Here is a video of the South American Swaggie sailing. |
Pete's Paradox is taking shape. He has a nice website too. |
Cachivache is building a Paradox in Patagonia, of all places. |
Ever hear of a magazine called Marlin World? Me either, but it is online HERE.
Interesting video of an even more interesting folding boat.
David Cassidy is making progress on his AF3. |
I plan to write a new article this winter about this summer´s project BRIDGET for my 12-year old daughter.
Pictures here:
Christer Byström |
Here is an article about an interesting steering device by Ray Aldridge |
Here is a blog about a "Big Row" that aparently did not happen as planned. Rowing happened, but it is not clear from a cursory view what that was. Maybe you can figure it out and let me know. |
Speaking of Adirondack Guide boats, here is a series of videos including two on building this floating icon.
Spotted this on building the Mudhen, while rooting around on the web:
Mike C |
I spotted this on the Small Craft Advisor Blog:
"The Coast Guard assisted four people on a sailing vessel that ran aground at the south end of Lopez Island, Wash." |
I guess I should mention that the folks at Small Craft Advisor Magazine have started a blog. It is edited by Steve Haines who seems to be doing a great job. |
Chuck, I thought you and your readers might like to see a photo essay of the the 2008 Puddle Duck Racer Pan-Galactic, Inter-Dimensional, World Championships that were held August 23 in Toledo, Oregon.
Andrew Linn
conversation I was having with my brother the other day, got me
looking for statistics on boating accidents. Attached is more then
you'd ever want to know (brought to you by the USCG and homeland
... Here's a full rundown of signaling options per U.S. Sailing - I continue to find this a
reliable source for this kind of information.
Tim |
Navigating the Rideau Canal in "Esperanza" an RB42 designed by Jim Michalak. Dad, Mom, my nephew and niece are rowing from Kingston, ON to Ottawa. They have made it half way to Smiths Falls, about 100km, another 100km to go. Here is a photo album.
Dany Perrone |
You may want to read this collection of information.
Chris Ostlind |
In 1954 I was 18 and part owner of an 83'
launch on lake Geneva, WI.
One of the first tactics I, and my young
colleagues learned was the judicious use
of spring lines -- especially important
due to our boats length, displacement
and its propensity to stay "in gear."
The engine was a 1913 Sterling Sea
Gull swinging a 36 x 36 propeller.
-=Grant MacLaren=- |
There is a new Glen-L Newsletter out. |
Here is an account of a test of sail types. You may be surprised which one came out on top. Follow the link then click on the three files. |
I just posted on Flickr (no registration necessary to view them) some
photos of my sailing in RAID Finland this summer in a Michalak "RAIDER" I built in Tallinn, Estonia.
Norm Wolfe |