I was doing my laundry last week when I ran out
of Tide - I started to pitch the container it came
in when I saw an old inspection
port laying in my “give to Stacy
I started to
pitch the container. |
Then it hit me - Recycle does not mean riding your
bike more than once - it means make something else
out of the trash. So, off to the barn with port and
Tide bottle.
I traced out the inside of the port, just as you
would do when installing in a boat. Then, cut the
hole out with a pocket knife and fit the port to the
hole. I applied liquid plumbers caulk, let it dry,
tried pop rivets but they did not work, so I used
some stainless steel machine screws I had in the vault
where I keep such jewels. I poked some holes, put
them in and added nuts to the back, put some mo caulk,
cause mo is always better and there it was - a Free
Storage Container Just for me!
There it was
- a Free Storage Container Just for me! |
What can you put in such a container? Well, just
look at the photo!
What can you
put in such a container? |
Yep, you can put everything you could need for a
day’s paddle or sail in this Free Waterproof
The little Red Thing was given to me for my birthday
by neighbor, Bob. It stays in my wallet. I think he
picked it up at Target and it has served me well -
scissors, ink pen, tweezers, spot light, knife and
magnifying glass - great for getting splinters out
of your fingers or for burning ants - although I have
just been told you can do such a thing as well as
start a fire.
I also put a VHF, GPS, anchor, trash bag, net bag
(just in case I catch a fish), first aid supplies
in the cigar holder, extra batteries for the GPS,
hat, matches, lighter, two pairs of binoculars (I
don’t know why I put in two - two ‘cause
I can I suppose) - and lots of other stuff.
I know you will say it’s all crammed in there
and how can you find anything? Well, I usually put
it all in a bag and it stays in the same mess, so
at least I have something that will float, fits under
my deck, and most of all who would want to steal an
ole Tide bottle?
I know you will
say it’s all crammed in there and how
can you find anything? |
This has started to intrigue me on what you can
make for free. I found myself now looking at all the
pill bottles I have from the drugs that seem to be
keeping me alive and somehow have found their way
into my fishing bag, some in the barn and some just
sit there and stare at me waiting to be turned into
One last word of wisdom? Did you know some of the
bottles that pills come in - you know the ones it
takes a vice and hammer to get the top off - can be
made easy to open just by flipping the top over and
they will screw back down? My smart WIFE showed me
this and I just it makes me wonder, “What will
they think of next?” Also, what kind of mind
would ever think of such a thing? Oh, well, off to
the trash can to see what wonderful treasure awaits
me there.
The Queen and I find ourselves anchored just
off Honeymoon Island with the new Grandkid aboard,
waiting for the second child of my First Wife to
return from his honeymoon with his bride.
P.S. I still have the First Wife and Thanks
to my new Daughter, Mary, I now have my Second Born
back! Ain’t Life grand??? Makes you feel just
“DUCKEY” don’t it?
Fair Winds with just enough puffs to blow some
good trash your way, so you can start to RECYCLE,
just like When the Tide Goes Out.
Capt Ron

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