Here's a scan of a photo from one sailing PUD-g
in one of the local newspapers. I was hoping for the
front page, but any coverage counts.

Warren Messer
Here is a picture of a model of my Roar2
"Metallic Voodoo". I'll have the full sized
boat in a while..

Steve Chambers
Jeanneau 54DS
Hello Chuck! as a first project for
an amateur modelboat builder, I was
wondering if you had any interest in publishing something
on my project. Here attached a picture of the actual
state of my work. After 3 years and over 800 hours,
I am starting to see light at the end of the tunnel.
Finishing and painting the roof, cockpit, adding rc
control and gear should require and additional 150

The goal of that model was to build
a replica at a 1/16 scale but that would also offer
acceptable performance for sailing (not for competition).
It is a Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 54 DS. I do have over
one hundred pictures of the different construction
steps. Let me know if you are interested and maybe
we can work out something for
Best regards
Gilles Brouillette
Whew, what
a ride!
This was posted
in the electronic version of Latitude
Mystery Solved
November 5, 2007 - Marshall Islands
In the August 10 edition of 'Lectronic we wondered
about the origins of a 'Mystery Boat' washed up on
an outer island of the Marshalls. We received several
colorful theories which we ran in November's Loose
Lips. They were all wrong.
Just as we were finishing up this edition of 'Lectronic,
Sausalito historian Derek Van Loan strolled in with
the facts. Van Loan, who's lived and worked in Sausalito
since 1967, literally wrote the book on Sausalito's
waterfront stories (conveniently titled Sausalito
Waterfront Stories, now out of print - any publishers
out there?) and recalls Larry 'The Wizard' Greetz

The 25-ft dory Disko was sailed to the Marquesas by
Larry 'The Wizard' Greetz in the early '80s.
Photo Courtesy Moana
© 2007 Latitude 38 Publishing Co., Inc.
"The Wizard may have been crazy, but he was
not stupid," Van Loan wrote in his book. "He
traded [his 36-ft lifeboat] straight across for Disko,
a 25-ft dory sailboat built by Herb Manley."
Van Loan goes on to relate his experience in teaching
The Wizard to sail Disko in 1979, and that he was
vociferous in his goal to sail to the Marquesas.
"There came a day when everyone noticed that
they hadn't seen The Wizard in awhile." The commonly
held theory was that he had been sent back to the
"funny farm." For months, no one knew what
became of the wharf rat, then "The Wizard reappeared
as suddenly as he had departed. I noticed the white
coral scars that covered his body, and his missing
ear." Though Greetz was more interested in talking
about his new goal of becoming the "champion
weightlifter of the world," Van Loan managed
to get the story out of him.
Greetz believed "they" were after him so
he left Sausalito under the cover of darkness, headed
for the Marquesas. "I sailed and I sailed,"
he told Van Loan. "I ran out of food, so I caught
fish. My hooks rusted away and I had no more food.
Then a seabird landed on my bow. I ate him, feathers
and all. I sailed on. I was a dead man in my coffin.
Then one day my boat stopped. I was on a coral reef!"
It seems he'd drifted for five months until he reached
the islands he so desperately sought. He was badly
cut swimming to shore from the reef and, once there,
lived on cockroaches until he was discovered. "The
Wizard was then airmailed to Los Angeles and the psych
ward became home. It was there that a fellow inmate
chewed his ear off."
This just goes to prove that truth really is crazier
than fiction.
Submitted by Chris Ostlind
Hello from Minnesota!
This is John from the lake pepin messabout with the
orange mouseboat Goldfish. I also now have a 2 tone
pink 12 foot chugger boat named Think Pink. It has
a circle of plywood with the pink panther face woodburned
on it mounted on the front as a figurehead. It says
think pink in black letters on the back, and there
are 3 more woodburnings of the pink panther on it.
It has the bunk in it but no table cut
out. I like the storage area bigger and also the bunk
bigger. I installed plexiglass windows; non opening.
It is built according to the plans off the website,
no changes. I used Pl adhesive and sheet rock screws
and XORUST paint over Kilz drywall primer. No fiberglass
anywhere! I am putting up curtains of pink panther
cloth from Walmart on all windows and a pink cloth
door. I am working on a frame of pvc pipe and gray
vinyl for a sun roof.
I installed 2 speakers and a walkman
type cd radio in the cabin, not very loud but cheap!
There is a first aid kit, fire extinguisher, portable
clamp on running lights (not used yet), a net over
the storage area from an old car trunk. Two seats
in the cockpit sealed up with yellow foam insulation
like for a house wall, also most of the bunk area
is sealed up with foam under,it should be unsinkable
( better than the titanic!). I am using two red throw
cushions for a seat now. I am experimenting to find
the best seat material. I have 4 16inch white fenders
from walmart not on yet. I have been on 5 lakes so
far including a wild ride on Mille Lacs Lake, NEVER

I am using my father in laws 1969 6
horse evinrude, with a 6 gallon platic tank. I also
have a 12 pound mushroom anchor and 50 feet of line,
stored in a cat litter box. it fits real snug between
the seat and rear transom. The ride is pretty stable
even in the waves. With the 6 I can almost get on
plane. I don't know how fast it goes but we had 2
larger adults and full gear and still went pretty
good. It is very manuverable, turns in it's own space,
and doing donuts is fun! I think a 10 horse would
be ideal, and that is what I'm aiming for next year.
I want to take it on the mississippi and I think I
need a little more power! Next summer we try out the
camping mode. It is a very cute boat, a head turner,
a one of a kind. pink fun boat!!! Bye for now John.
Hi Chuck,
I was sorting though some pictures and found a few
of my Trover shortly after the 25hp
Yamaha was fitted. I just thought I'd send them along,
if you find a use then it's all good, otherwise no
harm done. They were taken on lake Wakatipu three
at Frankton, New Zealand and one in Queenstown, the
red boat in Queenstown bay is NZL14 which takes tourists
for sailing trips across the lake.
Skagit Boats
I wanted to send the beginning restoration article
for my Skagit 20 Express. I also wanted to send a
history of Skagit so everyone
would know how great these old girls really were.
I realize that Duckworks is primarily a wood boat
DIY world and there may be some here who look at plastic
boats as abominations of the waterways. I have felt
that way a time or two but quickly realized the fun
factor in having a piece of history in my garage.
Below are images of my Skagit 20 in the "just
rescued" condition. I hope as I go along, others
will begin to look closer at these relics of the past
and search for one to call their own.
Just rescued implies the stage of restoration
where a guy drags the poor animal home with semi-flat
tires, no trailer registration and dodging the police
at every intersection. It adds to the excitement of
it all. :o)
Mike Russon
I recently sent this pic as proof of
stability to a guy who was interested in Pathfinder.
All of those three guys are over 220 lbs, and the
boat took two more before the rail was down.
John Welsford

Norwalk Island 23
This is photo of a model I built. A Norwalk Island

Kilburn Adams
I didn’t build this boat, but
have been maintaining her for 20 years. Evangeline
is an L. Francis Herreshoff Rozinante (yawl) though
really a ketch. (See Rozinante.org)
It was built by Smith and Rhuland, Lunenburg Nova
Scotia in 1967 with Eastern white pine on oak, bronze
fastened, Sitka spruce spars. Jo and I sail her
out of North Saanich, Vancouver Island, British
Columbia, Canada with two Portuguese Water Dogs
as crew.
She’s just a big sweet canoe with 3360 lbs
of lead ballast. J
George Kruzynski