block and tackle (big), teams of horses (strong), hay bales (soft), help!

Goat Island Skiff

The photo is by John Goodman who owns the first Goat Island Skiff rigged as a Yawl. He and his kids know more than almost anyone about taking pics and videos while sailing.
Mik Storer

That's my dog Snickers out on the bay on the Irwin 28.
Gordo Barcomb
Here's My Latest Book

"No Fridge? No galley, NO PROBLEM!" states a new book aimed at small boat owners.
"Cooking Aboard a Small Boat" by Paul Esterle is dedicated to helping the owners of small boats dine as well as those with full-fledged galleys.
NEWARK, DELAWARE August 14, 2011 - Paul Esterle has condensed almost a quarter century of cooking aboard small boats into a manual for dining well aboard a smaller boat. Small boats have either rudimentary or non-existent galley areas for food storage and preparation, making meal preparation more difficult.
Mr. Esterle provides the information necessary for selecting and managing stoves and stove fuels. Propane, butane, kerosene and alcohol stoves are covered as well as proper fire safety and fuel storage provisions.
Extensive coverage of cooking tools and utensils provides the ground work for a boater to develop their own culinary tools kit for use aboard a small boat, including food storage methods.
Most small boats use some combination of coolers for cold food storage. The book explains methods for maximizing the storage of frozen or refrigerated food in coolers. When the cold runs out, the book also covers the use of non-refrigerated foods.
Foods, both fresh and shelf-stable, are detailed along with methods of preparing and storing them aboard. Iron rations (canned goods), freeze-dried and dehydrated foods as well as the newer UHT (Ultra High Temperature) shelf stable products are all discussed.
Finally, an extensive selection of tested-on-board recipes is provided, covering appetizers, breakfast, side dishes, sandwiches and wraps, soups and stews, main dishes, desserts and drinks.
"Cooking Aboard a Small Boat" is available online at in both hard copy and downloadable formats. It will soon join other books by Mr. Esterle on iTunes.
Capt'n Pauley (Paul Esterle)
About the Author Paul Esterle is Technical Editor of Small Craft Advisor and Editor of Mid-Atlantic Boating Magazine. He is a prolific freelance writer covering boating "How-to" and "Do It Yourself" articles for many major boating magazines. He boats on the upper Chesapeake Bay where he maintains his motley fleet of classic fiberglass boats.
My brother inlaw is here from England and I took him into the bush for a couple of days. The below photo shows a aboriginal drawing of a sail boat. It looks like a broken mast or sail...
Progress on Helen Marie, the 26 ft Fantail Launch
Of the fantail launch
It's been a long hot summer and I've been under the weather but I'm back on the job. It takes a lot more work to design and build a boat, bedroom, kitchen, living room, engine room and back porch than it does a little sailboat but it is fun. I'll repeat the philosophy that's gone into designing this boat. I've had every kind of boat you can imagine, from small day sailors to large cruising boats, both sail and power and know exactly what I want. I want to be able to take the boat anywhere in the country at 70 miles an hour, cruise in perfect comfort for long periods of time at little expense and in all weather. Explore in all water depths with no thought of running aground, not worry about bugs or heat. Be almost indestructible so anyone can borrow it. Always be comfortable and self contained, ready to pull out and go at a moments notice on her trailer and have a happy wife there with me when she wants. As you can see, a lot of thought went into this boat. She's about like this 1899 fantail launch except she's 6 1/2 feet wide, which isn't much. This beam will make her very slick to push along, her 20 hp motor is more than enough. The entire concept is for two people living on her. More can go but the design is intended for two. She has a dedicated bedroom up forward, cabin with two large comfortable seats, a couch with refer and potty under, counter with sink, microwave, ice maker and air conditioner under. The 90 gallon water ballast should keep her steady and 250 range should eliminate worries about gas. I've included a few new pictures of the interior, window frames and A/C installation.

David Lucas
Lucas Boatworks and Happy Hour Club
Shanty Boat
In this economy it doesn't make sense to build a boat. A quick scan of Craig's List turns up an amazing variety of boats, many for little more than a song, at least when compared to prices about four years ago or so.

So why do I want to build more boats?
I like making something from nothing. I enjoy the act of creation, the challenge of turning a dream into reality. I've bought boats, and I have built boats, and for me nothing can compare with the boat I built. There's the sense of pride, yes, but for me it's more joy at building something the way I want it, using it exactly the way I dreamed of it. I've written often in my Escargot "blog" about my journey's with my son in our boat, and I genuinely believe that the trips would have been so different in a boat I bought. First off, most boats that included sleeping for up to four, along with a head, a kitchen, a living room, and two decks, wouldn't of been able to make it into the rivers, as it would have been huge. There just isn't an 18 foot boat commercially made that offers all that... and certainly not in a boat that can float in five inches of water. And as my son and I were lying in the forward bunks in the dim glow of our candle lamps, listening to Art Bell's spooky stories of shadow people or aliens on the radio, it just felt magical.

I started the boat ten years ago. Ten years! That a lot of years worth of boating in my 21 year old son's and 19 year old daughter's lives.. a lot of memories. And now my son is in boat building school!
Nothing I have done since... from learning to fly to driving fire engines in parades, to learning to play some rare and exotic instrument. has given me such a thrill for such a sustained period of time.

I spend hours looking for my next boat, hours thinking out the next adventure. I have enough plans and dreams to create a dozen more boats in a dozen more lifetimes. Boating can be a dream come true... but there is no dream that compares when it involves a boat you have built from nothing... a boat you have built yourself.
Bryan Lowe
Bryan Lowe is the creator of a site devoted to the shantyboat lifestyle, He completed his Phil Thiel designed Escargot in 2001 for use on the sloughs and rivers of Washington state.
Yellowbrick helps ensure safe arrival of first ever team to row to the Magnetic North Pole*
In a feat that has never before been achieved, Scots adventurer, Jock Wishart, and his six-strong team have rowed to the recognised (1996) position of the Magnetic North Pole*. Every step of this ground-breaking 'Old Pulteney Row to the Pole' expedition has been tracked by Yellowbrick, the world's largest truly-global tracking provider.
The four-week-long voyage required the team to navigate the perilous ice-strewn waters of a 450 mile stretch from their start point in Resolute Bay, Canada, to the finish point at 78°35.7N 104°11.9W in Deer Bay off Ellef Ringnes Island. For the support team operating from the base camp in Resolute Bay, being able to monitor The Old Pulteney's progress at every step of the way was a huge advantage in terms of safety and logistics management. When, in one instance, the team was unable to make a scheduled communications call, Yellowbrick worked with the support team to immediately increase the frequency of transmissions so the team's position could be more closely tracked.
As Yellowbrick tracking devices work by using the Iridium satellite network to transmit their precise GPS fix, the product offers truly global coverage from any location in the world - even at the Poles! Yellowbrick is one of the only totally self-sufficient tracking devices with the ability to do this. And what's more, Yellowbrick's rugged, waterproof construction means it is perfectly able to withstand environmental extremes, as Jock and his team were able to prove on this world-first Arctic rowing expedition.

Transmissions from the Yellowbrick tracking device carried onboard The Old Pulteney were received within seconds by Yellowbrick HQ and automatically updated on the online web viewer. With transmissions occurring as frequently as every 15 minutes, support team and supporters of the challenge alike were able to watch Jock and his team row ever closer to their goal.
Speaking shortly after completing the voyage, Jock described the Yellowbrick tracker as "one our most useful items of equipment". He went on to say; "We have journeyed into one of the most extreme and remote locations imaginable, and for our support team to be able to see exactly where we were at any one time offered a huge reassurance for all involved. The Yellowbrick tracking device was crucial, both as a safety tool and as a way of enhancing our website for the thousands of supporters following our voyage."
Further information regarding Yellowbrick can be found at
South Swell
A big South Swell has arrived in SoCal from the deepest, darkest regions of the Southern Ocean below and west of New Zealand. This photo is from the Wedge in Newport Beach, CA and it demonstrates the power that can be generated at that very unique surf spot. We are seeing a solo kayaker paddling his butt off to scratch out over the oncoming lip. This is pretty hairy stuff as the wave looks to be running right around 18 feet, or so. The depth of the water where it will break is about 3-4 feet. Sources say he just barely made it. That carbon boat he is paddling would have been pummeled into sharp nasty splinters if he had been driven down off the lip of a wave that big.

Chris Ostlind Lunada Design

J Panter
Take Apart
I've never built a boat; I seem to be attracted to bringing old junkers back to life. My latest is an odd one. It's a home built, of unknown and mysterious design: bow of a Adirondack Guideboat, middle of a freight canoe, stern of a Whitehall skiff. A very nice shape. Someone appears to have done a respectable - not expert - job of strip planking it like a canoe, and then smeared polyester resin all over it like paint. He must have been disappointed when it cured as rough as a corncob. OK, not that bad, but you get the idea. At least it sands off pretty easily. Oh, and it is a take- apart boat in two halves. By the time I'm done, I will probably be wishing that I'd built one from scratch instead.
Kim Apel
Drain Plug Reminder System Manufacturer Safe Launch
Chooses Home Port Marine Marketing
For Product Distribution Development, PR
Kilmarnock, Virginia (USA) – Safe Launch, LLC of Lansdale, Pennsylvania, manufacturer of the Safe Launch Drain Plug Reminder System, has chosen Home Port Marine Marketing, the international marine products consultancy, to provide distribution network development, publicity and promotion for its unique product.

Missing drain plugs are a common cause of trailerable boat and personal watercraft sinkings. The simple, easy to install Safe Launch Drain Plug Reminder System places the reminder where it's needed the most - in the drain hole.
For more information about the Safe Launch Drain Plug Reminder System, visit
EU approval for new McMurdo Smartfind S10 AIS Beacon
McMurdo's new Smartfind S10 AIS beacon, an innovative personnel/crew recovery device, has now been approved for sale throughout the European Union. The approval has been given following an independent assessment by the British Approvals Board of Telecommunications (BABT).
The Smartfind S10 AIS Beacon uses AIS (Automatic Identification System) and GPS technology to give precise location information to aid the recovery of persons in difficulty at sea. The Smartfind S10 AIS Beacon will now carry the distinctive CE approval mark, assuring users of its high quality standards. The approval recognises that McMurdo's Smartfind S10 AIS Beacon complies with all essential requirements of the Radio and Telecommunications Terminal Equipment (R&TTE) Directive 1999/5/EC, the main route to compliance for all radio and telecommunications equipment sold in Europe.
This easy-to-activate product is ideal for use by divers, boat crews, or anyone else spending time on or near the water. Waterproof to 60m, as well as buoyant and compact, once activated, the Smartfind S10 AIS Beacon transmits structured alert message to AIS equipment onboard the vessel the individual has come from, and other AIS equipped vessels within a typical 4 mile radius. These messages indicate the precise location of the casualty together with course and bearing to that location. This information can significantly reduce the time it takes to search for and rescue a person in difficulty at sea. The Smartfind S10 uses its inbuilt GPS receiver to regularly update its position information, and has a minimum transmission time of 24 hours, making it a reliable and effective personal safety product for both commercial and leisure users.
Kannad Marine's new personal safety product receives approval for sale in EU

The SafeLink R10 Survivor Recovery System (SRS), a revolutionary new AIS beacon from Kannad Marine, is now available for sale throughout Europe. The approval was given following an independent assessment by the British Approvals Board of Telecommunications (BABT).
The SafeLink R10 SRS will now carry the distinguished CE mark, signifying compliance with all essential requirements of the Radio and Telecommunications Terminal Equipment (R&TTE) Directive
1999/5/EC, and is the main route to compliance for radio and telecommunications equipment sold in Europe.
Intended to be attached to a lifejacket and activated by individuals in difficulty at sea, the R10 uses both GPS and AIS (Automatic Identification System) technology to send structured alert messages containing precise location information to AIS equipment onboard the vessel that the individual has come from, and other AIS equipped vessels within a typical 4 mile radius. In a man overboard situation, chances of finding and recovering the casualty are greatly increased, thanks to information given by the R10 which for the first time shows bearing and distance to the man in the water.
The SafeLink R10 SRS has been designed, tested and manufactured by UK-based Kannad Marine, using the company's longstanding expertise in emergency location beacons. Waterproof, compact and ruggedly constructed, the SafeLink R10 is ideal for anyone spending time on the water, whether for work or leisure purposes.
Sea Tow Memberships Make Great Gifts for Boaters
What Better Present than Peace of Mind on the Water this Holiday Season?
Southold, NY-September 1, 2011-Holiday shopping season is right around the corner, and Sea Tow Services International, Inc. has the answer to the confounding question: "What should I give the person who has everything-including a boat?"
The gift of Sea Tow membership shows the giver cares enough to provide the boater in their life with 24/7 Peace of Mind on the WaterT, knowing professional marine assistance is only a phone call away.
A perfect present for new and experienced boaters alike, a one-year Sea Tow Gold Card Gift Membership is priced at $169 and comes in a special Sea Tow gift box. Carried by 95 percent of Sea Tow members, the Sea Tow Gold Card covers the recipient on every boat he or she owns, rents, charters, leases or borrows. It entitles the member to an unparalleled number of privileges, including: Priority service, free towing, jump starts, fuel drops, disentanglements and covered ungroundings
Free dock-to-dock tows for the member's primary vessel
No distance or dollar limits in the member's home area (the geographical area served by his or her local Sea Tow franchise)
Free Multiple Area Towing, to get the member home when boating in neighboring Sea Tow coverage areas
Universal Towing Coverage, which covers members in regions not yet served by a Sea Tow franchise by providing an industry-leading $5,000 out-of-all-areas coverage
Navigational assistance, sea condition reports, radio checks, float plans, tidal and community information, plus 24/7 access to experienced Sea Tow Captains for help and advice
Exclusive member benefits, including deals and discounts on valuable goods and services, through Sea Tow's extensive Advantage NetworkT
Members-only offers on marine insurance, financing, Trailer Care and more.
To order a Sea Tow Gift Box Membership, all the giver needs to do is call a Sea Tow customer service representative at 800-4-SEATOW or visit
About Sea Tow Sea Tow Services International, Inc. is the nation's leading marine assistance provider. Founded in 1983 by Chairman & CEO Capt. Joe Frohnhoefer, Sea Tow now serves over 160,000 members in approximately 106
locations throughout the United States, Europe, Australia, the U. S. Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico. For a full list of membership benefits, or to inquire about becoming a Sea Tow franchisee, please visit
GOST™ Nav-Tracker GPS Tracking Progress of
“Mobile CEO” and Family On Three-Year Circumnavigation

The three-year circumnavigation of the Leonard family - Scott, Mandi, Griffin, Jake and Luke - aboard their Lagoon 500 Three Little Birds is being tracked by a GOST Nav-Tracker GPS Tracking System.
FORT LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA (USA) - A Nav-Tracker GPS tracking system from boat security systems supplier Global Ocean Security Technologies (GOST – formerly Paradox Marine) is monitoring the progress of Three Little Birds, a Lagoon 500 catamaran, on a unique three-year circumnavigation.
The progress of Three Little Birds can be viewed on the GOST web site at:
Boat captain Scott Leonard and his family (wife Mandi, sons Griffin, Jake and Luke) set sail in July and during the voyage, Scott is “The Mobile CEO” – running his multi-million dollar financial services firm while sailing around the world.
GOST Nav-Tracker can be used to track a vessel (or an entire fleet) from anywhere in the world with an internet connection. A boat’s precise voyage and exact location can be viewed (see image, above) and as new reports come in from the Nav-Tracker, they are automatically updated to the site.
When a Nav-Tracker transmitter is mounted on a vessel and armed, a wireless ‘geo-fence’ with a 500-meter radius is created. If a boat is moved outside of this fence, Nav-Tracker uses Inmarsat based GPS satellite technology to monitor a boat’s location and notify up to ten people by email and/or text message every 2 minutes with the exact latitude/longitude, speed and heading of the vessel.
For more information about the Leonard family and the voyage of Three Little Birds, visit
New Aquatic AV Digital Media Locker™
Keeps Music Players Clean and Dry On Board
Enables remote operation of players up to 40 feet away, too

CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA (USA) - The new Digital Media LockerT from marine audio systems manufacturer Aquatic AV keeps most any digital music-playing device clean and dry on board - and allows the user to remotely select and play music up to 40 feet away.
IP65 rated for use in wet and dusty environments, the Digital Media Locker has a built-in amplifier (72x4 @ 2 ohms, 47x4 @ 4 ohms) and pre-amp outputs to connect external amplifiers. A radio frequency two-way remote controls music functions while the player stays dry inside the locker. Flush mounts easily. Compatible with iPod, MP3, US and Euro FM radios. MSRP US $288.
For more information about the new Digital Media Locker and other Aquatic AV marine audio products, visit
