The March/April 2011 issue of Classic Yacht Magazine is here.
Last year during the Texas200, Jim Michalak and I brainstormed about the ideal boat for that event. Little did I know that he would come out with a new design. Never one to put on airs, Jim named for one of our least appealing camps.
Chuck |
Sailors Unite at Sailing Spoken Here Mount Gay Rum Launches a Forum for Sailing Enthusiasts Across the World.
Rebekah |
Ross Lillistone has a new blog with some quite good technical stuff. But the gem here is a bio of sorts that is just a short scroll down from the top of the page.
Chuck |
I love watching the poor people who have to bail!
Stand up paddle boarding in yosemite.
Not just for surf!
Josh |
Larry Liggett, a long-time Thistle sailor and boatwright, has made two surprisingly detailed videos on rail replacement for a wooden Thistle. There is a lot of Thistle-specific information, but I think these videos would be interesting to wooden boat builders in general. For bottom paint inspiration, here is Larry's Thistle at the 2010 nationals in Lake Erie: https://tinyurl.com/FlameThistle
Mike Rees |
Here is a great video by John Goodman capsizing his Goat Island Skiff.
Here's a new movie showing the first test of a new concept. I can't wait to put a bigger motor on this baby...
Yoav https://wavewalk.com/ |
Nice use of one sculling oar in Vietnam.
Ken Simpson has designed a modular version of a PDRacer - it is Class Legal too!
Found this Obituary online – seemed to sum things up very nicely.
Kelly Trafford
Last Sail on the Windrider for the 2010 season on Lake Champlain.
Mac MacDevitt
This afternoon I pulled my AF4 out of the garage and put together a video overview of her. I hope you enjoy it.
In October 2010 a replica Phoenician ship sailed around Africa,in a voyage partially replicating that described by Herodotus. A gallery of some of the voyage. The two interesting galleries imo are the construction one and the sailing the North Atlantic (taken by a passing yacht). Also the BBC report of the homecoming.
Here is something really cool for the webwatch. I have always wanted to shoot a boat out of a cannon, instead of shooting a boat with a cannon.
Paul Moffitt |
We launched our Toon 2 this weekend, couldn't be more happy with the results. It took a couple of resets to get the sail set just right, but we worked it out quickly. There are a lot of details to finish on the boat, but even so she sailed great.

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François Vivier, Architecte Naval
Some cool gear for the well appointed PDRacer.
Chuck |
I'm very happy to see someone is still doing raft trips across oceans. The early voyagers would be proud to know their tradition is still being maintained even now.
I saw this boating story today.
Thomas C. Condry |
Warren Messer has a new model and the promise of a brand new design – this one for a high-tech ‘electric paddle’.
Chuck |
Once again, as soon as I finish one boat, the next is underway. I thought your readers might enjoy watching my progress building a skin-on-frame kayak. I am working with both the Cunningham and Morris books and pointing out whose techniques I am using when I am doing things that are specific to one or the other. My intention is to use my posts in part as a review of the two books. So far the build process has been great fun.
If you feel like posting this on your webwatch page, that would be great.
Bill Wessinger
Check out Charlie Stiernberg’s boatbuilding website – currently featuring construction of a Devlin Nancy’s China.
