items to
for inclusion here next month.
Boat Fest Weekend
There were a couple boats in particular at the Wooden Boat Festival that I found interesting. "Lady Bug" is a leeboard design that lives somewhere in OR. The other was a very nicely built canal style boat that showed up the last day, no ID tag on it.
Murray Stevens' Ladybug
Stumbled on this.
Incredible hammock boat concept spotted at the University of California at Davis. Impressive idea!


Texas Jim Rester found a perfect piece of mesquite wood for a tiller, all he needs now is a boat to stick it on which shouldn't be too hard for him. He also wanted all of his friends to know that he's getting on the conservation wagon. Traded his old V8 truck for this little V6 econo box, what a sacrifice, good for you Jim.
David Lucas
Lucas Boatworks and Happy Hour Club
CLC Shearwater

Here's a photo of the CLC Shearwater 14 that I did about a year ago - I ordered a bunch of fittings from you for that also. It was a fun project. Now I am building a Wood Duck for my husband - he likes the wide, recreational type of boat - for this birthday (trying to make it a surprise, but kind of hard to hide such a big project!) I built the Shearwater from a kit, but I am doing the Wood Duck from plans in an attempt to save some $$. I think I learned my lesson - just order the kit again next time! But it's been a good experience to lay out and cut all the pieces myself - now I can say I really did it all myself instead of "it was a kit."

One of my DVD buyers sent me a pic of his RebelCat, but it wasn't one cat, it was six. You won't believe his explanation. He gave a group of his employees a challenge, to study the DVD and build several cats, and he graded them on their results. I don't think they have anything to do with sailing - I'm still waiting for the whole story.
Martin Adams
Staples and more Staples

Here is a lesson in "cold molding" or better known as the "pulling out a million staples method of boat building". When Howard decided to build "Tricia Marie" the 20 foot melonseed he wanted to try something different so he cold molded her. When Mike Wick decided to build his melon "Moggie" he took the perfectly good hull I gave him and cold molded his boat on top of it. What you end up with is a super strong molded plywood boat. You can see from Tricia Marie that he set up the molds, put in a lot of stringers, cut up a bunch of 1/4 inch plywood strips and stapled them at an angle to the stringers. Next he took more plywood strips, glued and stapled them to the first layer using Titebond III waterproof glue. You can't leave the staples in the first layer or you can't get the finished hull off the mold so you have to pull them as you go. You can't pull them early cause that's what's holding the first strips to the mold. These plywood strips need to fit nice and snug to each other or you get gaps that weaken the hull. After the glue dries for the second layer you can pull all the staples at once, this is where you have a beer and staple party. Then you put on the third layer going another direction with more glue and a million more staples, (somewhere along the line he went out and bought an electric stapler). When that 's all dry you sand and fill and sand and fill and glass the whole thing. What a pain in the ass all this is, it takes a long time, lots of fitting together and the staples never end. When I built this same hull for my Helen Marie I used the same strongback, the same molds, added a few more stringers and had a strip planked hull. All done and glassed by myself in a week and no staples to pull. I'm glad he did one this way so we could see how it's done but I'm not sure it's any better than strip building, if you need more strength just add more glass.

David Lucas
GOST™ Mini Ball Camera
Now Available in PAL, Reverse Image and Wide Angle
FORT LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA (USA) - GOST™ (Global Ocean Security Technologies – formerly Paradox Marine) has introduced several new models of its GOST Mini Ball Camera. The camera is now available in PAL, reverse image (NTSC and PAL) and also in wide angle with a 2.8mm lens for enhanced security and surveillance on board.
Measuring only 2.4 inches (61mm) in diameter, this rugged, marine grade, water-resistant and tamper proof analog camera - just slightly larger then a golf ball - can be mounted discreetly inside or out – and it won’t detract from a boat or yacht’s décor or ambience.
The GOST Mini Ball is now the company's primary camera and will be included in all GOST Watch HD & GOST Insight HD packages. "This has allowed us to reduce the cost of our cameras while expanding the line and pass significant savings along to our customers," said GOST President and CEO Jay Keenan. The standard model features a 3.6mm fixed lens for outstanding picture quality and all versions incorporate 540 TV lines in color for high resolution. A Day/Night function automatically senses light changes and switches the camera mode from color in bright light to monochrome at night or in low light conditions, using state-of-the-art LED technology.
For more information about the GOST Mini Ball Camera and other GOST marine security, monitoring and tracking products,
I built a 15 foot wooden Jonboat when I was 17. It was a lot of fun. I made a quick video of it youtube and had a lot of interest. So I made a website that has my free plans on it. I now you guys like boat builders and free plans so I'm sending you a link to my website and youtube video. I figure at the very least people could get ideas and maybe a few laughs off of my boat.
Product of the Week: Safe Launch Drain Plug Reminder System
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Never forget the drain plug again.
Missing drain plugs are a common cause of trailerable boat and personal watercraft sinkings. The Safe Launch Drain Plug Reminder System places the reminder where it's needed the most - in the drain hole. Simple and easy to install - attach the Safe Launch strap to the tie down strap nearest your boat’s drain plug. Insert the flex hook into the drain hole. MSRP US $19.95.
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