I thought you might be interested to see this version
of our W boat ('kayak' in market terms), outfitted with rowing
oars. Dave, the guy who outfitted his W500 with these
oars is about 65 years old, and weighs 250 lbs (120 kg) - not
the easiest 'client' for a small kayak, or any other micronautical
Yoav |
I just built another Michalak style rudder,
and tried a couple of different modifications. So far I really
like this version better than the previous ones I have tried --
even though it is fairly ugly.
Shorty |
$20,000 / Santa
Barbara / will discuss delivery options
Bruce Armstrong |
I've also made a silly video but it might be too
silly for you. www.redlineideas.com/vidtest2.htm
It doesn't really show Stasha properly sailing but
it's fun.
Benjy |
I came across this article
about a 1912 hydroplane that recently sold in auction in Europe.
Your readers may enjoy it.
Jerry Church |
SAWSTOP IN TIMEWARP For those of you who use a
table saw, you will find this fascinating. You are going to enjoy
this one and say ouch!! Watch
all of it! If you have never seen "Time Warp,"
it's a show all about super-duper slow motion cameras capturing
things we take for granted and never see as they really are. In
this case, they take photos of this guy's new invention. What
a combination! Carl |
I thought others might enjoy reading it too. Ran
across this mast
and spar tutorial and thought others might receive
benefit from it so I thought I would share it.
Ray Frechette
Great Falls Boat Works
Building Dreams One Boat at a Time
greatfallsboatworks.com |
I have started a web
blog of my own about 'arwen' and I attach the address.
I know that when building my boat reading the successes of others
kept me going in those dark hours and frustrations.
Steve Parke
Welsh guy in Plymouth |
At sea and bound for Fiji
Chuck |
I am building a Paul Fisher designed Tideway 14.
You can see more at: www.BuildingReunion.com
Dave Amundson
Galveston Bay, Texas |
Here's a link to Mike
Sandell's FatCat Build (Michalak design). |
Perttu and friend on a river trip in the Quick
Canoe in Finland. Here are some pics.
placed the seats 19cm+padding from bottom and for us they are
perfect now. We just came paddling from River Haapajoki. Well
we found that we aren´t pros, but it was fun and canoe was
perfect. It was light to carry over obstacles and easy to paddle.
We hit once into rock, but there came barely no damage at all.
The first video
is little over long and you can see that we are novice paddlers
in the end. The second
video. Perttu |
Here is some really "darn
good" advise...
Bill Tosh |
The Baywood Navy website (baywoodnavy.org)
has been updated with some important new materials.
Please visit.
Baywood Navy Scribe |
Paul Moffitt posted these very nice pictures from
the OBX130.
Jackie Monies |
Looks like you had fun out at the OBX!
I've got a new essay
up about modifying harbor freight trailers for your web watch
Shorty |
When making a new
boat cushion, one of the most difficult parts is
getting the foam inside the mostly completed cover. If you want
a tight fit, you can't push it in because of friction.
John |
I was just reading the 70.8 percent
blog and discovered that Frank
Dye passed away on May 16th, 2010.
His sailing trip from Scotland to Iceland in his Wayfarer that
was documented in "Ocean Crossing Wayfarer" was a fantastic
trip in a small boat. He and his wife Margaret sailed many thousands
of miles in their Wayfarer.
The 70.8 percent blog has some great pictures of him.
My pictures from the OBX130.
Andy Linn |
I launched it today
[Clever Video]. The story of my launch!
James D. Maxwell
Missoula, MT
I just finished building a Pete
6, from Clark Craft, which I see you mention on your
plans page.
I also recently finished building a new
rudder for my San Juan 21, to replace a 30 lb hunk
of teak, aluminum, and fiberglass. I laminated it from WR Cedar
with fir edges, glassing the foil (my attempt at a NACA 0012).
Todd Schlemmer
I thought you might like to see this photo spread.
A friend of mine has fallen in love with a whaleboat.
While not particularly home made or wooden, the man still cares
for her like he made her himself.
Andrew Linn
G'day Everyone,
We finally have some "OUT ON THE WATER
" pictures
and video
footage of Jeffs Mangrove jack !!!
Mark Bowdidge
