Hiya faithful followers of ALBATROSS' ADVENTURE,
much delay based on my desire to show the work, the progress,
*more* done, I've realized that that was hopeless and I'd better
just show *something*.

I say all this because I'm still not convinced that I've accomplished
that much in the last five months, despite the fact that I've
been working on "her" constantly, ten hours a day for
the last four months.
Here then, are matters such as they stand as of yesterday.
Autumn 2003
Hope you enjoy.
to make the Madisonville
Wooden Boat Festival. A major event is 'Quick and
Dirty Boatbuilding Contest'. About 15 teams build boats on saturday.
Sunday they parade the boats to the river starting line and race.
The boats range from really excellent to terrible. Many wear costumes
and it is a good SHOW.
There are also many boats to look at, old and new.
Mark Sibille.

Here's a photo of Lake McConaughy.
It's in worse shape than anytime in it's history. Nebraska needs
rain, snow, sleet, anything over the winter and spring. It doesn't
look good for launching our Wyoming
next year. It's so big that it could take a couple years to get
it back unless it's a very wet year.
The white dot in the far right center is my dock. No one remembers
it ever this bad.
I'm trying to think of a plan B, but nothing comes to mind as
yet. There are no lakes near me or in CO for that mater that would
allow the Wyo that's less than 5 hours away.
Praying for a bad winter in NE!
I am organizing what I hope will become a yearly gathering
of paddled craft builders and other interested people, tentatively
named the Texas Kayak Builder's Bash to be held in the spring
of each year at different locations around Texas. This will be
a gathering for builders, owners, and any other interested people
to show off, look at, and in some cases paddle some very nice
craft. The gathering is not limited to kayaks, but includes canoes,
wherrys, whitehalls, SOFs....almost any handmade, or extensively
modified...usually wood, or wood composite....paddled (or rowed)
craft. I'm sure you get the idea. The first such full gathering
will be in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. However...due to interest
and suggestions...I have organized a mini-Bash for October 26,
2003, at Town Lake in Austin, Texas. I have tried to contact any
clubs and organizations that I could and have so far got good
interest with quite a few people indicating that they will attend.
Since I consider Duckworks magazine to be one of the better...if
not the best...amateur boat builder's sites, I thought I'd let
you know about this. I'm sure that some of your readers would
like to show off their boats. I know I, and others, would love
to see them. If you are interested in posting the information
about the gathering on your site, please let me know. I have posted
up to date information on my site: www.texaspaddler.com.
I added a link to your site on mine when I first started it...oh....more
than 6 months ago.
Thank you for your time.
Gerald W. Kennedy |
I built a "down and dirty" scarfing jig for a chop
saw. I need to do about 20 scarfs and I wanted something that
One Pass
2. Quick setup
3. Cheap
I have long thought that the chop saw was a platform, but I never
thought it thru until yesterday. Anyway, It is limited to about
4:1 and 1x2's. It is upscalable with a bigger chop saw or one
with a "slider. This jig and the Michalak method of gluing
scarfs really takes the torture out of scarfing the smaller stuff.
Use any of this on your site and if you want more, better or
different pictures, let me know.
Tim |
I have pictures of the Kingston messabout
(with thumbnails) HERE.
I don't when I'll make it to the next Messabout or where but I
have projects to complete before then. Next project would be a
solo canoe or pirogue.
regards,David B.
The photos
of the Conroe Messabout on Sep 20th 2003 are uploaded:

$50 Sailboat
Had a really fun time, and we ran a $50 sailboat race. All the
boats in the race had to be constructed with $50 of materials
or less. Couple of boats were completely free, some very cheap,
and some pushed the rules right to the limits. I brought a hot
tub that was converted into a sailboat.
We are also forming a one-design
racer that is similar to the Bolger Brick. Common
design hull, but unlimited sail rig, deck layout, and underwater
Here is an announcement
from Ryobi tools
John Cupp
Win a Free T-shirt
3rd Annual
Skiffs & Schooners
Wooden Boat Festival
Friday & Saturday, October 24 & 25, 2003
Benefit for The Scow Schooner Project
Working to create the Galveston & Trinity Bay Museum
Dinner and Auction
Hosted by the Plank Owners Association
Featuring Blues Legend Pete Mayes!
Friday, October 24, 7 PM
Seafood Buffet, Wine Bar and Live Music
Auction featuring a unique selection of
Nautical Collectibles
At the Schooner
Project Hangar in Anahuac
$35 per person - reservations recommended
Saturday, October 25
In the Anahuac Harbor, 10 AM ‘till dark
Wooden Boats! Rent-A-Rowboat!
Trinity River Boat Rides!
Boat Junk Yard Sale! Kid’s Build-A-Boat!
Win a Bateau Raffle
Bring your wooden or home-built boat
for a free T-Shirt
Progressive Epoxy Polymers, Inc. Opens Discounted Epoxy Web
Pittsfield, NH: Progressive Epoxy Polymers, Inc.
has announced a new web site, www.epoxyoutlet.com,
that offers discounted prices on certain products that Progressive
offers. Paul Oman, marketing manager for Progressive Epoxy,
says that the products discounted at www.epoxyoutlet.com are
overstocked items, discontinued epoxies, or test/prototype versions
of current or future epoxies under development.
The site www.epoxyoutlet.com
is in addition to Progressive's primary web site, www.epoxyproducts.com
where visitors can both learn about epoxies, the company's line
of epoxies, and order those products through an online storefront.
Progressive offers epoxies and related products for industrial/commercial
users, homeowners, and boat owners/builders.

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