Here in the Pacific Northwest, we have proof that sailors could get blown all the way from Japan - that's over 6000 miles.
Andrew Linn
I have started publishing ride in model boats from all over the world on my blogspot:
If anyone knows of small ride in models and full size boats please send me your videos and photos and I will post them here.
Cheers Stewart
Free Ebook: Submarine Warfare of To-day, by Charles W. Domville-Fife
Free Ebook: The Submarine Boys on Duty Life of a Diving Torpedo Boat by Victor G. Durham
Free Plan: Crusette 12' Utility OB
Free Plan: Sea Knight 17' Plywood Cruiser.
Mike John |
I just watched this short film about the Great Lakes. Very enjoyable with inspiring canoe scenes.
Gerry |
I've been building a melonseed for over a year, now and it is almost finished. Two fairly near neighbors, Steve Brookman, and Don Kerr sailed on my other melonseed, PEPITA this summer and liked what they found, so they are both building near copies. Two of us decided to start a builder's website for melonseeds, sharpies, tuckups, railbird skiffs, and South Jersey Beach Skiffs. The website is www.traditionalsmallcraft.com. We started to focus on local boats but have become more eclectic with time. Mike
I used to write a newsletter at very irregular intervals and have now replaced it with a blog. You can see it at https://dudleydix.blogspot.com/
Dudley Dix7 |
The February edition of the Festival Newsletter is now available on the AWBF website Hot News page.
We're now on both sides of both 'ponds.' The Duckworks calendar is now INTERNATIONAL, featuring some events in the UK. DuckWorld???
It's a simple jig to cut accurately with an angle grinder.
David Tolan
A friend sent me this link about the boats traditionally used to bring Port wine down the Douro River to Porto, Portugal. A nice photo essay on building the boats within their historical and cultural contexts. Hope you enjoy it too.
Matthew A. Meacham |
This is a page from my new site and it is about ride in models of all types. I will be relying on readers to send in to the comments stories and Photos for its content.
I've been invited to co-author on a new blog called 1001 Boats. This will be a virtual collection of favorite boats contributed by readers. 1001 Boats is hosted by Max Taylor (the Bursledon Blogger). If you have a favorite boat that you think others would like to read about, please drop me a note and we'll get you published.
Michael Bogoger
I posted a video of my Bolger Shoebox on YouTube. FYI in case anyone is interested.
Sorry about the quality - I'm still learning video stuff.
Mike |
New Book
2011 SHIPWRIGHT, The International Annual of Marine Modeling and Ship
Modeling. Edited by John Bowen and Martin Robson.
Bob Friedman |
Liquid Robotics Lures BP, Navy, NOAA With Wave-Powered Glider - Bloomberg. Interesting.
Ken Simpson has generated free plans for electric remote steering for trolling motors (it would work for sailboat motors too) - it is a great DIY project.

| I'm actually finishing up a SOF daysailer right now - a Whitehall adaptation, for oar and sail. 14'x4', about 50 lbs w/o sail rig.
You can see a building thread, with pics, here.
The design (though not this prototype, which I am just going to row), will utilize a simple sprit sail and daggerboard, and should be lively and fun.
Building a somewhat larger, more sailing oriented craft, with a simple cuddy, represents little problem for SOF - though of course adding things like sail rigs and cuddies considerably lengthens the build process, increases weight and definitely adds to the expense. Still, it would be easier, faster and less expensive than building one in wood/epoxy.
In any case, though I do have a pile of other projects on deck, I've had some ideas in mind for this for a while now!
Dave Gentry |
The blog at Grapeview Point Boatworks in Allyn WA may be of interest to readers. Allyn is a small community northwest of Tacoma on the waters of Case Inlet in the south Puget Sound.
Pete |
Duckworks readers might find this site of interest.
Pete |
This might also be of interest to Duckworks readers.
Pete |
This is a great time-lapse video by the Gougeon Brothers which shows their i550, Hot Canary being built. This the boat they are sailing in the current Everglades Challenge. Great video - be sure to listen to the music.
US South Atlantic Messabout
I'm endeavoring to get a first one off the ground - perhaps in NC or SC. Come on over and help get this started.
Our friend Maddog McBride is back working on his big project after a couple of years hiatus. Here is the new website. |
My new website about model boats, movies with boats in them, book reviews and indexes to free boat plans - Rustic Model Boats.
Mike John
How's this...
Ride in model tugboats
Stewart Strik
Duckworks is participating with Michael Storer and JO Woodworks in the WoodenBoat Family Boatbuilding program. You can sign up to build Michael’s Quick Canoe here.
Chuck |
