Messabouts & Raids:
July 22-25 - Maryland - BYYB Multi-Fleet
Aug 7 - Louisana - Lake Charles Messabout
Aug 28 - Illinois - Antique
Outboard Motor Club Swap meet
Sept 10, 11, 12 - Ontario - Amateur
Boating Messabout
Sept 10, 11, 12 - Utah - Lake
Powell Messabout
Sept 25-26 - Texas - Palacious
Dinghy Dash

Inviting anyone who wishes to come to our 2nd messabout
at Spirit Lake in NW Iowa. Looking at one of the 2 middle weekends
in August to hold it. I would like some feedback so I can set
the date in epoxy (ha!). It would start on Saturday morning and
end after lunch on sunday. That should give most time to get home
for the monday drudgery. Email me if you are interested
Steve Lewis

The day before the Lake Charles Messabout (Aug. 7 is the Messabout),
several boats will motor-sail from the club to Turner's Bay in
Big Lake. We will sail there a while and then return to Lake Charles.
Several will spend the night at the club that night. Anyone is
welcome to take part in this 'cruise'.
More later.
Ken Abrahams
Stranded boat
The 70-foot vessel Waters, home ported in Homer, Alaska, sits
grounded on top of a navigational beacon on a rock in Narrow
Strait north of Kodiak Island, near the village of Ouzinke,
Alaska, on June 18. The crew boarded a skiff and went to shore
to wait for the next high tide to refloat the boat.
This letter was just posted to the Beachcats Group from
a member. It's just a fabulous way to honor one's Dad, a line
of boats and a way of having fun on the water. I wish more
Dad's were like this with their kids.
Chris Ostlind
July 7, 2004
Dear Mr. Alter,
A day of sadness and mourning has come to our
family today. After 30+ years of owning and sailing Hobie Catamarans,
my father, 86 years old, sold his Hobie Miracle 20. I must say
that it was not without a tear or two. An era has ended, but
lots of great memories live on. It was back in the mid 70's
he started me out with a Hobie 14 (he wanted a Catalina 22,
boring!). After getting the feel of the boat he soon moved up
to the much faster Hobie 16. Then in 1978 when he saw the first
Hobie 18 leave him in the dust it was on to the bigger and faster.
First, get the 18(#1204), then worry about selling the 14 and
16 later! From there it was many happy years of family sailing
on the 18. Kids, grandkids, cousins, friends and neighbors.
Lake Powell monsoons, San Diego Harbor and Mission Bay week
long vacations, each year with the Hobie in tow. By the mid
90's it was on to the Hobie Miracle 20 on Deer Creek Reservoir,
Utah Lake and Lake Powell. A lot of boat for an 80 year old!
And some great sailing too! One cannot put a price on the feeling
of flying the hull with your dad on the helm, teetering on the
brink of the "Point of no return". No one can ever
replace the memories, the fun, the excitement or the joy felt.
Thank you Hobie Alter, you took a lonely 16 year old boy, who
had very little in common with his 55+ year `old man', to manhood
fatherhood, with his father at the helm. My kids are now crewing
the old Hobie 18 (#1204), with a `Hobie Bob' atop the mast,
she never will turtle again! They too, love the feel of flying
high! And maybe there is one more ride for the `old man' and
his son, this week or next. Just look for two grey, thin haired
men teetering on the brink of the "Point of no return"!
Thank you again, Hobie Alter!
Warmest Regards,
Steven Lisonbee

I mentioned the photo above to you on Saturday; you would have
a better idea of what the boat he is hauling is than I do. The
has a payload rating of 500 pounds, so it could conceivably pull
a pretty big boat, at least on level ground. Uphills would be
exhausting, and downhills dangerous, beyond a certain point. I
am pretty sure I could deal with a 500 or 600 pound boat/ trailer
combo, though.
More later.
Paul Haynie
Palacios TX Dinghy Dash - Sep 2004

We are having a casual cruise / race where we
sail out to a beach and camp there overnight, head back the
next day. The race is 18 miles out to an island, 11 miles back
to our beach, camp at the beach overnight and sail 7 miles back
the next day.
People not interested in the race portion are
welcome to just sail out to the beach to camp with us, there
is a launch ramp only 1.5 miles away.
Full info about the event here:
London, UK 9 July 2004
Some of the proceeds from the sale of a CD featuring a song
about sailing are to help raise awareness of disabled sailing.
Sailing is one of the sports featured in the Paralympic Games
which take place in Athens this September, and to mark the occasion,
UK singer/songwriter Peter Brodie has released a CD with 10
tracks including 'Summer Breeze', a ballad about going sailing.
For every copy of the CD sold during 2004, Brodie is donating
one US Dollar to the International Foundation for Disabled Sailing
IFDS is the body responsible for disabled sailing around the
world, including sailing for people with physical disabilities,
blindness, deafness and learning difficulties, and covers all
aspects of sailing including recreation, training and racing.
The money will go towards ongoing international projects, such
as developing and updating resources to provide accessible venues
for disabled sailors worldwide.
The album entiitled 'The Music of Peter Brodie', consists of
ballads, some love songs, others about getting away from it
all in - by road, on a freight train, to the beach, or in the
case of 'Summer Breeze', on a boat. It is this track which drew
the praise of IFDS. A spokesperson said: "Peter Brodie's
performance on 'Summer Breeze' epitomises the spirit and triumph
of sailing. It seems to speak to sailors of all nationalities
and abilities. Sailors from around the world should enjoy his
compositions, both on the water and off. IFDS would like to
thank Mr. Brodie for his contribution to the sport of sailing
through his musical talents."
Brodie said: 'I am delighted that my music is able to help such
a worthwhile cause, and I would be thrilled if 'Summer Breeze'
were to become a favourite song with sailing enthusiasts around
the world, both disabled and able-bodied." The song can
be heard at www.peterbrodie.com.

the funny part was when he was driving around the parking lot
all you could see was the duck on top of the car bout cracked
me up.

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