We're helping a friend move his 42' Ponderosa
motor yacht through the Chicago and Illinois
river locks. Three days of "how the other
half" lives. Hard to tell we're traveling
on a boat.
This boat has internet on board as well as
washer/dryer, ice maker, shower/little tub with
water heater, stand-up refer/freezer, air conditioner
and so much more. What, you mean you're boat
doesn't have an ice maker? Oh, well, if there
weren't poor boaters like you how could we be
so exclusive? Ta, ta from the other half. I'll
send photos. Master Lee Martin, esq. |
Hi Chuck and Sandra,
Dianne and I are steadily working trying to
get the boat finished so we can get back on
the water. We were hoping to launch by our wedding
anniversary (Sept 24) but we may not make it.
The Behr Porch paint is working great, but
it has been so humid and rainy the last couple
of months that it still hasn't hardened enough
for rough use. We still have a long list of
things to do. Mostly on the inside. Will update
more on interior improvements later.
Thanks for Duckworks. A great gathering hall
for a great group of people (boatbuilders) Let's
face it. Duckworks magazine is a virtual messabout!
Rav Davis
Georgia |
Lightning Protection
on Sailboats
I thought you might find this PDF
file interesting and even post
it on the site... very timely! - Bill Tosh
Hello all,
Some quick pics from our vacation on Oak Island,
N.C. this August.
Paul designed and build a deck tent for Jeff
Gilbert's Roonio.
We camped out and slept on board. More info
to follow.
Paul will be writing an article about the
design/making/use of the deck tent soon.
Un Abrazo,
Bill Moffitt
I thought I would share a picture of a Dynamite
Payson designed June Bug sailboat. The picture
turned out pretty good and hopefully you could
include it on the web site.
The picture shows myself and family members
on the boat I finished this year. I removed
the sail and put on a 4.5 hp Sears outboad engine
I have. It goes a long very well.
Jeff LaFlame
Akron, OH |
Here are some pictures from just last night.
Interior is moving along well. She is about
ready for decks and seat tops and will be at
the Arkansas Messabout on September 22-24 in
some form or fashion. It is a stretched, Michalak
Toon2 below the waterline. Above the waterline,
it is inspired by Michalak's daysailers. The
rig is my rendition of Bolger's standing lug
(Rig no. 16 from 101 Sail Rigs).
Phil |
We got it wet today.... did fine, motor runs
smooth.... kids loved it.
Still has a nasty leak in the rear of on pontoon
Not a problem. A little more patching should
fix her right up.... Have the BarBe-Q aboard
next trip.
Captain Tom
OK the boat is done. I am waiting on Game and
Fish to give me a vehicle number so I can get
it registered. You can see now how it fits on
the trailer - backwards. This will allow me
to leave the motor on all the time and I can
fold/unfold single handed on the trailer. Also
you can see the bolts that hold the hull open
- same system I used on Longjon.
I will put all this stuff together for you after
she gets wet!
Larry |
Here are pictures from the sea trials of our
latest boat, a 20' Rialto Runnabout. It is Mahogany
and TEK with Epoxy.
Robert Mancuso, New Zealand
We got this letter
a while back...
this the last photo of this guy
Charles Belknap
Vice President for Community Development
National Mental Health Association of Greater
Los Angeles
Long Beach CA
Here are some shots taken by my wife a couple
of weeks ago of a boat on the island of Kos
(sometimes spelled Cos ), which is in the eastern
Aegean way over near the southern coast of Turkey.
Thought it was interesting and that you might
also find it so.
click to enlarge |
It appears to be a fishing boat, but she says
there are few fish to be had in any of the Greek
islands they visited. The ones on restaurant
menus are very small, almost sardine sized,
and expensive, although squid is plentiful and
She also commented on the absence of any observable
marine life in the water, and on the scarcity
of aquatic birds. There has no doubt been very
heavy fishing pressure on those waters for a
very long time, and perhaps they have simply
been over-fished to the point of virtually total
If any Duckworthians or Messabites out there
have any actual knowledge of the straight skinny
on this, I’d be interested in hearing
from them.
Happy Trails and Smooth Sailing,
Tyson - pgochnour(at)aol.com |
is a picture of some Pirogues I
made. |

Hi Chuck,
How’s things? Just thought you may be
interested; or some of your readers might be…
I have some GPS units available at my storefront
for a pretty good price. You can have a look
GPS 100
GPS 500
Joseph Murray |
It's coming up to that time
of the year again and as you take your sails
off the boat this time we wanted to remind
you to do what you forgot to do last year,
Again this year we are offering our Annual
Fall 15% Discount Cleaning Special that starts
October 1st and runs till the end of the year,
December 31st.
Again this is the only cleaning special we
will run all year and if your email stays
the same you will get this reminder each and
every year.
SOOO, get those DIRTY SAILS off the boat,
box them up and get'em to us in time to take
advantage of the FALL 15% SPECIAL.
Also continue to check out our Web
site as we continue to add new
products and items throughout the year. Our
current catalogue has most of the items we
offer and is available on line where you can
request a copy of pick up the phone and give
us a call.
So don't wait until it's too late, get your
sails off the boat and off to Sail Care, We
Put The Wind Back In Your Sails!
410 9th Street
Ford City, PA 16226
800 433 7245 - FX 724 763 2229
Coast Guard Auxiliary
to showcase Lifejacket Cat Walk
at National Conference
Dallas, TX - The United States Coast Guard
Auxiliary will be holding its annual National
Conference from 31 August to 3 September in
Dallas, Texas.
In order to highlight the need for all boaters
to wear lifejackets, the Conference will feature
a "Save a Life" Lifejacket Fashion
Show on Friday, September 1 at the Westin Park
Central Hotel's pool at Noon.
Lifejackets can save your life. According to
the latest USCG Recreational Boating Accident
Statistics (2004) shows that 90% of all drowning
victims were not wearing their lifejacket. Most
victims drown within close proximity of safety.
The difference between life and death is often
the result of wearing a lifejacket.
Properly fitting lifejackets are especially
important for younger boaters, so 8 of the 13
models involved in the show will be children.
A common mistake made by boaters is to try to
put an adult lifejacket on a child. If the child
ends up in the water, chances are they will
slip out of the lifejacket, defeating the purpose.
Lifejackets, also known as Personal Flotation
Devices or PFDs are now made in a variety of
sizes, shapes, types and price ranges. With
the help of DMG Model & Talent Management
Agency of Dallas, the Coast Guard Auxiliary
will have a range of professional models, men
and women, youngsters and adults, to show the
many kinds of lifejackets available.
All models have donated their time and energy
to assist the Coast Guard Auxiliary in promoting
PFD awareness.
Again, the "Save a Life" Lifejacket
Fashion Show will be held:
Friday, September 1, 2006 at 12:00PM (Noon)
Westin Park Central Hotel
Poolside (3rd Floor)
12720 Merit Drive
Dallas, Texas
The United States Coast Guard Auxiliary
is composed of uniformed, non-military volunteer's
who assist the Coast Guard in all of its varied
missions, except for military and direct law
enforcement. These men and women can be found
on the nation's waterways, in the air, in
classrooms and on the dock, performing Maritime
Domain Awareness patrols, safety patrols,
vessel safety checks and public education.
The United States Coast Guard Auxiliary
was founded in 1939 by an Act of Congress
as the U.S. Coast Guard Reserve and re-designated
as the Auxiliary in 1941. Its 30,000 members
donate millions of hours annually in support
of Coast Guard missions.
For more information on the United States
Coast Guard Auxiliary, visit us at www.cgaux.org.