A Heavy Hitter |
Thought you would get a chuckle out of the analytics info for my site before and after you kindly posted my letter under July letters. Clearly Duckworks is a heavy hitter! Thanks.
(by the way, I covered this in my latest blog there).
Tom Schultz |
Love |
Hello ...for a while now ive had the itch to build phil bolgers "sneakeasy" that was untill i found john bartletts "loon" ohh my! !! Love at first sight! !
Tim |
What were they thinking? |
This photo is the picture from hell as far as us guys here at the shop are concerned. Of all the boats and all the skippers in the world why this one? The reaction from all was, "Oh my god, that's Crazy Steve in his melonseed on the cover of Ash Breeze". We'll never hear the end of it.

David Lucas
Lucas Boatworks and Happy Hour Club |
Great Alaskan CNC kits |
Just a further FYI on my recent announcement that the first Great Alaskan has now successfully launched …a fellow on the east coast has been working with a friend of mine, Jim Shula, who owns the Saltwater Workshop (https://www.saltwaterworkshop.com) to have a CNC cut kit for a Great Alaskan made. Jim and I have been bouncing issues and drawings back and forth and he’s now able to cut out the kits and sell them. As for pricing and shipping quotes, noting that Jim can and does ship anything he makes to anywhere in the world, Jim can answer those questions. I wanted to let you know that the kits are now available.
Brian Dixon |
Goodby |
Can you post this in the next appropriate Duckworks letters or other post:
Buildboats.com will be going inactive. Site will remain up for historical information at buildboats.freezoy.com - Thanks to all who have contributed and visited for the past 17 years.
As a one man volunteer effort the ongoing cost and time required to maintain the site are the main reasons, along with so many other resources available today such as the yahoo groups and of course Duckworksmagazine.
email to buildboats at yahoo dot com will remain active but tom@buildboats.com will not.
The Home Boat Builders Page
Comment from a Galveston Bay sailor last weekend |
We were sailing in Caprice last weekend and another sailboat approached us and the guy called out, “Hey – I know that boat from Small Craft Advisor!”
Cathy Tomsett |
New Website |
I am just finishing a new website on the water we use our boats on rather than the boats themselves. I have a passion for lakes and rivers. I often go off the beaten path, and much to my wife's frustration, looking for those liquid gems. If you have a favourite waterway and would like to write a few words about it, please contact me. It should also include its surrounds like places to eat or stay and lookouts etc.
The strange things you see on our waterways. Looking for Mullet, which he nets, Iluka NSW, Australia.
Mike John |
Thanks |
Hi Chuck....
I was relaxing in my chair doing the xword puzzle when the phone rang. The caller wanted to buy “Highland Lass.” We discussed it for awhile and I referred her to your website and indicated that one day there would be an article on the boat. She said that is where she got my name and the info. I might have the only Atkin “Maid of Endor” in the PacNW. She had done her research. I’m not sure what will come of her enquiry but she is on her way here next week to see the boat.
Anyway, thank you for printing my article. I read it through and couldn’t decide if it was really me I was looking at and reading about.
Love your website. I’ve added ash blocks to my winter building list. I might be ordering some flat bar.
Cheers, tight sheets!
Robert Hale |
New Index from Mike John |
G'Day All
I just finished a new index called The Bolger Boats Index.
There are some gaps without pictures. I don't own any of Phil Bolger's books so if you can help with an image or two to fill the gaps that would be great.
I hope you enjoy it. It is just a simple put a picture to the name index to help people choose a design. The images do not enlarge and they never will. At this size I think the images are fair to everyone involved in Phil's life and work.
I have done my best with this and it has taken a long while to do. At times my eyes went a bit blurry so if you see a mistake or know of a boat naming error etc, please, please let me know.
I miss him. Let's hope Susanne can sell their plans for many years to come.
Thanks, Mike |
Hi Mike,
Thanks for publishing my article. You might be interested in knowing that you have a world-wide audience. I received an e-mail from someone in Switzerland with a question about the dory.
Keep up the good work.
Tom |
Tool donations sought |
We are trying to set up the Pillsbury Boat Shop on the Museum property as a functioning boat shop, we have the building and the interest- what we don’t have are the tools. What we are mainly looking for are hand tools. Planes, saws, bit and brace, clamps, rasps, chisels, scrapers, straight edges, squares and other woodworking tools are all useful. While older tools are preferred to maintain the historic appearance of the shop most hand tools in good working condition are of interest. So if you have an old chisel or plane that you don’t use any more but is still in good shape we would be grateful for your donation. These tools will be used in and around the boat shop to allow volunteers to help build boats and other wood working projects for the museum as well as to be used for family and community boat building projects. Not only will you be benefiting a local museum and enriching museum programming but your donation may be used to teach new generations of wood workers and boat builders a skill set that is a rewarding lifelong hobby.
John Beale - John.Beale@manateeclerk.com
Education and Volunteer Coordinator, Florida Maritime Museum
Karen Riley-Love
Supervisor, Florida Maritime Museum
for R.B. "Chips" Shore
Manatee County Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller
"Pride in Service with a Vision to the Future" |