Just a bit of foolishness to amuse you.
My friend Steve Lortz has always had a bit of a thing about ducks; he tends to say, "Quack, Quack," instead of a more normal reply when you say hello to him. His is also a semi-professional (maybe full time subsistence level) miniaturist. I have not had much contact with him in the last few years, and I Googled him the other day, looking for an e-mail address. What I found is that he has finally published a set of miniature combat rules set in his world of anthropomorphic ducks, and has released a line of anthro duck miniatures to go with them. All of the figures in the photos are somewhat less than 30mm tall.
(click images for larger views)
As I said, just for amusement purposes, though I imagine that any number of them could end up as the pinnacle of a Puddle Duck Racing trophy.
Paul Haynie

Chuck , thought you may like to see this,
7lb. 12oz. largemouth caught on Oconee river,
from my toto and paddle with ferrules., 6lb striper also.
Toto is a great river fishing boat. - Glynn Sirmans
Risør Woodenboat Festival
I am proud to present you to The Risør Woodenboat Festival.
Risør is a small town at the south coast of Norway with 7000 inhabitants. It is known as “The white city of Skagerak” because all houses in the centre of Risør is painted white.
Every year in August we are arranging our festival, one of the most promoted in Norway.
Between 20 – 30 000 people are visiting the festival.

From the 04. to the 06. of August hundreds of wooden boats in all categories are placed in our harbour by the marked place surrounded by beautiful white wooden houses.
There are exhibitions, handcraft, culture arrangements, concerts and sailing events. This year we will probably arrange the biggest wooden boat sailing-race ever in Norway.
It is a weekend in joy and beauty.
We are proud to invite your magazin to our festival to experience the atmosphere and to marketing your product.
Have a look at our web-side : www.risor-woodenboat.no , or www.visitrisor.no and mail us at: m-auraa@online.no and we will if necessarry help you with accommodation.
Bjørn E. Olsen
manager |

Redneck Catamaran
Hello everyone. The Lake Charles Yacht Club is back in service after 'Rita' gave us a visit. We have a new roof on the clubhouse, a rebuilt downstairs, electricity and running water. Deep South Regatta was hosted last weekend at the club and we are now ready for the Contraband Regatta. See notice below.
Y'all Come!
Ken Abrahams, Regatta Chairman
The Lake Charles Yacht Club will hold the 2006 Contraband Days Regatta on Saturday, May 13, 2006 on Lake Charles. This is the 2nd weekend of the Contraband Days festival. Guaranteed fun for all!
SCHEDULE: Saturday, May 13
- 8:00 am Registration in the club house
- 9:30 Skippers meeting in the club house
- 10:30 Race 1
- Lunch Break (Following race 1)
- 1:30 pm Race 2
- Race 3 (Following race 2)
- 6:00 Trophy presentation
- 6:30 Dinner and party in the club house
- Evening Fireworks on the lake

fun on the water....submitted by bruce armstrong/santa barbara
Dear Duckworks,
You expressed an interest in seeing any photos of your products in use. I recently purchased 2 bronze oar sockets from you and they are testing out very well. I used them for an across-the-internet rowing match in the Puddle Duck group and here is a 3 photo report on my rowing run:
Again, thanks for your service.
Tim C.
I thought you might be able to use this. It is just one of many uses for thimbles.
(click images for larger views)
Photos 4b, and 4c is a snotter for a sprit sail found in Pete Culler's book Skiffs and Schooners, photo 5h is just a thimble with a tail that can be used as a dead eye or a cunningham or a half a dozen other uses.....
David Nichols
Hi Chuck, it was a pleasure meeting & talking with you on the beach at Fort DeSoto (and later at Stump Pass!). Was sorry not to have time to stay for your and Lugnut's arrival in Key Largo. One of the things I missed out on though being in a hurry...
Looking forward to see your articles in SCA and Duckworks, I always enjoy a good sea story.
Thanks & regards,
Matt Layden |
Do you remember the skiff called
"Adventure around the world"
and the fantastic voyage during
16 months and we produced over 15,500 nautical miles
in an 18" long skiff?
We went over the Atlantic, to Greenland over to USA, through the
Panama Channel (as the smallest boat
ever) and all the way up to Alaska (longest voyage with an 18" skiff).
We survived
Big waves
Ice fields
Hurricane Floyd
Pirates in Nicaragua
Machineguns in Cuba
Different cultures and animals
More and more
Do you remember us?
It have been a very interesting time since we came home to Sweden
after the voyage and now I want to give you in USA the same chance to
hear about the whole story, because USA gave us a great support from
the people and a fantastic time. I want to come over to you and show
you the whole story, with pictures, films and tell you some fantastic
stories around the adventure - wouldn´t that be fantastic?
Media covering
We have been 91 times in newspapers, 44 times at TV-stations, 16
boat magazines and some radio and boat shows and think about all the
people that saw us during the trip, in all the harbors etc.
Everyone wants to know about the whole voyage
Would you be interested in a picture/film show at your Maritime Museum or event
in the year 2006 (Sept - Nov)?
I will fly over to USA in September 2006
I will fly from Sweden over to USA and I will have some lecturing
for 3 months (Sept - Nov year 2006) all over US. I will start in
California and on west coast and then over to Florida and the east
coast. I will have one day drive to your yacht Club and we will have
the evening for disposal, for example dinner, the picture/film show 2
x 50 minutes with questions and nice talk around the voyage - it will
be a very interesting evening, I will assure you that. The cost
depends on the discussion of arrangement, living etc.
Suggestion on dates
Please give me some different suggestions on some dates in September
Please let me know about the amount of members you have at the yacht
club and how many members/guests you think will end up at an occation
like this
Booking of the picture/filmshow
You have to reserve a date for the show, at latest 30th April year
2006. But the first YC to book the show will have the best chances to
have me at place, at the time you want. Please let me have some ideas
about dates to have the show in September.
Arrangements and costs
I will have to drive one day to your Yacht Club and we will have the
evening for disposal, for example dinner, the picture/film show 2 x 50
minutes with questions and nice talk around the voyage - it will be a
very interesting evening, I will assure you that. The cost depends on
the discussion of arrangement, living etc. But a full day with all
costs included and a show during 2x50 minutes will be 3,000$US.
Who is the right contact for this arrangement?
Please, let me know about your interest at my
e-mail: devino9@yahoo.com and I will send some more information about
this to the right person. Please give me this person e-mail address
and phone number
- thank you.
Others of interest?
If you know some other yacht/boating clubs or companies that maybe
could be interested in this, please let them know about this and my
e-mail - thank you in advance.
Ove Herlogson - devino9@spray.se |
Please check this address:

It has happened during water delivery system breakage in Lodz, a big Polish city with no river or lake at all. Looks they got their "instant river" at last. And they didn't miss the opportunity...
Best regards.
NauticalCharts.Com |
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Digital Chartkits |
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These items are no longer on our site, but email me
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Compact Chartkits |
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ship them out!!
Available regions are: Jacksonville - Miami, Long
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Don't forget that these products are NOT on our site, so please
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phone: 866-624-2787