Stripper Troutboat
I am really close on the stripper
trout boat. Final sanding is
done (finally). No more wood work left. I
am about to giving it a real good cleaning
and then start final paint and varnish. I
don’t have a recent photo - but here
are some I took a couple weeks ago. I just
laid the slats on the bench and step to see
if that was the way I wanted to go. I think
woven seats would be very appropriate on this
boat and I just may go back and do that -
if I find time to learn to do that.
The front bench turned out to be a requirement
- there was nothing up there to hold the shape
of the bow so the sides straightened out - looked
funny to me. So, I muscled it back with the
bench thwarts (with load spreaders to prevent
bulges in the thin sides). Also added scuppers
and inwales to the front that match the back
section. Result - a very stiff 18 footer that
I bet my eye teeth is going to be nice on the
Anyway, I am enjoying this last little bit
of detail work and will take my time to give
the boat the best finish I can. Should be finished
in a couple of weeks. I will let the paint and
varnish set up while I build a trailer. Then
I expect some years of fun scratching and gouging
and beating the thing up!
Official launching will be at the Russellville
Larry Pullon
Successful sail of
my Piccup Squared
I had a chance to sail the Piccup
Squared this weekend.
The boat sails beautifully. It points quite
high into the wind and sails at all other points
very well.
This I credit largely to the sail we got from
Duckworks. I am very pleased with the sail and
believe it performs at least as well as the
Bhondell sail I have for my AF3. Thanks for
all of you help in getting the sail to me so
I have attached a few pictures to this email.
Chris Feller
Laura's in the Water
Had Laura
Bay out on Sunday with some friends.
For a 9.5 foot boat she handles very well. Nick
thought that she was "over oared"
with the oars I had, as he thought she went
very fast. Will try to take her sailing today
if the wind comes up and I can find someone
to take some photos. The moving middle seat
works great and I will probably make some slight
changes to it's construction. The lower gudgeon
also needs to be raised and inch or so too.
Form is a Function
of Sharpie in action
This picture is
the Eastern Shore Stickup. This is the 'flattie'
model of this skiff. The model shown here has
deadrise in the stern only, and represents a
transitional type between the pure flat-bottomed
sharpie and the deadrise, or V-bottom, skiff
(small craft), and skipjack and bateaux (large
craft). Another of this type is represented
by the 24' Chesapeake Flattie. The 18'
Modified Sharpie Skiff is an example of the
next stage of evolution on the Chesapeake.
I wrote an article for Wooden Boat Magazine
about UNICORN, which I built in Key West, and
which performed beyond my wildest dreams...
she planed to windward! The source for this
vessel is Fig. 113, American Small Sailing Craft.
vincent p. walter
reporting on my first boat building endeavor
Chuck and Sandra,
Thanks for getting my order out to me so quickly.
The epoxy kit came in especially handy when
the float test revealed a small manufacturing
defect in the middle of the luan plywood.
I also wanted to pass on some photos of my newly
constructed and launched Bolger Big Tortoise.
I scaled up the plans from Dynamite's New Instant
Boats to 8'x4'. I added a forward frame; it
just seemed to need it.
I changed the sailplan increasing
the sail area to about 65 sq ft. I made my own
poly tarp balanced lug sail using a slick method
that David Beede describes on his great site,
using PVC C-clips.
It still needs some finishing
work to be done and some refinements but I just
had to get it on the water for our vacation
in Vermont the first week of August.
My Son must have asked me a million questions
while we were out there in the light air that
day. It was awesome!
Next up is a One-Sheeter for the kids for next
Thanks for the great insipiration!
Pic, by courtesy of Tor, from todays boating.
This is what it looks like a bit out from main
land here. Just a bit further out it´s
just heaps of stone emerging.

Collar & Sleeve
duckworks supplied oar collars have been cut
down and installed "backwards" using
hoseclamps over the cladding off a pair of carlisle
oars. - Harris
Tahitiana Plans
Hi, I received the Tahitiana
plans! After building a 28' wooden cutter, reviewing
the plans and planning for the build has to
be one of the most enjoyable aspects of the
process. I am debating as to whether to take
on such a task again! If and when I do take
on this build I would be glad to keep you informed!
See attached photos of my cutter, it only took
me seven years! Thanks, Marc.

Ahoy! I don't know any details
about this - only it is a rare picture of a
shanty underway! She is making pretty good headway
too. Surely there are normally several bikini
clad crewmembers on the flybridge - I can only
assume they are below performing their duties
while the boat is underway!
New WoodPussy built of fiberglass in 36+ years
FLASH! - Brian Weeks of the Frank M. Weeks Yacht
Yard www.wpcatboats.com
Patchogue NY (Long Island) separated the first
new WoodPussy built of fiberglass from 36 year
old molds skillfully restored at his yard. These
boats are once again available for day sailing
and racing sailors who until now have had great
difficulty locating them.
Brian Weeks will
sail this first prototype at the Catboat Regatta
in Sayville Sept. 9, at the NorthEast WoodPussy
Association (NEWPA ) Regatta on OAK ISLAND Sept.
10 and at the Solo Bowl in NJ on Sept. 16.
Thank you to
Stephen Smith, (fleet Capt. - Monmouth boat
Club (MBC) for coming from NJ and providing
these photos.
Special thanks also to Margo Hoffman Lane and
her husband "Will" who protected the
molds since they brought them back from Indiana
in 1998 (Culver Military Academy).
Bill Madsen,
(NEWPA fleet Capt.) his son Eric, Dick and Gerry
Bracken (NEWPA) , Ian (NEWPA fleet measurer)
and Jane Byrd McCurdy and Tony DEloia (NEWPA
secty/treas) represented the NorthEastern WoodPussy
Tony D'Eloia
A setback
as the Eventide lists to port.

The Brits have such a way with
words - When things go wrong.....
Picara Pictures
Got a few pictures of my project "with
the paint on". Sorry it has taken so long.The
project has begun to move ahead again as I try
to work a couple hours each day.
David Davis
Chuck & Sandra,
Hope you guys are doing well.
We are in the midst of revamping a Bolger Topaz
we bought from Sam Glasscock. We love it. Standing
headroom, nearly 360 degree view, and enough
room to live in comfort a week.
It's been quite
an adventure painting and sanding in the dog
days of summer, trying to second guess the evening
rainstorms. Here are a couple of pictures of
the remodel in progress.
Dianne's gorgeous
roof refinish and paint job. And our new color
scheme for the outside. The lighter blue at
the waterline is masking tape which we will
remove before painting a white stripe there.
We will trim the windows with the wine/red color
and do the deck and rubrails white also. Quite
a job but the end is near.
See you around
Rhett David
the other half lives
We're helping a friend move his 42' Ponderosa
motor yacht through the Chicago and Illinois
river locks. Three days of "how the other
half" lives. Hard to tell we're traveling
on a boat.
This boat has
internet on board as well as washer/dryer, ice
maker, shower/little tub with water heater,
stand-up refer/freezer, air conditioner and
so much more. What, you mean your boat doesn't
have an ice maker? Oh, well, if there weren't
poor boaters like you how could we be so exclusive?
Ta, ta from the other half. I'll send photos.
Master Lee Martin, esq.
featuring outboard motors, houseboats,
We are contacting you to inform you of an upcoming
auction which will be featuring outboard motors,
houseboats, and tons of miscellaneous marine
hardware and parts. This auction is huge!!!
We have attached a couple of photos of outboard
motors and the houseboats. The auction will
be held in Red Wing, MN (which is an hour drive
south of St. Paul/Minneapolis), on September
23, 2006, beginning at 10:00 am.

If you would like more information and directions,
please contact us via email, alsantiquemall@hotmail.com;
at our toll-free number, (888) 388-0572; Here
is a list of marine items to be auctioned off:
MARINE COLLECTIBLIES: 10ft sailboat, 26x14ft
pontoon w/cabin on trailer, 2 Wetjet jet skis
made in Paynesville, MN, Evenrude 33hp Ski Twin
Outboard motor, 1956 MERCURY HURRICANE 10HP
King 1hp motor, Sea King red & white 3hp
outboard motor, Mercury 400 motor (as is), 4
cylinder Lehman diesel Marus engine w/paragon
trans, Chrysler Fury 210 marine engine as is,
Brut Model BA44L1 432cc; 40X12 1/2ft concrete
boat hull for salvage; outboard motor gas tanks,
stauds; boat air horns, anchors, bumpers, coolers,
hooks, ladders, controls, new in the box seats,
steering wheels, trailer parts, brass hardware,
pulleys, tie downs, oars, oar locks, running
gear, portholes, spotlights, ship wheel &
Thank You!
Al's Antique Mall
512 Plum Street
Red Wing, MN 55066
(651) 388-0572
(888) 388-0572
Guard Auxiliary to showcase Lifejacket Cat Walk
at National Conference
Dallas, TX - The United States Coast
Guard Auxiliary will be holding its annual National
Conference from 31 August to 3 September in
Dallas, Texas.
In order to highlight the need for all boaters
to wear lifejackets, the Conference will feature
a "Save a Life" Lifejacket Fashion
Show on Friday, September 1 at the Westin Park
Central Hotel's pool at Noon.
Lifejackets can save your life. According to
the latest USCG Recreational Boating Accident
Statistics (2004) shows that 90% of all drowning
victims were not wearing their lifejacket. Most
victims drown within close proximity of safety.
The difference between life and death is often
the result of wearing a lifejacket.
Properly fitting lifejackets are especially
important for younger boaters, so 8 of the 13
models involved in the show will be children.
A common mistake made by boaters is to try to
put an adult lifejacket on a child. If the child
ends up in the water, chances are they will
slip out of the lifejacket, defeating the purpose.
Lifejackets, also known as Personal Flotation
Devices or PFDs are now made in a variety of
sizes, shapes, types and price ranges. With
the help of DMG Model & Talent Management
Agency of Dallas, the Coast Guard Auxiliary
will have a range of professional models, men
and women, youngsters and adults, to show the
many kinds of lifejackets available.
All models have donated their time and energy
to assist the Coast Guard Auxiliary in promoting
PFD awareness.
Again, the "Save a Life" Lifejacket
Fashion Show will be held:
Friday, September 1, 2006 at 12:00PM (Noon)
Westin Park Central Hotel
Poolside (3rd Floor)
12720 Merit Drive
Dallas, Texas
The United States Coast Guard Auxiliary is
composed of uniformed, non-military volunteer's
who assist the Coast Guard in all of its varied
missions, except for military and direct law
enforcement. These men and women can be found
on the nation's waterways, in the air, in classrooms
and on the dock, performing Maritime Domain
Awareness patrols, safety patrols, vessel safety
checks and public education.
The United States Coast Guard Auxiliary was
founded in 1939 by an Act of Congress as the
U.S. Coast Guard Reserve and re-designated as
the Auxiliary in 1941. Its 30,000 members donate
millions of hours annually in support of Coast
Guard missions.
For more information on the United States Coast
Guard Auxiliary, visit us at www.cgaux.org. |