Here is a couple of pics
of my latest project. She's 52 inches oa and
sails pretty well. B Cuthbert
Hi Chuck!
Just saw the decking
article made it to Duckworks. Awesome!
Here are a couple better "After" pictures
if you want to add them to the article.
Now I'm hunting for thos inflatable
boat rollers I heard about in the Florida race
article in Small Craft Advisor. I've been hunting
fruitlessly online. The only places I can find
them are in the UK.
Hey folks,
Here is the latest from a guy named Fred in
Michigan, who is just about done constructing
one of my designs. He is building the Lunada
Bay, which is a compact (18') two person sea
kayak. He chose to build it with a marine plywood
hull and a cedar stripped deck. He'll be finishing
it bright with four coats of varnish brought
to a high gloss.
Very nice workmanship on his project with a
real dedication to meticulous fitting. Should
be a real stunning boat when he's done.
Chris Ostlind |

....for those
that like to build rowboats there might be a
business opportunity here. Think of a rowing
version of the TIMS project from Bruce Hector
....and the rowing crew pay for the boat! Like
having galley slaves that pay their own way.
- submitted by Jack Panter
Just about every backyard builder writes; "I
woulda launched this year except . . ."
I suppose I'm no different. There has been progress
on Pangur Ban this year, however. You can see
her current state HERE.
In May I got to spend a day on the water at
the Orchard Lake Regatta. A few pictures can
be found HERE.
Dale Austin |
Hi just a couple pic's of the
second boat I built.
I started out wanting to make an OSS but it
seemed too small for Lake Champlain this is
what it turned into - Eric Mills
The Arkansas Messabout starts Friday September
22 and runs through Sunday September 24 -- only
5 and half weeks away.
We will have some newly launched boats this
year. Larry Pullon wrote me about his new creation:
"It is a 18' cypress stripper tunnel
hull trout boat that folds up to 10'. The
boat I built last year, Longjon, was the prototype.
I decided to cut down to 18' to make the front
easier to fold. Looks like I will be able
to fold it by myself - which was a major goal!
Power is a 2000 Merc 9.9."
I will have my newly finished 18-foot daysailer,
if plans do not go awry. It is a stretched,
below the waterline. Above the waterline, it
is inspired by Michalak's daysailers. The rig
is my rendition of Bolger's standing lug (Rig
no.16 from 101 sail rigs). My family will also
have our modified June bug and Mill Creek 13.
The pavilion is ours all day Saturday, which
will provide cover in case of rain, or too much
sun. The evening we will have potluck in the
pavilion and will grill a raft of chicken.
Please let me know if you plan to attend, and
of course all of us are interested in the boat(s)
that you will bring.
I will soon post some specific road directions
to the messabout.
Here links to the park:
The state park here is very nice with visitor
center/museum and camping facilities for tents
to RVs, ramps, shower, and marina. Access highways
are very good from scenic Hwy 7 (north/south
route) or Interstate 40 (east/west).
Ramp use is free. There is a fine sandy beach
that is 50 paces from the pavilion. Boats may
pull up on the beach at any time and overnight
on the beach.
Weather forecast for planning your wardrobe:
average high for Sept 23, 82 (record high 91),
average low 56 (record low 42) Sunrise 7:01,
Sunset 7:08
Phil Lea
111 Evergreen Estates Dr.
Russellville, AR 72802
479-967-4922 home
479-747-0389 cell
Hi Chuck,
Chris Partridge’s article “Not
all Boats in Venice are Gondolas”
struck an immediate chord as we also were there
recently. It was the first time for me and I
fell instantly in love with the place, all that
astounding history, architecture, atmosphere,
environment, culture - and boats too! Chris
doubtless provided you with lots of pictures
to choose from so I hope I’m not sending
coals to Newcastle by attaching a few more,
but I thought you might like the very beautiful
varnished mahogany water taxi (yes, it really
is a commercial boat). I also couldn’t
resist snapping the ambulance tearing down the
Grand Canal - a great example of just how this
watery city really does depend on water transport.
Regards - John Lomas, New Zealand |
Hi Chuck,
I just thought I'd send an update of the Gary
Dierking designed Ulua outrigger canoe I built
and have now used a bit for two summers. I've
been paddle steering like the Hawaiians, but
have yet to get an appropriate paddle.
Dan St Jean
Just something vaguely nautical that is pleasant
to look at; my parents moved out of the house
they had lived in for more than 40 years last
fall, and one of the things that came to me
when they moved was a glass fishing float that
my dad's uncle, the Naval officere, brought
home from who knows where. The float had been
wrapped in hemp netting, but the netting was
decayed beyond repair. After a couple of false
starts, I finally re-wrapped it in 50 feet of
3/8 brown polyethylene.
Best wishes,
Paul Haynie
Hi Chuck,
Just a note at this point, but I've drawn-up
two, new, decked sailing canoes for real enthusiasts
of the sport. The first one has a working name
of OZComp (though that will change soon) and
is 16' 9" LOA sporting an 80 sq/ ft. mast
furled sail area (pictured) It is meant to be
sailed as a trimaran, but could also be sailed
as a monohull for real enthusiasts.
The OZComp has the capability for a Mirage
drive as well as full paddle stroke without
hindrance from the aka beams. This boat has
the potential to be a real, solo WaterTribe
performer in the right hands. Light, fast and
versatile in a wide set of conditions.
The second boat, not quite finished, is a tribute
to canoe sailor, Hugh Horton and is appropriately
called the Horton. This boat runs 15.5' LOA
and sports a sail in the mid 50's for square
footage. They both have modern, asymmetric hull
shapes with generous rocker and comfortable
freeboard for responsive turning and quick paddling
in a straight line.
Both use a rotating leeboard for lateral resistance
along with a flip-up rudder. Both are built
in 3mm marine ply with full epoxy/glass laminates
inside and out. Both boats are built with stripped
deck surfaces for a very organic look
I'll have a full article for you when I get
the Horton finished.
Chris Ostlind
Lunada Design
Hey Chuck - remember my bass
story last year when I fried my
poor brain practice fishing for the Ford Big
Bass Classic on the Arkansas River?
I did a little better this year! Over 2,600
entrants in two Super Pools fished in the 3
day event. I finished 8th overall in Super Pool
A! The best part was I was fishing in a 14’
John Boat with a 20hp outboard that was in a
junk pile three weeks earlier!
OK here is the “before” (front
boat) I already have the boat off the trailer
to respray the topside and put it on the market
in the next couple of weeks. When I get it back
together I will get you an “after”
shot - which is what it looked like during the
tourney. It just did not occur to me to take
a photo on the water - I was working!
Checks - yes prize money - $600 for first place
hourly weigh on Saturday 24th and $600 for overall
8th place in Super Pool A (Little Rock, Fort
Smith, Pine Bluff). There was also Super Pool
B (Dardinell and Dumas) which combined $100,000
overall first place, $25,000 second and then
the 2-10 finishers in each Super Pool.
It is the Ford Big Bass Bonanza - https://www.fordbigbass.com/
I am already rebuilding the boat for next year!
A 16’ fiberglass (above right) I got for
You gotta love this stuff!
Next year, next year.
Larry Pullon
outing on the river. Anchored in 2 1/2 feet
of water over a smooth, level, sandy bottom
that extends for thousands of yards. A popular
spot with almost no current. Joyce liked this
spot a lot. The weather was perfect.

The boat still
looks new after eight seasons and no painting
Kilburn Adams
Hi, My name is
Jonathan. I need a cmplete set of Pintle and
Goudgeons. How fast could you send this out
to Quebec City Canada?
Her Name is Persévérance. She
will be sailing in about two weeks.
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