A Draft building guide has been posted at the i550.org site. We encourage you to read and ask questions which may occur to you.
Red Green has all the answers to common issues.
Bill Tosh |
Boat - finished glass on inside, flipped over, rudder stock and rudder cut out and laminate and mast laminated.
Paul Moffitt |
Pictures from the Cedar Key FL Small Boat Meet; May 6th-8th.
Bill |
I make add-on stabilization flotation tubes for hard dinghies. Perhaps your visitors might be interested in Dinghy Dogs.
I've just put a youtube video up on my website and on the blog. It shows my oldest two boys (Geoffrey and David) sailing in the very oldLazy E that Dave bought a while back. It shows how much fun you can have with an old plywood boat.
Ross Lillistone
Plywood Aficionados, Unite!
Bruce Armstrong
Here is a good catamaran sailing video from 'dangerous' Dave Farmer!
An interesting website of historical nature – if you like lapstrake (clinker) boats.
Here's the story of Kurt's two week trip in his Drascomb. I'm going to do this when I'm finished with my "Helen Marie" the fantail launch, no sails but air conditioning. Dave
David Lucas |
Here is a list of the new articles on my site...
I've uploaded a little video of progress on Johanna as of today.
Getting ready for a launch very soon.
I'll be updating my blog shortly.
Perttu Korhomen rigged a cam-recorder so he could raise it ti the top of his mast. Birds eye view...
I stumbled across a truly special homebuilt.
Just returned from a boat camping trip from Lake Rotoroa, a very beautiful alpine lake in New Zealand's South Island. You could hardly feel the air on your face at times, and as I ghosted up to the jetty, I heard floating across the water "Wow, look at that!", followed by "Oh yeah, that's funny, I didn't think there was enough wind to sail in today". Any idea which one owned the fizz boat!?! Rob |
Here's a couple more sites. One is Curt Bowman's trip in the Carolinas and the other is for you total nut cases who like to go off in little boats. I have to admit that these Jitterbug adventures are good. John Depa writes a good story. Jitterbug stories AND Curt Bowman.
Dave Lucas
Strike 18 trimaran by Woods Designs racing against F24, F9m etc on May 21st in British Columbia.
WOW! Check out the attached clip from YouTube. I'd often wondered if something like that could be done. While I wondered, somebody did it. Beats hell out of my old Snipe.
Ed Foster

| I really like John Vigors blog. This one about reading about sailing is good and I agree totally as I have saved my boat a few times from remembering things I read.
Wow, that is one honkin'big mostly wooden boat.
Brian |
Here is a video showing the ease of a Woods Strike 18 for a fun day of sailing.
I thought you might like to show this on your web site.
Paul |
Just got back from the eastern messabout. Here is link with pictures and most of them have captions. I didn't take a lot of pictures of the other boats there but a lot of people have posted them on the yahoo group and I know that others will be writing articles.
Paul |
The idea behind this blog is very simple, to post images and information on a 1001 boats and while we're at it raise a little money for charity. If you visit and enjoy the site please make a donation to the charities - links are on the right, just scroll down and donate a couple of Pounds or Dollars.
Chuck |
Read about build my sailboat the Nomad. Happiness is a tall boat and a breeze to sail her.
George F Farrell, Jr. |
Nicely put together video.
If you wish to follow along, here is the link to my latest boat build. It is called D'Arcy Bryn, a 15' cabin cruiser sailboat designed specifically for rougher waters at my request by Jim Michalak. This link should always take you to the latest post.
William Moffitt
Slab of good fortune saves historic whaler's restoration.
Michael Storer
